I don't get it

I don't get it.


It would be funnier if it said "No meat touching ma'am"

Bitch reads one Kafka novel and suddenly she thinks her whole life is a tale of tortured existentialism.

This show would be huge nowadays if it aired on Netflix

looks more dickensian to me tbqhmf

I wish I was taller

I know for a little brainlet like your self sophisticated humor, such as this is, of a caliber above you but do try to exercise that peanut sized muscle you foolishly call a brain and follow along as a I explain for you. You see, what the woman is pointing out as 'Kafkaesque' is nothing in the picture but the whole picture in and of itself. If you examine the image the slab of meat the woman is pointing at is shaded the same exact way as her hair. as are several other objects in the image. Now I hope you understand what is exactly 'Kafkaesque'

It's CrrrAAaAzAAy

It's making fun of the fact that the meat is actually Lovecraftian, and she's uneducated and can't tell the difference.

i'm tall

it's ok but i mean it's nothing next to the feeling of eating like a really nice 'za or a cup of joe in the morning

I don't get it.

*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your deduction, I mean. It's not bad. A pedestrian attempt.

But the big boys know that the concept of an esoteric joke is a paradox.


Waaaaaaay too lovecraftian sweetie


What's he holding?
A steamed ham?

why is she wearing meat on her head wrists and feet

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Mission Hill...

Very sneedsian of you.

Basically it's a simple joke, when we look at prehistoric tools used by humans we understand them but now imagine if cows had evolved and what primitive tools they would have used, that is the joke

Christ, what an asshole.

>pizza in the morning

I hate this meme. Pizza tastes like shit as a breakfast food, especially cold pizza

positively brobdingnagian

you don't get it because there is nothing amusing about it
