Oh hai Tammy.
Look up that girls twitter, shes crazy. She said shes lied about being pregnant before to get a guy to reply to her
I still don't understand, dude is rich, famous and handsome. Why would he spill his spaghetti all over some camwhore?
“I mentioned backstage I wanted to talk to you about this, and if you’re okay talking about it, I wanted to ask you about some criticism you got on Golden Globes night,” Colbert started. “Because you were wearing a Time’s Up pin in support of the Time’s Up movement, which has been created by many powerful women in Hollywood to say that the time is up for the abuse, misuse of women both sexually and otherwise, not only in Hollywood but around the country. … You got criticized for wearing that. Do you know why? And do you have a response, do you have anything you want to say about that criticism?”
“First, I want to say I wore it because I do support it. I was so excited to win, but being in that room that night was incredible. I mean, it was powerful. There were incredible voices, and I support it. I support change,” Franco said. He noted the fund’s “50-50 by 2020” goal, which means equality for “people that are underrepresented, women, and people of color, people in the LGBT community” by the year 2020.
Why couldn't he just let the guy talk?
After some applause from the audience, Franco segued.
“There were some things on Twitter … I haven’t read them. I’ve heard about them,” he said. “Okay, first of all, I have no idea what I did to Ally Sheedy. I directed her in a play off-Broadway. I had nothing but a great time with her, total respect for her. I have no idea why she was upset. She took the tweet down. I don’t know. I can’t speak for her. I don’t know.”
“The others, look,” Franco continued. “In my life I pride myself on taking responsibility for things that I’ve done. I have to do that to maintain my well-being. I do it whenever I know that there is something wrong or needs to be changed, I make it a point to do it. The things that I heard that were on Twitter are not accurate. But I completely support people coming out and being able to have a voice because they didn’t have a voice for so long. So I don’t want to — I don’t want to, you know, shut them down in any way."
Have you heard anything that Tommy Wiseau has said into a microphone? Whatever isn't batshit insanity, isn't suitable for prime time. Remember, James Franco worked with this dude for months. He already knew Tommy would've embarrassed himself, and likely everyone else on that stage.
>defending himself on colbert show
so late night hosts are hard hitting journalists now
>want to look like a good ally
>forced to diplomatically and gently shut-down your own rapist allegations
What the actual horrendous fuck
Then why drag him up in the first place. It's not like some people weren't already giving Tommy shitty looks
Good thing it was only one girl
Now that the term "journalist" has been rendered completely irrelevant by the speed of information technology? You bet. No one gives a fuck about research, insight or writing ability. We just want a goddamn headline.
past tweets from the accuser
Because if he didn't, he would appear ungrateful. True, James pushing Tommy away from the mic wasn't cool, but that's also on Tommy for trying to step on James Franco's moment.
funny post funny video and imagename. you win the internets my good sir
This very well-known actor stars in both film and TV projects. He teaches acting on the side. We’re being told that some very questionable activity goes on in his acting classes. Here are some examples from former students:
>The first day of class, he told us to take off all our clothes so we could learn how to be comfortable being vulnerable in front of the camera.
>He says the sex scenes are “art” and that if you want to be a real “artist” you have to be comfortable with taking your clothes off and having sex on camera.
>He uses the class as his own personal casting couch for him and his friends. He introduces you to his other “teacher” friends or his “producer” friends who pretend to want to help you with your craft or with getting roles, but they always just want to have sex.
>He has you take your clothes off, and he takes his clothes off, too. If you don’t do the fake sex scene with him, he will throw you out out of class.
>One day it got so creepy that our entire class walked out.
>He offers some of the female students roles in unpaid films. You show up on the set and you have to sign an NDA. Then he tells you – surprise! – you need to do an improvised sex scene with him. If you refuse, you get fired, and because you have an NDA, you can’t tell anyone about it.
>He had the women on the set of [name of film] wear dental dams, and not in their mouths. You shouldn’t have to wear a dental dam for a simulated sex scene.
>Some of the kids in the class are only 17 or 18 years old and are very naive and just want to make it in the business. He’s famous so they just do what he tells them. I think he counts on this to take advantage of them.
actors are all whores inside anyway, what's the big deal? if you don't want to become a whore choose a real career.
lmao, well that's all i needed to see
This. Everybody wants to be a star, but it's amazing how many people still think they can get up there without climbing the ladder of dicks.
Reminder he sucked a cock once in front of a camera for art. Maybe he's serious.
top kek, you gotta hand it to these guys.
>wow if i was a famous actor, id totally host like a casting couch and fuck all these hot actress wannabees, wouldnt that be sweet dude!
the madman actually did it
Stupid question: Why would anybody looking like James Franco have problems getting laid the normal way?
Its not a matter of it being a problem, its more like "I can make getting laid like shooting fish in a barrel, or I can do it the normal way. Hmmmm"
>>He had the women on the set of [name of film] wear dental dams, and not in their mouths.
Once you get famous, all you have to do is pull out your dinkey and you get the succ
Probably works 90% of the time
I'm not even gay and I would suck his cock
Sorry, James. Listen and Believe. The accuser is always right even when they're wrong.
i saw him cut his arm off in that movie, how did he get it back??
It was someone else cutting their arm off
????????? Excuse me????????
Nice fanfic.
proved what i thought about franco this entire time. total douchebag egomaniac pussy. that whole artsy eccentric intellectual is all schtick. a marketing ploy to make himself more rich and famous. he doesn't give a shit about art, just recognition. the image he's been trying to push, that him and tommy are so close and buddy buddy, like two brothers who've known each other forever is complete horse shit. it's 100% exploitation. if he had let tommy speak at the globes it would've been a perfect arc to the story of tommy and the room. how the hell was doing his weak ass impression better than letting tommy tell his story? if franco had any balls or integrity he would've let tommy say something, even if it was embarrassing. fuck him. can't wait til more allegations come out and his career is over. and i hope that fat fuck seth rogen goes down with him. just a couple of bullies with too much fame and money.
>this is one of them
>one of the others said she declined to help a guy, who called her flat chested when she was 14, and generally acted like she had any kind of sway in the acting industry
yeah movies and tv shows, and any form of live action media entertainment sucks. no one should make that stuff
best post
this is quality content