

Holy shit, why don't they just drop it at this point.

>why don't they just drop it at this point
Because disney is using a two-pronged attack pattern to get maximum shekels.

They will be using the main star wars movies for normie sjw pandering and indoctrination of children.
The "side story" movies will all be used to placate the oldfags, like they did with Rogue One. They will be more about aesthetics and world building.

just fucking cancel it. what's the point

They need to take it out back and reshoot it out of its misery.

The absolute state of Disney

Can the movie even recoup its budget at this point with all these reshoots added?

Why dont they make games for oldfags then? I will not buy anything made by EA

I need to stop consorting with retarded Disney apologists. I posted an article about Disney expecting a loss on Solo on Facebook, and ever since then all they do is mockingly misquote me because it. I haven't talked to them in like 2 weeks and they are still making fun of me.

I was indifferent about Solo but now I hope the movie bombs spectacularly just to spite them.

Probably, especially when the marketing budget seems to be zero dollars. Remember TFA, R1, and TLJ, when they put Star Wars on everything, even Salad? Where's my Qi'Ra Cabbage, Disney? Plus, Disney can afford a couple million in damages.

They seem to be intentionally seeking to destroy Solo's box office by running it up against Avengers: The Next One, knowing it's better to quietly recoup its budget, or even lose money, than it is to poison the brand.

It's especially bad, since TLJ came into surprisingly bad feedback. They've known Solo is going to suck, but TLJ was supposed to be well received. Now, they can either bite the bullet and have Solo trashed by critics and Fans, or they can further push their luck by having the Media shill even harder.

Nope. They already expect it to flop. Which begs the question why even release it then


It pisses me off niggers still buy from EA. The whole industry is shit now.

Look at the top of his head.

I'm sorry, Ron. But at least now you know.

Half his face is a chalk board. Jesus Christ, are they going to recast him now? We at least need a Chad to do Solo..

>they'll probably remove the wheels in post-processing like they did in episode IV to give it that weird retro "bumpy hovering" effect.

>The "side story" movies will all be used to placate the oldfags, like they did with Rogue One
Rogue 1 was fucking garbage

Propose Whedon quips for the reshoots.

I think they have to.

>Option A: -250,000,000
>Option B: -250,000,000-250,000,000+700,000,000=250,000,000

See how release the movie is better? I totally made up the numbers but i feel they are at least mildly close to reality. And even if all the costs are more than what they make they probably would still lose less money than just not releasing it.

It's weird how the concept of wheels doesn't apply to the future.

Fuck of disney cock sucking facebook fag

The strategy of releasing Solo in the shadow of The Avengers seems less now like a calculated attempt to appeal to the widest variety of audiences for the financial quarter than an attempt to sweep it under the rug and hope it disappears on the balance sheet under the Marvel studio's success.

Wheels are definitely flawed, but you'd think a future vehicle would have those cool spherical wheels instead.
Hovering was cool in the 70s

oh no no no is probably my favorite meme of all time and cracks me up every time

Maybe they are trying to figure out what people like the most. And maybe even give bigger budgets and work harder on that series.

How is disney so big now they are competing with themself? How is this not too close to a monopoly?

It isn't a monopoly because nothing mandates theaters to run these shitty films if they don't want to; just producing them is entirely neutral; it's the pattern of monopolizing display which would be potentially injurious to competition.



Better hope Avengers is good. There has only been diminishing returns since the original back in 2012.
>Avengers: $1.5 billion
>Age of Ultron: $1.4 billion
>Civil War: $1.1 billion

>a long time ago

I gotta warn you. The whole "Solo is going to be a disaster" story is just Disney marketing.

They want to create a big controversy around this film. They wan't people constantly talking about it. Even if it is bad. It's the "all press is good press" analogy.

We're going to see topics like this one non stop. They really helped TLJ, which is closing in on $1.3 Billion. It will work for Solo too.

>it's the pattern of monopolizing display which would be potentially injurious to competition.

Yeah I'm sure that movie studios have no friends in the cinema business

Gamers will buy literally anything no matter how many times the big publishers shit in their mouths. I play a lot of video games and honestly most people who play games are functionally retarded

>I will not buy anything made by EA
Nice to see others catching on

Somebody's going to hang over this; I just hope to fuck it's Kennedy and her bullshit story team rather than some lower-level Lucasfilm scapegoat.

They are really quite separate; it's one of the oldest traditions in the business and why the MPAA exists rather than some kind of federal oversight body.