So Octopus Pie just ended its ten year run today.
So Octopus Pie just ended its ten year run today
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Neverheard of it but it looks like shit so good riddance, shill.
What is is about?
>Sup Forums
I Binged it up to where it was 5 years Ago and it was one of the best reads i ever had. Just really good slice of life stuff. But Later on it felt like it became more and more like a hipster soap Opera with obligatory brown lesbian Romance and no real Focus. Did My expectations become true? Because if not i will finish it.
Cute, grumpy Chinese girl lives with beanpole hippie, hilarity ensues.
It's very good and Eve is top-tier waifu but I've only read about half of it, I saw a couple threads a year or two ago where people got mad over some SJW thing or other.
>Sup Forums
>Cute, grumpy Chinese girl lives with beanpole hippie, hilarity ensues.
second hand scott pilgrim was still going?
I'm really sad to see it end, but I'm thrilled with the way it did.
Going to need to find myself a new, slice-of-life series.
>Start reading this around 4 years ago
>Thought it was bretty great and the MC is a total qt pie one hell of a confused bitch tho
>It ended today
Thanks for the tip OP
Please tell me how it ended. I used to read this along side sinfest, but turned boring. What happened I'm curious but I wouldn't read it.
Shit, I haven't read this in like 3 years. I remember the faces always being very expressive, and some well-done absurdity. Gotta get back in.
>don't do drugs, kids
olly burns his shop down and gives eve $75 as her cut of the fraud money also she dates the cool drug dealer with anger problems
I can't say I didn't see it coming, but it ended gracefully. Though I'm sad to see it end, it's one of my favorites.
No that was it, the plot took a real steep nosedive at the end.
The comic was always beautifully lustrated, I think Gran has some background in animation and you can really tell, the comic was always nice to look at even as it took a hard left into the SJW pandering wall.
It alright.
It not subtle or nuanced. It tasteless and lukewarm, but it alright.
It reminds me of me beer, which I like better.
But same beer more or less.
I think it got muddled for a bit, but everything since the Hanna-Marek breakup has been gold. The lake house arc with Will and Eve was pretty great too. This comic gave some human-feeling perspectives even if I didn't agree with them 100% of the time.
In the end, they truly were, an octopus pie.
And we all learned a valuable lesson!
It did became a lot more hipsterish and tumblrish with all its "progressiveness" towards the end (I hated Marigold since she was first introduced, and forcing her lesbian relationship with that black chick didn't really help since they're both really shitty characters), but it still managed to have some really comfy arcs and dramas faced by your average 20-somethings.
It played a really important part in my late teens and early 20's, but I'm glad it ended the way it did.
Guess I better buy the rest of the volumes then.
I don't get it. The comic was always left leaning and what have you.
What is it about two ladies being in lesbians that was the deal breaker for you?
It's like watching MASH and suddenly being like "I can't BELIEVE this show is saying war is bad!"
Same... Beer? Same beer?!
>That non-ending for Hanna
What the fuck?
Damn that sucks!
Octopus was the only good drama webcomic ever. Been reading it since forever
I don't have a problem with them being lesbians, I have a problem with them being boring characters and yet Meredith kept forcing them instead of trying to flesh out other characters like Puget Sean or that insecure asian guy or Marek post-break up.
The last year or two haven't been all that great. I wasn't a big fan of the digital color, and the update schedule got a little wonky for awhile because mor effort was being put into the color, which is fine and all, but it never really needed it.
It also got a bit too melodramatic towards the end, imo, and it seemed like Gran was just trying to force a plot into it when it never really needed one. OP did drama pretty well even when it was ridiculous, and the shift towards a more "realistic" world was fine and all, but it sorta lost some charm I think.
That being said, it's still a really great comic, and probably the only good western slice of life one that I've read, certainly the only one that's online and free. Consistently funny and self aware for most of its run, nearly every character is likeable, and it's damn comfy. It helps that Gran is a great artist, and seeing her development grow over time was really fun.
Any Sup Forumsmrade with an interest in web-comcis or slice of life comics oughta read it.
Hope she releases a full box-set or something, I'd love to own all the volumes in one place. Was a fun ride.
>Olly has a mild breakdown and lets Eve take a break
>Burns down store for the insurance money
>Flees country
>Leaves Eve a "taste"
Fuck I always thought Olly was the fucking best character, what a way to end it.
I thought it was great. Dunno why people are so surprised about the two lesbian chicks when the entire fucking comic is about 20 somethings working out of an organic food co-op in new york city. There's gonna be gay shit going on. One of the characters ends up being trans for christ's sake and I see no one freaking out about that
Should have ended on the "I can see the cracks" page. All downhill from there.
Shame, i really liked it before.
Seems as good a time as any to shill the time I interviewed Meredith Gran.
>as low-effort as we can make it
>flat color backgrounds! Put that art degree to use!
>lets have attention to detail, on EVERYTHING BUT the people themselves. Drawing humans is hard.
Looks like shit I can expect from someone fresh out of art school.
>One of the characters ends up being trans for christ's sake and I see no one freaking out about that
He hasn't been showed up our throat for months. Also, it doesn't help that they were pretty boring characters to begin with. Ok-ish to good in small doses, but really toxic when they get the focus.
Fuckity fuck, I cared way more about Hanna and haven't cared about Eve for a long time, so I'm kind of bummed eve is getting a better/more closured ending
OP's strong point is the writing but gran uses those cartoony figures with a surprising degree of finesse. The last page is one of the less appealing I've seen from her which is kind of a shame.
Heard about this today. Gonna have to binge it and buy the last book when it's out. Fuck. It feels like only a few years since I started reading it but I found it in 2009. Shit hit me hard emotionally more than I like to admit.
>Hanna left with Marek with the slight chance of them patching things up and come back (unlikely tho knowing Hanna)
>Not even one panel of Hanna and Marigold at least being awkward between each other or trying to kill one another. I really wanted to at least see a slight interaction between them or Hanna admiting that she was a cunt but Marigold telling her to fuck off and thus regreting burning bridges with her
All in all, I'm glad that Eve found a way to deal with her inner issues and get together with Will and just realizing that while growing up and realizing that what you do in your 20's is critical for your future sometimes things don't go as planned and you have to deal with it.
I legit loved the series and I hope Meredith has some more stuff in store for us. co/ might not like it because of the whole SWJ and progressive stuff but I really recommend it if anybody is interested in slice of life drama
I really feel like Hanna got shafted considering Mar and Eve both found happy love and even Will has a brighter future
but she and Marek are the only ones I really emotionally cared about towards the end, so...
I kind of wonder about Park too.
I’m honestly glad interaction between Hanna and Marigold didn’t happen. I thought that was way more realistic of an outcome, it would have been too predictable in this final chapter. Especially given how their friendship ended and how bitter Hanna was in the aftermath.
Some people just don’t patch up and never will, issues aren’t always tied up in a neat little bow, there’s never that kind of convenience. The only reason Hanna and Marek had a moment is because Marek still cares about her. Marigold has more than moved on. I like that they avoided each other.
Bitch can't draw feet or hands and has the nerve to teach an illustration class
I remember liking it a lot but somehow it started feeling a bit too pretentious towards the end, a bit too progressive and perhaps a bit too unwilling to point out the flaws in the characters. Although maybe that's natural nostalgia towards characters you've been working with for a decade.
But it ended with relative style and with stuff nicely tied up, so well done
Have you looked at published illustrations in the past 20 years
>Story is all but done, only things left is for Hanna to patch things with Marigold and Marek
>Hanna planning to have revenge sex in order to spite Marek who brought a woman with him into the party
>Her plans goes to shit when he finds Larry making out with a dude out of all things
>Sperg out and goes to puke out of sheer disgust
>Marigold right outside of the party
>Expect for things to go smooth sailing for both of them somehow
>Pic related happens
>Bitch realizes what a grave mistake was for her to burn bridges with Marigold, thinks about it for a bit and the sucks it up like a grown up
I don't care for much for how things ended up with Marek because but damn I was laughing my ass off at the curve ball that Meredith had planned. I was totally expecting for them one way or another to patch things up and go back to being friendly since they were in a party and all.
Hanna is actually my favorite character out of the cast but she really needed something like this in order to grow up and realistically situations like these can't be helped even though you really wished things were different
Not gonna lie, I was a bit surprised that it ended today. I expected a few more pages of dialogue but it was satisfying nonetheless.
>Eveill Ending
>Ambiguous yet positive ending for Hanna & Marek
>Eve gets some dough (and Ollie cheats her, which is in character for him) and gets some closure with her time at the store
>Eve comes to appreciate herself and finds worth in who she is
Still probably one of the best webcomics I've read. If anyone has suggestions that are close to it, I'm willing to try it out.
>that image
Once, I too was a cunt.
TJ and Amal.
Sakana, sorta.
I met Meredith once and always meant to read this comic after that. But I never got around to it.
>Eve ends up with Will and gets over Park
>Eve becomes self-confident and grateful for her time with Hanna and Marek
>Hanna matures and potentially ends up with Marek again (?)
>Will gets out of drug dealing and goes into business with Hanna
>Eve's job gets burned down but she gets a cut of the fraud money ($75)
>Marigold gets hungry for chocolate and ends up with Jane
I agree. I liked the whole series, but the Eve Will lakehouse arc was pretty top notch.
I still don't get the name...why Octopus Pie?
How long? I got in the middle of the Hanna art museum arc, so that was about 5 years.
it's oddly more charming than that synopsis makes it sound.
perfect for binge reading when ill.
one of the characters looked a lot like deedee for some reason.
Great series; sad to see it come to an end. Bought one of the books a few years back. Still a fan.
Mfw Eve only got $75 out of that shithole market she wasted her 20s in
>I hope Meredith has some more stuff in store for us
Any idea what she might try to pursue next?
I feel like Park probably went back to Chicago and became even more of a corporate douche than he was in his final appearance.
Park seemed like the sorta Type-A guy who needed to go to the right school, get the right job, and make a lot of money. He also has a set idea for how life should work and he's got no patience for anyone who doesn't fit into the proper life track he expects (like Eve's stoner friends).
She said she would be updating her twitter in around 1 month in order to let her patreons and such her plans for the future. So we just might have to wait a little bit.
I remember liking it a lot on high school. I'll have to go back and give it a read.
Good webcomic. One of the few. Sorry to see it go.
Creator's a genuinely nice person too. Also one of the few.
Marek, Olly and Eve's mom were the best characters and nobody can prove otherwise.
>Those pages where Hanna gets BTFO by Marigold while entering the party.
Also is she dare I say ourgirl/?
Those titties UNF
>I met Meredith once
How was she? Where'd you meet her at?
>ten years
>has THAT art style
So when did it completely change?
There's nothing wrong with them being lesbians. The problem was that they were shit characters that got something like 3 or 4 arcs for themselves when I'm pretty sure no one other than the "muh representativeness" types gave a fuck about. I don't, maybe I'm projecting a bit since Marigold and Jane are the epitome of the type of girls that I despise.
I kinda liked Puget Sean. He felt like one of the most realistic characters of the bunch.
Happy that he got over Marigold and found someone for himself. I wonder what happened to Greg, tho. Maybe he went full /fit/zen?
Gran was a bit of a dick when I saw her at NYCC a few years back. Clearly didn't want to be there, wasn't trying to talk or look at me at all until I took out my wallet. I bought a book, paid extra for a sketch inside the cover and she didn't even draw the one (Marek instead of Hanna) I requested. I was kind of reminded of that Ryan Gosling copypasta.
I mean, I guess I'm ugly, but Jesus at least pretend to be a decent person when they're buying something from you
Is she /ourgirl/?
>Marigold and Jane are the epitome of the type of girls that I despise.
And nothing of value was lost
I kind of cant blame her. Conventions are autism central. You are going to be at your breaking point soon.
She certainly is.
Eh, I don't know. Since the start they always appeared to me as extremely shallow and self-centered, the kind of girls that get to play life on easy mode and still manage to make a huge drama out of stuff when things don't go their way, always expecting people to play by their rules without being able to handle even the tiniest of criticisms.
They're also extremely boring with very little redeeming qualities personality-wise that didn't managed to get better even with Gran trying her best to develop them.
Shame it went to shit near the end
I didn't really come away from the series feeling like I knew more about Jane. I knew she likes coffee and she likes women. Marigold just seemed unlikable, though its probably because she was more vocal about her angst in life.
I always thought there was another side to him though. I feel like he's living what he thinks he should be like rather than what would make him happiest and that he's secretly sort of jealous of the Eveites and his past.
Can anyone recommend some webcomics similar to this one?
I loved Blip! but it stopped updating,
>people actually taker her advice
>Clearly didn't want to be there
This might be a big part of it all
If someone just isn't a customer service person or doesn't like being at a con yet is expected to because that's part of the job of being in indie comics, they're bound to be a bit awkward
For some reason I liked Park and his final appearance. He was a refreshing addition to the cast. And I think Eve definitely overreacted quite a bit
Maybe John Allison's stuff
This, who just splashes shit in people's faces like that?
Crazy bitches
wow. Another one bits the dust. RIP Octopus Pie.
I hope there's a full collected edition Sam and Fuzzy style. I'll pick it up if there is, just for the support for the 10 year run. I bought the first trade (the one that didn't sell enough so she got dropped by the publisher or whatever happened)
But I'm glad this actually finished and it was a great ending.
Ten fucking years is quite the accomplishment, and a fucking ENDING is flat out incredible in the world of webcomics.
That's a punch in the gut. Really good read. It ending just really reinforces the theme of things just gradually changing over time.
Cheers Sup Forums. There goes another good one.
>I've wasted my twenties
I'm 27 and I've accomplished nothing. No significant relationships(kissless virgin), no life-changing or fulfilling career prospects, no nothing.
That ending hit hard. Good for her, fantastic achievement for a webcomic. I have to go lie down.
It was almost the same from the start, I was surprised. She was ahead of her time.
I remember this comic. It had lady nipples of both those girls.
>Sakana, sorta.
Im reading this and kinda enjoying it but holy shit, MC's brother and the girlfriend's sister are two big pieces of turd if i ever saw one.
>invite someone to a party
>she came tot he party yet do not even acknowledge your existence
I'd say Hannah still kinda win this one given how much of a little shit Marigold and her friends acted. There is a limit to pettiness.
New reader, I made it to #70 before I had to drop it due to realizing that the highlight of the comic up to that point was the stoner chick getting topless.
Bittersweet to see it finally end. While it would have been nice to see more, I've had the feeling that Gran outgrew the strip a while ago. I guess it's better to see it end on a good note rather than drag out needlessly.
I'm 30. I spent my 20's working the same corporate job for 8 years until they dropped my ass like a hot rock. After finally getting off my ass I'm looking at going to school this fall and starting all over again.
Take it on stride, take the hard knocks on the chin, keep rollin. What else can you do.
This, exactly. I'm glad it ended appropriately. The heart of the show was getting dragged and the update schedule kept getting longer. It was basically coming to the end since the graduation arc.
I'm not even joking
Millenials getting sad about nothing and ignoring their friends real problems.
Not as bad as it sounds.
Will Eve & Will pull through in the long run?
Fuck no
It was a party for Eve. It was Eve's party that Hanna was just organising, not Hanna's party. They came for Eve's sake, and Hanna couldn't have left people who are Eve's friends uninvited just because she personally isn't friends with them
She's built like my wife.