Solo: A Conspiracy Theory

What if this is Kathleen Kennedy’s covert way of ending focus on (white) men in Stars Wars?

They’ve had some pretty major success with the past 3 movies, so they can probably afford a flop.

So she sets up a failure, maybe even told Lord and Miller in private to do what they wanted and waited for the snitch. Then when the snitching happens, really lays her fist down, but not really. Let’s them finish the movie and then fires them.

Blows an equal amount of the budget on making the movie again with a yes man.

And there is all of this negative press around the movie.

Then when the movie bombs, market research will show that Star Wars movies with white male leads just aren’t profitable anymore.

Kathleen Kennedy doesn’t want (white) men in her Star Wars, the force is female after all.

Good, maybe the manchildren will grow up.

What if I didn't read anything you wrote?

losing hundreds of millions is not part of their plan

>sabotaging a major movie with a jewish lead "discovered" by Spielberg

I doubt it. Too elaborate for something so trivial.

But what about the Jews ?

That's not the actual poster is it?

pls no

Yes it is.

I dont think so

will there ever be a time where things turn around again or we doomed to a thousand year matriarchal Reich?

It’s true, all of it

Of course not, Twi'leks and Rhodians aren't allowed into NuWars.

There's no way the Mouse would allow that. They didn't buy SW for any other reason but to make money. As long as SW makes money they'll humor Kennedy's whims, but not to the extent of allowing her to produce a flop.

the fucking actors arent even the same so of course not you dumb faggot

You're a fucking retard

choosing to believe this one. sorry not persuasive enough

The lead isn't white

Jews are white when it suits ((them))

That's the plan. But it has the fundamental flaw that there's no replacement market or demographic.

Tentpole HW has been running on the white, male 18 - 49 demographic for 30 years at least now.
They are literally the demographic that likes to go see movies on the reg then buy the shit on DVD afterwards.

Girls just go with their bfs or gangs of other kids. But they don't actually care.
Maybe one movie a year will attract a big female audience for whatever reason.
Everything else will either flop or do mediocre business.

Hijacking SW etc was an attempt to get that male audience attending female-centric and diversity infused (anti-white male) content. Which is failing. So now they have to pretend like they were intending to "flush out" a tapped out market in favor of a non-existent (ever, ever, ever) replacement audience.

The same shit happened with comics. All the SJW infested shit just doesn't sell and never will.
And not only is it not attracting a "new audience" it's actively turning away audiences who turn up to
comic stores looking to read the latest Iron Man or Thor comic after seeing the movies only to find
that they're chicks, muslims and niggers now. So they walk out with no purchases.

I feel like they desperately want to tap into that female market because they spend absurd amounts of money compared to males if you factor in everything. The thing they don't get is that women only spend their money on certain shit and they will never be interested in films, comics, and all the merch that goes with them the way the traditional male demographic did. It's a shame too, because if they hadn't tried this, they would have made a mint from all the old school fans who made Lucas rich in the first place. Now they've alienated that lucrative market in favor of one that was never going to buy shit in the first place. Well done.

I have heard this before, but someone please eggsplain, I know Twileks are sex slaves, but to what extent are they b&?


I can't wait to watch Emilia Clarke do the Kessel Run

Solo is going to put so many companies in a bind because it's going to be an absolute flaming garbage wreck, but everyone is going to have to say how great it is.

Would Disney even know what pazaak is?

In this movie we will find out that Lando Calrissian and Han Solo actually switched bodies in their youth. That's why they joke about how the Falcon was Lando's ship once. In reality it always belonged to Han but now Han lives in the body of a white man. At heart though during all the OT adventures Han Solo was a black man.
Screencap this.

Donald Glover as Lando lmfao

literally only hardcore SJWs and P*ltards think that jews aren't white.

Which one are you?

I don't know but if true, is one of the best. Or least worst.

KK worked for him for decades, maybe she wants revenge for everytime she had an idea and Spielberg told her to shut up and keep sucking

So Leia got BLACKED. It's about time.

The whole "Solo is going to flop" thing is just marketing. They want to create a gigantic controversy around the film.

Something looked off about this photo, so I googled it to see if it was shopped, but it's actually real. Why does this poster seem so off to me?

>but to what extent are they b&?

Have you seen a single Twi'lek in any of the NuWars movies? The point is Disney despises aliens in their sci-fi movies because it takes the focus away from the fact an actor is a strong female human or "important and inspirational" colored man.

Don't ruin the narrative for the special fuck of an op

I thought it may be the other way in fact. They might cut all the shit with Emilia Clarke just not to make it so cringy. Maybe they even want to give the vibes from the old good Han.

>They might cut all the shit with Emilia Clarke just not to make it so cringy

Emilia Clarke is such a bad actress, what is she even going to do when Game of Thrones putters out?

nope its a fan poster

There's no conspiracy, It's because she's an incompetent retard.
There will still be the subversive bullshit, and if we follow the formula chances are Han is supposed to be the second fiddle to Emilia and/or Lando, who will steal all his iconic lines and actions.

There is no way in fuck she'd deliberately sabotage the movie after the fiasco of TLJ, because Disney will hit the fucking roof when they realise they've alienated EVEN MORE people from watching a franchise they still haven't finished paying for yet.
The Star Wars name is at its worst point yet. It's never been this poorly regarded, even after attack of the clones, and Disney desperately needs to reverse this in order for future movies and spin offs, which they want to churn out year after year, to be profitable.
Unlike the last Jedi, where Rian is taking most of the flak, Kennedy has very publicly fucked about with the production. She can't pass the buck on this one. If this movie does poorly and damages the brand further, then She will have significant loss of influence and there's a real chance Kennedy will lose her job.

Take off the tin foil hat and think for a second, OP.

should could become an escort like Lindsay Lohan

So is pre-release damage control? Damn, did George cursed Star Wars before selling to Disney because I never saw this much of shit in any franchise.

Maybe it was actually a Faustian Deal, where Disney gets 5 years of success and then deals with it all crashing down.
Naturally, in their arrogance, they thought they could cheat Lucas and carry on, but he's taking his tithe regardless.

>There is no way in fuck she'd deliberately sabotage the movie after the fiasco of TLJ

Concurrent production.


what accept that han solo is a fictional character and its a choice of yours to see the movie or not?

>when the movie bombs, market research will show that Star Wars movies with white male leads just aren’t profitable anymore.

>There's no way the Mouse would allow that.

Based on comments in interviews from both Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger, I have to imagine that KK pitched her intention to take the franchise in a New and Diverse direction in terms of increasing marketability. She and Kiri Hart might have personally had cultural marxist motivations, but in the board room, they spoke the language of the CEO: profit based business ethics.

Bob Iger's greed, Vast, Cool and Unsympathetic as it is, led him to greenlight Kathleen Kennedy's creative decisions. However, that same Greed is now regarding the numbers for The Last Jedi and the projections for Han Solo, neither of which are good for the franchise's longevity. In his own words, Bob Iger makes decisions based, first and foremost, on what's important to the Company. If market research shows that excessive catering to a fringe Progressive demographic is diminishing the value of a significant IP investment, I have to imagine he'll step in and bring KK to heel, or even move to replace her. Kennedy turning around claiming that she was only pretending to be retarded might not be enough to save her.

He's still a filthy kike, who probably blackmailed George Lucas into selling, but he doesn't seem as interested in cultural subversion as some of his employees. He has a mind focused on profit

the three aliens in the middle are from nu wars battlefront

I agree with you, but I think the Ron Howard cut is being reshoot after the TLJ because they had similar themes and tones and now Disney is trying to make it a lesser flop. If Solo fails too much, IX is dead

well then you are truly lost


Might as well not watch any films or television shows then.

thats not a white person, that is a jew in the new solo movie. Jews under US law are a separate race due to how inbred the jews are which was proven back in the 18-70s or something in a court case.