Wonder Woman beats out Matrix Reloaded for highest grossing film by a "female" director


>‘Wonder Woman’ Shatters Box Office With Biggest Female Director Opening. Ever.

>Lana and Lilly Wachowski previously held the record for “The Matrix Reloaded,” which opened May 15, 2003, and grossed $91,774,413 in its first weekend.

Thank you, Patty and Gadot for booting the moronic posers behind Sense8 and Jupiter Rising from their ill-gotten pedestal

I thought Matrix films were directed by two brothers?

Had either of them transitioned at that point? Seems unfair to count them of not.

Oh boy the DC stupid insanely specific and niche records are back

I can't wait for the Mummy to crush this when it gets that MASSIVE drop all DC movies get

No the first one did after Speed Racer but there were rumors of it around that time

that's a stupid comparison, because they're not a female. Transgender directors should be compared with their own kind.

They both transitioned.

Wait, who is excited to see the Mummy?

>I thought Matrix films were directed by two brothers?

They were. They're just drag-queens now and thanks to the bullshit that is SJWs, pretending to be the opposite gender means you're that gender now.

Yes but they made the Matrix trilogy BEFORE transitioning. They don't get to retroactively set records for shit women did, do they? That's terrible. That's like F2M trans people competing in women's athletic competitions and getting first place. Oh wait.

No one

But the drop is going to be so bad that it will easily crush Blunder Wimmyn

Neither of them had. So, while they are now female, it does seem kind of like an asspull to count them as the record.

>highest grossing female directors
>they were men
Hopefully Wonder Woman inspires women to step up their fucking game.

Lol what?! The Matrix was written and directed by the Wachowski Brothers. Brother are men, not women. The title of the article you posted makes no sense. How can a film written and directed by two men have been the previous highest grossing film directed by a woman? That sounds like misprint or uninformed article writer if you ask me. Hollywood should be upset at this sexist article.

>Not having Brendan Fraser at least cameo in it
all my disgust

That's cause Brendan Fraser is a literally who and the studio would be wasting whatever little shekels they'd need to get him to pop over for an afternoon because no one would care.

If you wanna make it more confusing, Lilly Wachowski said she has always been transgender, even when she was still going by Andy, but apparently she's pre-op and hasn't mentioned anything about going under the blade, so the only difference is really in the pronouns.

This he's a has-been no one cares about

Which means DC will announce his casting in one of their movies at comic-con

Is Brendan in?

Did they really have to go to the Matrix to get a female director box office? They were male when they made it.

Into the trash it goes

I can't wait until all Olympic medals on female branch will be won by "females"

this film is pretty mediocre. It only did well because it didn't have any competition at the box office.

It's a bit of a predicament. Do they a) pick an actual, unarguably female director and pass the Wachowskis over, taking the risk of getting slammed with some contrived controversy, or do they b) pick the Wachowskis even though it makes everyone scratch their heads.

I hope tom cruise gets so buttmad about cape movies that he make an audition to replace Hugh as wolverine, he already nailed the manlet part.

>Oh boy the DC stupid insanely specific and niche records are back
This is hilarious because that's literally what Disney does for all their mocies, like "highest grossing solo hero debut" or "most watched online trailer"

>"highest grossing film in the second weekend in August and it looked like it might rain"

>Matrix Reloaded

Trannies shouldn't count.

I dunno, to call Reloaded, made pre-transition, the highest grossing film by a female director insinuates that your interest isn't in the sociological elements of how well a movie can do if people know it is made the a woman, but rather, the psychological elements of whether women can make good movies.

>mfw he literally tries to steal the Batman role from Ben

I am only because it starts the monster movie universe
Sad Dracula Untold doesn't look like it will be part of it though

Brendan for Doctor Fate

>the psychological elements of whether women can make good movies
Which is largely irrelevant to the amount of money it makes anyway.

Same thing happened with Jurassic World but money's money.

That is exactly what happened. Because they were women on the inside the whole time, don't you know?

It looks like it'll underperform, so they might throw it away, just like how they threw away Dracula.

Had either of them transitioned at the time of shooting Reloaded, though? I thought they did that after.

I kinda like the idea of it, but I don't like the look of it. "A mummy raises hell in the modern world" is a premise I think is alright, even if it has been done before, but the movie just looks too big. It's like Suicide Squad, I think it'd benefit from having a story with a bit smaller scope.

Everyone wanted to see the next episode of matrix, it's revenue has nothing to be with quality, but with expectations.

Matrix 1 was the best matrix movie, the next ones were too much Kung fu and riddles with no answer.

They won't they're too invested at this point since they announced Cruz, Crowe, Depp, and Bardem

>tracking to make 40 millions on opening weekend
No one, it's just MCUcks being anally ravaged and pretending it's a big deal. Just like when they said Captain Underpants was going to beat WW and ended up making 5 times less

>james cameron becomes a tranny just to fuck with them

>Had either of them transitioned at the time of shooting Reloaded, though? I thought they did that after.

Doesn't matter. They're both still technically men. They both still have male genitalia. Just a couple of mentally ill guys crossdressing and saying they're women.

I'd pour myself a cup of coffee just so I could spit it out from laughing.

>DC tears of impotent rage
>in a post where he cries tears of impotente rage after Wonder Woman had a bigger opening than Doctor Strange, Logan or Winter Soldier

I honestly am

I'm not excited but I will see it.
Mostly because my mom likes Tom and she loved both Mummy movies (even though this one has nothing to do with them).

What was the previous record holder when considering only real women?

I don't understand.

Based Patty. I hate the Wachowski trannies.

It starts the monster universe why is that hard to understand?

I am honestly(no memeing, baiting, company waring) excited to see the mummy

Doctor Strange is a literal who, and Logans worldwide opening was bigger than Wonder Womans

can I kissu the mummy ?

50 Shades of Grey

>Doctor Strange
Literally who?

If you want, but make sure to go to the doctor and get checked for curses after you do

that guy with the magic helment

I just looked at the the top worldwide openings list and Fifty Shades of Grey still beat Wonder Woman by about $20 million, yet they're making a huge deal about WW 'Breaking records'


That's Magneto.

>have live and let live philosophy
>don't care about the Wachowskis being trans
>more annoyed that everyone is focusing on that instead of the fact they're crap filmmakers
I long for the day people are judged on individual merits and nothing else.

Because real talk, these two are really fucking bad at their jobs.

Hey, user's mom, Dragon Emperor happened whether you like it or not. Yeah, fuck that movie, but still.

No, I think that's Thor

that guy from Thundercats?

Domestic is more impressive for studios because they get a bigger cut than they do in outside markets

These flicks had a wider release (more countries) than WW. Domestic opening is the only thing relevant

To be fair, most who transition get thrown out the window so people who are women inside tend to choose not to transition until this day of age when less women are thrown out of Windows or murder them while at the navy overseas

That's like trans people suing hospitals for not letting them retroactively change their birth certificates, despite vital medical reasons to keep such information on record. Oh wait.

>Dragon Emperor happened whether you like it or not
Not for her.
She has Alzheimer and I'm not showing her Dragon Emperor.

>riddles with no answer.

They're called koans.


>in its opening weekend Wonder Woman has already made as much as Ghostbusters 2016's entire run on a budget that's nearly the same

Paul Feig and Sony blown the FUCK out.



It's spelled """(((female)))""" you appeasing cuck faggot.

>Capeshit has a much broader appeal than ghostbusters

No way

>Wonder Woman in one weekend 100M
>Pirates 5 in two weeks 114M
>almost twice the budget

I might check it out this weekend but I'm not really looking forward to it.

The Dark Universe does sound interesting though.

This m8. Disney is upset that they weren't the only studio this summer to release anything.

And no, Spiderman is released by Sony, who are already failing at promoting it.

I didn't even know Pirates came out what the fuck

>Brothers directed Reloaded
>years and year after Reloaded they have mental disability and pretend to be female
>WB has to now pretend Reloaded was done by 2 females

This is the world we live in.

Can we stop with the special olympics already?

Well the point is, if they hadn't transitioned at the time of filming Reloaded, then its a false claim. No matter how SJWs want to rationalize it, they were men at the time.

are they seriously counting trannys as females, and why even retrospectively count it? They weren't trannys back then

>Arab lady destroys London

Yeah I think it will do well in UKezikstan

Wonder Woman despite being one of
DC's "trinity" member is not exactly a lucrative property that will never match Superman's or Batman's draw power. Her sales are even weak in comics.

Logan (Wolverine) is a super popular X-men member riding on Deadpool's "R rated cape movie" craze that nerds went gaga for.

Dr Strange is the latest installment of a high grossing movie franchise where every decision made was to appeal to chinese box office.

Meanwhile Wonder Woman was the latest installment to a sinking ship of a franchise where the lead was a woman which was would have any investor nervous when they base their data on shit mistakes like Elektra and Catwoman. WW is lucky to make what it has so far.

>Underpant's RT score is higher than most MCU flicks

I saw that movie for free and still feel like I paid too much.

>seeing wonder woman
>Not seeing captain underpants

it'll be the BOMB in UK screenings.

>yes, I would like to see that children's movie please.
>Wait, why would are you calling the cops?

Why the fuck are they so desperate to have this movie """Break Records""""? They're literally pretending Reloaded was made by females just to say it broke another one

What the fuck kind of world do you live in?

>not being able to see whatever you want
>living in third world country


Because people are retarded and want an amazonian princess from a magic island to serve as an empowerment symbol for women.


Fake, they would send you to the popcorn mines before calling the cops

>all these goyim hating on beautiful Wachowski sisters
OY VEY. Don't be literally nazis. If they think they are women, they are.

You don't belong on Sup Forums
