And so i said

>and so i said
>*hits vape*
>*comments on white people
>*obligatory trump joke*
>i kicked her in the pussy

Other urls found in this thread:

>*slaps mic on leg*

>*voted for hillary*

>*performs moon walk*

>*references a white woman performing fellatio upon his person*
>*waits for the raucous applause to die down*

we shall overcome

Was he hitting a PAX or standard 510 threaded vape? Looked like a PAX. This is important, stoners please reply.

It's vaporized PCP, but he doesn't know that.

definitely not a pax. probably just a cheap juul (tobacco juice)

What strain? Purple Rodney? I'm sorry Rodney!
hmm I'm not familiar with tobacco vapes, interesting...I did mean a PAX era which looks similar

He needs to return to sketch comedy. I've never cared for his standup.

fuck forgot to close spoiler tags like a noob

sugar, water, spoilers

The Bird Revelation was the better of the two most recent Chappelle specials. He explains why he disappeared for years and how women and men (and blacks and whites) should work together to fight the real villains.

But no one will talk about that special, they'd rather talk about Equinimity and post this bullshit troll thread every fucking day.

All the smoke certainly did a number on his voice.


>gets triggered a white woman gives a black man a bj, but wont give you a 2nd glance
get out of the basement and start lifting faggot, women just arent going to show up at your door to fuck you

Why are yall so ruffled about chapelles new special? He was pretty balanced, and at least he wasnt pandering, he was honest to who he is

>gets triggered by shitposting

>comedian becomes the devil the instant he makes a joke about The Donald
Trump supporters are a cult.

He was well below par to how funny the old chapelle used to be.
Ironically the trump jokes were his best material in the OP special.
All the other lecturing bullshit, whether for the right or left interests was boring as fuck. Stick to the funny

>prays to allah

the prejection is strong with this one


bird revelation was preachy shit it barely had jokes

ironic isn't it, the cult of hillary created a cult even more powerful

Content aside - that shit was really triggering me.


>voted for Hilary
>wasn't happy about it

Did you even watch it?

u guys dont get dave...

Im not offended by trump jokes but i do think they are now the lowest common denominator when it comes to standup and humor. Everyone has made a joke about him, it just isnt funny anymore

Yes it is, stay mad.

dont know about that trumpfags seem to be OBSSESED about shillary and obongo while crying equally as much as "the libtards"

Trumpy wumpy fags suck is that all you get off to sure trump fags complain about everything but all you do is complain about trump fags how about both you shits go get different hobby. the cunny bot post higher quality posts than you

>It's not that I'm offended by trump jokes, it is that trump jokes are offensive

>When he starts talking about the 14 year old boy murdered in Mississippi

What the fuck was that!? For God's sake, just say, "I'm Rick James, Bitch!"

This. Nothing like paying to see a comedy routine and getting a sermon instead.

Do you think it was his trying to cover up for being thought of as a Trump supporter, just because he didn't have as much of an outrage as other celebrities? He did bring up how he regretted what he said on SNL. Pretty gutless now that I think about it.

The Bird Revelation was interesting, but funny? Not really. Aside from the Weinstein, Louis C.K., and Michael Jackson material that is.

These specials weren't as good as the last two anyway but Dave Chappelle is definitely better in an auditorium than he is sitting on a stool in some Comedy Store type venue.

not an argument

Never did i say they were offensive, they are just funny. Same goes with Hillary, shes a snake we get it. You dont like trumps small hands we get it

I thought the new specials were alright, still I like old Chappelle, he used to be way more rapid-fire and had much better delivery. The thing is, we'll never get old Chappelle because he's grown as a person and his experiences are now about being a father, or being rich, or his own version of "safe" social commentary. Chappelle lost that rawness because he thought people saw him as a coon (and some surely do/did) but most people loved him for it and appreciated his talent and understood it was a character


I wonder if the same thing will happen to Chris Rock, because apparently he's been getting pretty rave reviews and he's still polishing his act until the end of the month but that's what they said about Chappelle but he was underwhelming compared to his earlier Netflix special.

>looks at audience to see if they reacted

He's up there working the crowd, literally.
It's methodical and his pavlov technique now seems to be a mainstay. He was doing this in his last special but didn't when he was in his prime. He didn't need it.

Him bombing after his comeback made him pick up these tactics, he's desperate. I admire his will and adaptation ability though, still think he's lost it. I can't wait for Kevin Hart to be thrown aside for the next top comedian

These guys are like the highlander movies. "There can be only one"

This is my issue too. It's like Bieber jokes. Everyone did one and Colbert can't stop with the Trump jokes.

He's an entirely different person. The life has been sucked out of him.

>mfw he'll never be this real and funny again
He is right about this though. Whites will talk to random people about who they fuck, but don't talk about politics unless they're a hyper liberal.

Yeah I don't like long drawn out messages paraded as jokes. It just wastes time on stage and lazy

I mean he's been ripping on trannies pretty hard

And he also said the people who voted Trump weren't bad

I think his tranny jokes didnt go far enough, like he was afraid. Also they just werent that funny

That wasn't even a new joke from him.

Was this in a different special?

why do people say dave chapelle is a comedic genius or something when 99% of his jokes are race related

Delivery counts, autismo.

He's fallen into the same pit that has swallowed up Bill Burr. Both of them used to be ruthless as fuck on stage. Now they both constantly backtrack and have to defend their thinking to the crowd any time they say anything slightly un-PC. It kills the flow and the impact. Dave should have gone harder at trannies like he was roasting them.

He said they were dumb white trash people though.

Dave is hanging out or modeling his act after the wrong dudes like Rogan and Stanhope, who utilize more of a story-telling format. Dave is at his best when he is just rattling off punchlines that hit every time. Just go to 3:00 in that clip and you'll see his genius

What was the point of the pimp story again? Was it because he couldnt talk about his time with comedy central?

This is the remix edition of the song about pissing

That was really awkward and uncomfortable. You can tell none of the audience was with him.

I just didnt understand the point of it in his comedy routine, the story seemed interesting if i wanted to read the book however its a comedy special, do some comedy

This was a really shitty set. Didn't have the same timing and light-heartedness of his classic SF DVD. In the Netflix special he seemed to have some kind of identity crisis about being this wizened old man, feeling the need to comment on politics, and also being a laid back real nigga. It was also strange that he said he's so good at comedy. I get that it was a set up for how he would explain that he writes punchlines first, but it was just weird and uncharacteristic of him.

>implying netflix didnt just straight out said to crowd that they have to clap and laugh when he taps his leg.

>dude why do people hate Islam, white men with guns are the real terrorists

that's when I had to x out of it

he did make a good point though, the travel ban didn't even target any of the countries we've had terrorists come from, why is that?

stop making fun of Dave Chapelle REEEEEEEEEEEE

nigga just wanted some stuffing goddamn

Whos that?

Blame obama, he is the one who created that list in the first place

Ryan Gosling's baby mama.

>dave was at the end of his mileage
>they were trying to give him a big sum of money to get more out of him
>didnt accept anyway

his ego is too fragile to do sketch shit.

His jokes genuinely suck.
I would mind good trump jokes.
But this moral faging is so disgusting

But he'll sure bitch about Key & Peele "stealing" his show a million times like In Living Color never happened.

comedians thinking they have relevant and insightful opinions and using stage time to share them with the audience is the death of stand up and I 100% blame george carlin for doing that in his later years and seemingly starting this trend that's now reached critical mass

his delivery sucks cock now

Starbucks' employee of the year.

His Trump jokes were funny.
His political rantings with no punchlines were not funny.

I wasn't talking about now, mong. He was gold years ago.

I re-watched Killing Them Softly a few days ago and damn it's just flawless. Might be the best stand-up I've ever seen. His timing is so good.

>I’m not quitting because I’m dope, nigga
>actively shilling for the DNC
>fucking full of himself throughout, transforming his set into a monologue
>Generic BLM horse shit

Shit like that is indicative he needs to step back and realize his shit is seriously lacking. He last two specials were absolutely fucking painful.

it's not a travel ban you retard, there's your first problem right there

>when he couldn't get off of Colin Kaepernick's nutsack

Dave, pls. That fag only knelt because he knew his moment of relevance was up.

his shit doesn't really stand up well tbqh. he was alwaya much better in sketches

>didn't when he was in his prime
t. never watched Chapelle show
He did it all the time.

>shit lover
Fuck off, faggot. For What it's Worth and Killing Them Softly were based.

>TFW George Carlin created the world that would have shamed him into oblivion if he were still alive today.

Yeah it did. The guy who stabbed people at the college in Texas was Somalian. Plus, moving the goalposts by talking about white gun crime is daft on many levels. The white population in America is many orders of magnitude bigger than the Islamic population, Islamic terrorism is unique in its motivation, the "statistic" he quoted probably not only excludes not only 9/11 but instances of Islamic terrorism leftists attempt to call "lone wolf" crimes, and it probably calls random white shooters white supremacists. Not to mention black people commit the vast majority of violent crime in our nation. Oops, I mentioned it.

>probably excludes not only 9/11*

>Not to mention black people commit the vast majority of violent crime in our nation. Oops, I mentioned it.

We're gonna take a quick commercial break!

Issue with his claim is it isn't true.

+ he never even addresses white genocide or the JQ.

Of course it is an argument, reddit. WE GET IT, HES ORANGE. Can we get over it and aknowledge he did more already than obongo did in 8 years? THAT'S fucking funny

The last 15 minutes were just him recounting a scene from a book he read. Nothing says great stand up special like paraphrasing something else.

Yes it is you delusional fuck

>cites statistic from New York
>thinks is works for the country

Prove me wrong then. Nothing suggests it doesn't work the same for the whole country

>prisons are only for violent criminals
Racists never cease to amuse me.

Found the autist

lol, nope. just where hordes of niggers live. but yeah, otherwise you totally got em'.

Honestly if it was just for violent criminals the black rate would likely be higher.
