Han Solo movie more reshoots



Screen Rant spotted Reddit user Hufflepuffins, who last year reported that the movie would continue filming in July with Howard.

Their latest post, titled “Solo reshoots have begun” on the Star Wars leaks feed reads: “Not huge news, but it's something.

“They're happening from the end of January and will be going on for three weeks or so into Feb (at least).”

What kinds of things did they learn from TLJ that could prompt reshoots?

have you underage brainlets never followed a movie's production before?
people do reshoots all the time

removing clarkes character completely?


Yeah, but usually reshoots take few weeks. Solo changed director, was completely reshot, and now is having even more reshoots.

>people do reshoots all the time

Studios demand them, not people, and this is an incredibly recent trend.

and it will still make more money than whatever shit movie you like

The film is supposedly going to be released In May. Name me a production that did reshoots 4 months before release and didn't end up a shitshow

Less shitty quips.

World War Z

Which was a shitshow


It's not only about making movie. Disney also has to promote Star Wars brand and they are not doing very good job.

They've done a tremendous job, look at the profits dipshit.

There's no way it'll still be released that early right? Is there any reason they wouldn't push it back until Christmas?

At this point they should just bury the thing. It will do more damage to the Disney and Star Wars brand if it gets released.

Force awakens made a lot of money because nostalgia. Rogue One was still kinda new and also good movie.
Now, TLJ made money, but they expected much more. Solo movie looks like shit, 4 months before premiere and there is nothing released only one selfie with director and actors. Toys sales are average. Nobody likes new characters and half of the old one is killed.

Allegedly these reshoots are just pickups so they shouldn't affect the release date

If they're actual fantastic 4-style reshoots then it'll be Christmas guaranteed

I believe Kathleen Kennedy decided to released Solo this early to avoid getting fired by Disney. The window is so small, if Disney fires her between TLJ and Solo, that would be bad PR. And after Solo it would still be a bad sign for episode 9, also she put her boy JJ on 9 to be sure it's him and her on this. This fucking witch is fucking Star wars big time just to keep her place, she's a plague.

This movie will be C tier action adventure turd that gets shown on AXN all day long but "critics" will place it around 80% due to The Mouse.

my guess is this movie is positioned to try and keep star wars hype going between movies. After ep 9 ends the trilogy they are probably worried people wont watch star wars anymore.
it's going to backfire completely

Watch it be the best starwars movie ever and Sup Forums is going to be crying like mad little babies

it's far more common than you think
lots of movies reshoot they just aren't a clickbait goldmine like star wars

All the money in the world? But that was a different case, no plot or scene changes.

Just kill it already

Kill fucking Disney Wars; it's doesn't know what the fuck it wants to be.

and then she kills a puppy and fucks herself with a finn action figure while having set fire to the american flag

To give a window of break to avoid fatigue.
Episode IX comes out December 2019, that means its a year and a half without anything Star Wars. More than enough for people to forget about Solo and TLJ, be dazzled by other novelties in the mean time and come back freshly forgotten and interested in new Star Wars.

Ron Howard is give or take would either make this unwatchable or better than expected. He is the kind of dirrector that gets around studio meddling

So in other words, they're fully self aware that this film is completely shit?

The rumour is that they expect it to bomb, yes.

I genuinely believe this will not be the case I'm enjoying the NuStarWars films.

>this is an incredibly recent trend
Do you honestly think reshoots were invented last year? Fucking X2 had Justice League-tier looking reshoots. They're that obvious and bad.

imagine being this angry
hope youre paid to be here, otherwise its pathetic.

Remember when big movies cost $60 million and were not made multiple times?

The first version was too dark, so they are adding more comic reliefe. More colorful characters. I think rocket racoon will make a cameo so that they can't start crossing over the franchise with Marvel. It's going to be a big twist at the end that they are the same universe.

At this point I wouldn't put it past them to retcon the whole "A long time ago" thing

>Fire the director after he's done shooting
>Hire another director and have him film almost the entire thing again
>A few months later still need re-shoots
Yeah, totally normal. Not to mention they had to bring in an acting coach because the guy they picked was so awful. This is going to be an absolute disaster.

Episode IX starts filming in June. I have an inkling Disney will want to see how this goes before they decide if Kennedy will get canned before or after IX.

It's possible they looked at all the backlash on what they did to Luke's character and combed through Solo to see if Han Solo did anything that clashes with his character in the other films.

>Movie comes out in five months
>STILL doing even more reshoots
This is going to be such a disaster holy shit


Whats with people like you

The stock market is booming, and yet, Disney stock had been stagnant for about four years. Their earnings are down.

As far as the star wars franchise specifically, they are still trying to male back what they have invested in it.

If they destroy the brand, their earnings will continue to go down.

Star Wars is all about the brand. It's been invincible for years, and they are fucking it up.

At this rate we'll never have a trailer for this fucking thing


But a vocal minority of its fanbase refuses to move on, trudging along in a feeble attempt to manufacture their perfect individual version of Star Wars for the satisfaction of their wet dreams. The Force Awakens may have been dangerous because it reinforced reminders of the old, but the backlash was strong, even though it utilized structural similarities and plot developments for the sake of mystery-box subversion. Many viewers hated Abrams’ film because it exposed their reverence and mythologization of the original trilogy to an absurd degree and refracted it back in the characters’ personalities. Cries and whimpers of “It’s the same thing as the original Star Wars!!” might as well be re-worded into “I didn’t like it because it gave me exactly what I’ve been worshipping for the last thirty years!!”. While The Force Awakens, in a sense, weakened those who have never moved on from the original trilogy, The Last Jedi leaves them in the blood-red dust. It soars off into the galaxy with a fresh twinkle in its eye and a comical, sly reverence for Star Wars itself and not the version so many people have fabricated in their fantasies. The characters have been freed from their ties to Original Trilogy characters, and while they will always carry them within their hearts. Johnson showcases that no progression can be unearthed without change, and change is the opposite of stagnantly committing to ancient fandom favorites just because that’s how they’re remembered. The truth hurts for the personalities in The Last Jedi and the audience observing it play out across the screen; they have realized their stories are just that. It’s what you take away from them, and where you go from there that matters. This gargantuan space-opera train is finally back to square one freed from the constraints of its sickening fanbase and bursting into hyperspace towards the future. Time to let go

they are doing force awakens treatment and play safe for this movie.

The opposite. The first version under Lord and Miller was described as "Ace Ventura in Space", so Ron Howard was brought in to tone it down.

>4 months away from release
>2 sets of reshoots
>They can't even conjure one minute of footage from this turd that would make people want to see it
God I hope the screenrip is up early. I'm actually excited to see just how terrible it is. Not enough to pay of course, but this is shaping up like The Room in space.

a pg13 shitshow


It's not even a saga anymore. Thats the main problem. It's just another marvel action movie.

We will see if this pays off, but so far , it's not meeting the expectations of Disney executives.

Are they going back to Ace Ventura in space after all?


they have the emily blunt mary poppins 2 coming out at christmas. it's the only reason I can think of why they're locked into the spring release for solo

As if this movie wasn't bad enough idea already

That thing is going to bomb hard. Disney attempted to change the official images for Mary Poppins on their website and Facebook with Emily Blunt's and the Hamilton guy - they got so much negative reaction they were forced to go back.

>we're allegedly getting a trailer for this shitshow this week
oh boy

not this close to release they dont
it's a trainwreck

oh thats what he says in that song?
I could never understand

They have spent 500mil aleady on reshoots. There is absolutely NO WAY that this movie can make profit. They should just cut their looses already.

They're not in the habit of just throwing away hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars without trying to recoup some of those losses


Watch your post be the most pointless post ever in the history of posting.

why do people here are always like ROOTING for it to fail?
this is sad

Nah, it's fun to see a big studio like Disney fail. It's a delicious clustfuck and I feel pleasure hating on it.


Some things are better left alone user.
Messing with Han's character is one of them.

Schadenfreude. It's like seeing your ex getting fat or something like that.

The reshoots are minor. They shot all of Han's scenes first.

Because they deserve to for their spectacular mishandling of the franchise.
There is going to be some serious damage done to it and I'm enjoying watching those responsible pay for their mistakes.

I suppose they removed all the sloth milking scenes and that scene where John Oliver gave Jabba a reach around.

You tried!

looks like a bunch of losers loving to see the rest of the universe fail as well

breath the pressure user

Pretty excited for the movie to come out and see what a massive mess it is
>Director gets fired
>need acting coaches for your leads
>multiple reshoots

Eh, who cares. It's just a bunch of rich hollywood guys and I don't care for their "suffering". It's not like they were doing this for the art.

everything disney touches turns to molten shit
I hope disney drowns in their sea of shit
there is no 'rest of the universe', only ep1-6 are canon

"the rest of the universe"
theyre movies. get a life.

I have checked and I have seen. Those smooth flowing numbers.

Also Walt is spinning in his cryo chamber.

She also gets the nestle her bomb between...

>Infinity War in its third week
>Deadpool 2
>Incredibles 2 and Ocean's 8
>Jurassic World: Forgetten Kingdoms

So she has a reason for a movie about Han Solo and Lando Calrissian and Chewie not even sniffing a billion.

An episodic movie heavily featuring Luke Skywalker quickly was losing out on a theater basis and then a money basis every day to movies like a remake of Jumanji and a ten million dollar horror movie, Inisidious 4. How is this movie supposed to go against Avengers, Deadpool, Incredibles, Ocean's 8 and Jurassic Word and not get smashed?

>being this defensive

i read a lot of star wars books, and i remember reading the han solo trilogy and dropping it since the universe is really boring without jedis

it might be hard to understand when english isn't your first language

Why would he be wearing the exact same shirt and vest as he did in his 30s when he was in his early 20s?

hang yourself

They hired two guys who direct comedy most of the time and they expected something serious?


Welcome to my world, Ron.

>What kinds of things did they learn from TLJ that could prompt reshoots?

(((they're))) afraid.

Based on comments in interviews from both Kathleen Kennedy and Bob Iger, I have to imagine that KK pitched her intention to take the Star Wars franchise in a New and Diverse direction in terms of increasing marketability. She and Kiri Hart might have personally held cultural marxist motivations, but in the board room, they spoke the language of the CEO: profit based business ethics.

Bob Iger's greed, Vast, Cool and Unsympathetic as it is, led him to greenlight Kathleen Kennedy's creative decisions. However, that same Greed is now regarding the numbers for The Last Jedi and the projections for Han Solo, neither of which are good for the franchise's longevity. In his own words, Bob Iger makes decisions based first and foremost, on what's important to the Company. If market research shows that excessive catering to a fringe Progressive demographic is diminishing the value of a significant IP investment, I imagine he'll step in and bring KK to heel, or even move to replace her.

He's still a filthy kike, who probably blackmailed George Lucas into selling, but he doesn't seem as interested in cultural subversion as some of his employees. He has a mind focused on profit.

This assumes that she know TLJ would be as poorly received as it was.
I sincerely doubt she's that self-aware.

Please, cite examples where a movie was reshot 3-4 months before release and actually hit it's release date.


You think reshoots are your ally? I was born, molded by them. I did not see the directors cut until I was already a man and by then it was nothing by blinding!

> why for is dumb no that sense make this?

TLJ was design from the ground up to be poorly received by the hardcore fanbase minority. She wanted them gone and replaced by a passive casual audience. The problem is, that new audience isn't manifesting itself, there's been no groundswell of normie ethusiasm for her progressive and subversive version of Star Wars. Predictions about the Han Solo film being more of the same progressive subversion were probably spot-on accurate
>(Han's character gets dimminshed when we learn Emilia Clarke and Lando are responsible for all his great achievements, skills and one-on-one).
Market researchers at Disney are running the numbers on TLJ and have concluded that Kathleen Kennedy's gambit to remove and replace the white male 20-50 y/o fanbase with something new has failed disastrously. Now they're rushing to salvage what they can from Solo. Pulling out quips, reducing Emilia Clarke, etc. It's going to be a Trainwreck. And that's without even considering

>reshoots 4 months before the premiere

what the fuck are they doing?

Negative 2 billion is not a profit, my rodent friend.