Why do people get on this scene for not having Dooku give Anakin an exclusive tell all interview...

Why do people get on this scene for not having Dooku give Anakin an exclusive tell all interview, when Vader in Return of the Jedi is a GIANT cuck and just lays down and takes it (and even helps) when Palpatine wants a new apprentice?


I don't really think people complain about this.
maybe vader didn't know luke was meant to replace him. Duku didn't until the end. In both cases its a big sticking point.

Ignore the redditors who feel satisfied with their little "gotcha!"
The complaint falls apart once you put more than 10 seconds thinking about it

Interesting but don't you think that would happen anyway?


Yeah ROTJ makes no sense

Vader's plan in ESB was to kill the emperor and rule the galaxy with luke. He could've let luke chop the emperor right in the face, but he parried it.

I guess you could argue vader didn't wan't to risk that luke would kill the emperor and then refuse his offer. But it's never clear how luke was supposed to be persuaded to the dark side anyway. They write it like if he kills somebody in the throne room, they win.

Bad writing all around. Both Revenge of the Sith and Return of the Jedi are about on par quality wise, so it isn't surprising that their flaws would be similar.

The rule of two was no longer necessary.

What did dooku actually do wrong?

Why was the rule of two ever necessary? Isn't it completely subverted by pretty much every single EU work ever?


I read it was because all the seperated groups led by sith would fight amongst themselves and weaken their own side of the force.

>follow rule of two
>apprentice and master start duel
>both die in the battle
>sith are wiped out forever
ingenious rule flawless logic i love star wars

He stops Luke from killing Sheev because when Luke was trying to kill Sheev it was out of righteous anger and to save his friends. Fairly good odds Luke wouldn't have turned and might have attacked him too.

But Sheev had no hook to reel Luke in with. There was never a reason for Luke to join him.

The opposite is also true though. By their very nature the Sith wouldn't be able to operate as an organization without constant infighting.
The Rule of Two makes sense in the way fantasy logic often does. Not logical sense, but thematic sense.

>hey guys how about we only ever have two sith at any one point ever and somehow enforce this rule over an entire galaxy of people
>idk what if we get too greedy or something lol

fuck star wars

>By their very nature the Sith wouldn't be able to operate as an organization without constant infighting

don't worry someone will eventually find an ancient sith holocron

>By their very nature the Sith wouldn't be able to operate as an organization without constant infighting
I dunno, the ancient Sith had quite the empire going.

not canon

And Darth Bane is?

The Rule of Two is in the movies????

pretty notably and explicitly stated in episode I

He is.

Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong.

I know, I was being sarcastic.

Elaborate on why the Dooku example is bad but not the Vader example.

That post is some epic meme I've seen spammed in a couple threads already

they're both terrible
star wars is shit and (obviously) full of plot holes

>Luke was trying to kill Sheev it was out of righteous anger and to save his friends.

ESB and ROTJ are abundantly clear there's no such thing as righteous anger

The whole throne room scene was just baiting him to get bad. Did your VHS tape turn to static after that or what

That would just mean groups of sith couldn't be larger than 2

There's nothing to say their couldn't be more than one group. They would just compete instead of cooperate as a strategy

>the rebel fleet is destroyed
>everyone he knows is dead
>his father betrayed him

If that wont turn someone over to the dark side then I don't know what will.

Joining the dark side doesn't make you in cahoots with sheev.

Luke could've given in and hacked vader to death. Then he would just fight sheev.

To Sheev especially in NuCanon being killed by Luke and having him reign as the ultimate Sith would have been an acceptable outcome.

Eh, it's the same difference at that point. The two groups get in a tussle and they all bleed out from wounds on some planetoid at the edge of the galaxy.