

Holy shit, why don't they just drop it at this point.

>why don't they just drop it at this point
Because disney is using a two-pronged attack pattern to get maximum shekels.

They will be using the main star wars movies for normie sjw pandering and indoctrination of children.
The "side story" movies will all be used to placate the oldfags, like they did with Rogue One. They will be more about aesthetics and world building.

just fucking cancel it. what's the point

They need to take it out back and reshoot it out of its misery.

The absolute state of Disney

Can the movie even recoup its budget at this point with all these reshoots added?

Why dont they make games for oldfags then? I will not buy anything made by EA

I need to stop consorting with retarded Disney apologists. I posted an article about Disney expecting a loss on Solo on Facebook, and ever since then all they do is mockingly misquote me because it. I haven't talked to them in like 2 weeks and they are still making fun of me.

I was indifferent about Solo but now I hope the movie bombs spectacularly just to spite them.

Probably, especially when the marketing budget seems to be zero dollars. Remember TFA, R1, and TLJ, when they put Star Wars on everything, even Salad? Where's my Qi'Ra Cabbage, Disney? Plus, Disney can afford a couple million in damages.

They seem to be intentionally seeking to destroy Solo's box office by running it up against Avengers: The Next One, knowing it's better to quietly recoup its budget, or even lose money, than it is to poison the brand.

It's especially bad, since TLJ came into surprisingly bad feedback. They've known Solo is going to suck, but TLJ was supposed to be well received. Now, they can either bite the bullet and have Solo trashed by critics and Fans, or they can further push their luck by having the Media shill even harder.