>None of the heroes I like have a Rebirth title
I can't be the only one here in this boat.
None of the heroes I like have a Rebirth title
Static rebirth when?
We're getting a new Challengers of the Unknown book and that makes up for everything that hasn't shown up yet.
I'm really only waiting on Shazam, Martian Manhunter, Animal Man, and I guess Zatanna. All my other faves are around. Sorry user unless you're a Timfag
Unless it compares to Loeb and Sale's Challs, I'm out.
genuinely curious, who are your favorite heroes?
Most interesting heroes are NOWHERE TO BE SEEN
>Captain Marvel
>Booster Gold
>Plastic Man
>The Question
>Martian Manhunter
>The Atom
>Swamp Thing
Give your head a shake DC. Also, where is my Jetsons series, I need it to fill the Flintstones void after tomorrow
>The Atom
Try harder
>Swamp Thing
He's been in Hellblazer and the Superman annual
If anyone needs to be fixed more than Superman it's Vic Sage.
My favorite DC character is stuck in one of the worst Rebirth books and is overall being treated like shit, so there's that.
At least he got laid.
At least Legion of Super-Heroes is definitely coming.
But the wait is a bitch.
What will the creative team be? What will the canon be like?
>I need it to fill the Flintstones void after tomorrow
Snagglepuss, man.
I just want Wally to have a solo run. It's bullshit that The Batfamily has like 8 books but The Flash only gets one because for some reason DC thinks it would hurt the IP to give someone besides Barry a few stories.
Atom, Billy, Hawkman and JSA all have a decent chance of getting a book so I'm kidn of okay
>Booster Gold
Would he still be waverider?
I would love a new, retro-style JL title with some of the missing characters: Firestorm, Atom (Ray Palmer), Martian Manhunter, the Hawks and Zatanna
Yeah, I know, that's essentially the satellite era JLA, aka best JLA
Add Plastic man and Wally and you would have a very powerful team though Wally isn't a "Classic" character.
Yeah, those two could also work
They don't test well. People are more likely to buy 10 monthly Batman books than that shit. Too bad.
Pretty sure everyone is ignoring Convergence.
And the recent Batman Annual.
>No Zatanna
>No Captain Marvel
>No Powergirl
>meanwhile bats gets 2 books a week and supes appears weekly
I realize i'm acting like a battered house wife when it comes to comics but man I cant stop
Personally I'm mixed on the whole Rebirth gimmick. Yes, it's nice to go back to the comfiness of post-Crisis continuity but rebooted continuities provide opportunities for revision and reinvention that aren't possible in established continuities barring Big Events.
I agree. New 52 had so much potential. It's a shame DC dropped the ball so badly with it that they had to invent rebirth to do away with it.
Aren't they having a second wave of Rebirth books though?
It'd be a great title to rep the second wave, as those heroes you've mentioned are all reverting or have reverted to be more similar to their Post-Crisis selves. Great pole to wave the Rebirth flag on.
Atom's a pretty underrated character, and Geoff said DC wanted to launch him into his own book someday. The microverse stuff and the weird pulp adventures do make him stand out.
Raven did, but it was a stealth mini, and if Karu-Sil ever gets a (good) ongoing I'll probably have to sell my soul to DC.
Booster gold was in the Flintstones crossover though