

The proof of batman's incompetence is Jason Todd. That's why Bats hates him.

It wasn't entirely Bruce's fault, though.


Why'd they make Jason so hot in this movie?

He deserved it.

>t. Joker

It probably was the best take on the beating and bomb scene across all the different versions until now. Better even than the original. You can tell by looking at Jason face how in a few seconds he goes throught fear, despeir, resignation, indiference, sarcasm and finally anger. It was well animated and done.

Under the Red Hood was such a great movie.


One of the worst "I DON'T KILL HIM CAUSE" reasons ever given. They need to just stop trying to make up reasons Batman wont do it.

I couldn't stop laughing at how hard this shit movie tried to be sad and dramatic.
It's a bad soap opera tier.
>inb4 hurr durr contrarian
If you think Judd Winick is a good writer, it's you who's a contrarian.

I was rewatching the movie a while ago. I think Jason is becoming one of my favorite members of the bat family.

>I'm doing it because...he took me away from you.

>t. Californian Lawyer


Reading older stuff is making Jason my favorite Robin. I can connect with him better than the others. I can never admit this though because I've had a rivalry going for a decade and a half with my actual buddy Jason. My name is Dick. It's funny because he's more like Dick, too but we need to support our respective Robins.

Delet this!

Is Jason, why are you sad about?

But that'd be a great twist. You support each others Robin. Perfect friendship. Or gay.

Cringey caption but holy shit would not expect that to be in TT:Go

I think I know where this thread should be going.

TTG loves making references to dark comic shit. Like when they prank called their future selves but Beast Boy had already died by then.

>mfw he saw the bomb and just accepted his fate

Who has the best costume here?

Does that means TTG's Robin is Tim?

Dick's costume

>Recruit child soldier
>Pit them against homicidal maniacs
>Child soldier dies
>'Lol, not my responsibility'

Jason was the one who went after Joker himself.


Don't they call him Dick in the original TT?

Why wasn't he wearing any shoes during that scene?

Child soldiers in cartoons is hardly unique, especially in comics and stuff involving superheroes. They make kid heroes to appeal to kid audience that eat this stuff up.

The problem is edgy authors who kill kids off for muh trauma.

In Injustice they imply he may be in love with him in a twisted way. I think that would be a better, far more interesting, reason.

A little edgy, but interesting.

not directly but he has the circus origin

They should at least just accept the fact that it has less to do with any objective standard of morality and much more to do with Batman's own psychoses and fixations. Play it up less as a point of honour and more as a flaw of character and I think his no kill rule would be far less grating..

>tumblr filename
Kill yourself.

I fucking hate that reason. It's so fucking retarded and contradictory to Batman's whole character.
I want Batman to fucking HATE Joker, not fuck him. The Joker having homolust is kinda dumb but i can live with it.

It's Dick. There is an episode with multiple Robins, and I think Tim was the chipper and psrky Robin

No Tim was the edgy one, I think the happy Robin was either Jason or another version of Dick

why not have the batman hatefuck him?

That and his Robin mite's name is Dick Grayson spelled backwards

>No Tim was the edgy one,
>implying that wasn't Damian

You're right. Batman must rape the Joker instead.

Let this meme die pls

>new villain "the Mememaster"

feet are cute


he deserved it
Jason todd is shit

The most logically consistent character reason for batman is that he's afraid of death.

However, in-universe it makes the most sense for a superhero to generally not kill criminals, and when they do it should only be done in self defense or to something like Darkseid or Doomsday, where a human prison shouldn't realistically hold them. Otherwise you have masked paralegal entities acting as judge, jury and executioner, many of whom are not really answerable to the law. That's a good way to wreck a society.

You know they didn't kill Todd.
Readers voted.

I think one guy cheated the system, actually.

Jason was that eras Damian so it makes sense

This. Also killing off a character is not "edgy" it's what actually happens in stories that involve people fighting to the death that don't have to stick to forced status quo.

He was considerably easier to read than Damian. It wasn't his time, tho. Half the people at the time were not in the mood for him.

I'm kind of curious...would Jason be more "liked" if he had stayed dead?
Or what if he hadn't been killed off in the first place?

Who knows. I doubt he would be remembered at this point, had he stayed dead. But I don't know if he would've got this liked and popular had he stayed alive. I can see him passing the 90's badly, to be honest: he could've been to edgy in the end, after being written by the writers at the time, who would have empathize his rebel and non soft behaviour to the max. Funny enough, when he come back, he has crossed that river and, because it was justified and surprisingly well dealt, he has become a character that is popular and also can stand by its own (yes, I'm saying he probably wouldn't have been that lucky in the 90's).

his injustice 2 gameplay looks fun, can't wait to see what banter Netherrealm gives him with other characters.

I didn't dig the voice.

>They kept the crowbar


I like how he just goes ":|" like he accepts his imminent death so easily

He has a bit of rage in his eyes.
I honestly liked how well drawn and animated the whole scene was, when I wasn't expecting much.

Probably my favorite scene in the entire movie.

Not the readers.

One Autists with money to waste did.

>5 dollars a vote

>tf his memorial plaque says 'Good Soldier'
What did Bruce mean by this

Yeah, but that plain acceptance at the last second, his mouth goes tight and eyes half lidded with "Well that's that then"

Official cause of death was asphyxiation
Survived the crowbar, the explosion, and the building coming down on him.

>he survived and was only buried in some inches of dirt, but did not have the strength to dig himself out
>slowly suffocates while buried alive only a few inches from the surface.

Descended from Rasputin, maybe?

Zuko's scar really healed up good.

can we fucking get a bat-family movie? like a fucking ocean's eleven type thing where they have to break out the bat?


Despite hating him, I think Tim has the best costumes. His red and black Robin costume will always be my favorite Robin getup and I like how they gave that very same costume to Jason in the movie. I gotta say it fits more on Jason than on Tim.

Tim does go through several good costumes. Too bad he got shat up over the years.

Because DC is allergic to making him look the actual child he was when he was killed for a publicity stunt :)

I think him being just "oh well gg my life" is always pretty consistent even now in the comic.

Him being utterly inured to death is the best way to play it desu it would get super maudlin if he was all like "death is scary boo hoo ;_;"

It also probably makes it really easy to shoot people if you just don't give a shit. You could even play it up as a juxtaposition between him and the Bat if you wanted to get all pretentious about it

I'm more surprised that he doesn't goes "I can't die like this..!" or something like that. He's just too accepting.

If we roll the clock back, his life has been a depressing, smoldering shitheap just about all the way back.

Depression, anger, and all that (which Jason is full of) gets exhausting after years and turns into a sort of apathetic acceptance regarding The End. And Jason gets the benefit of having already literally died and gone through it, on top of the usual Batfam "nearly died dozens of times" shit.

Bad Blood the animated film was like that.

>and Bruce still didn't make it in time

Yeah, I can see that too. The character has suffered from some really terrible and inconsistent writing, so a lot of times he doesn't have a well defined personality outside of "edgy and snarky"

God, he could be such an interesting character if they'd just give him to a good fucking writer

I think it's more what this user said, he really doesn't care about the whole dying thing, be it him or others ( maybe only Alfred )

He's a little persistent shit. It's almost in character that he came back, now that I think about it. I wonder if we kill him again, would the universe fold itself with another deus ex machina to put him back to life? I just wonder.

To be fair, apparently, he was very damaged from all the beating, the explosion and the building falling over.

If you don't rape this psychotic piece of filth, I will! If you want to stop me, you're gonna have to rape me right in my ass. I am gonna tear his deranged anus in half! It's him, or me - you have decide! Him or me! Decide!

>Batman walks away
>Jason fires a blast from his dick
>Batman dodges it and tosses a Batarang into Jason's urethra causing the dick to backfire
Are there any lengths Batman won't go to avoid raping that Joker?

It's Dick

There was an episode where I think, Cyborg travels to the future, and Robin is now Nightwing

>he is wearing he robin shorts under his pants

Ayy, lmao.

>editors finally get sick of him and he's unceremoniously killed off in a nightwing book or something
>right before the next big crisis event
>cosmic shit happens
>oh fuck it's hypercrisis
>jason todd literally reaches through the panel shoots the California lawyer in the face and demands DC write him back in
>mfw total reset
>mfw death in the family gets rewritten so jason saves the day and the joker gets turned into chunky salsa by his own bomb

>mfw death in the family gets rewritten so jason saves the day and the joker gets turned into chunky salsa by his own bomb

The ironic part being Batman coming in time to save the Joker

Why didn't Batman just let Jason shoot the Joker and then take Jason in for murder? That seems like it would have been in character for him.

the sheer hysteric militancy with which certain fans will defend Batman's actions makes Jason's head explode and he dies again

>let's rewrite the way he died otherwise everyone would just know that Jason Todd is a retard

Nice movie outside of that

Not really, allowing him to kill the Joker is pretty much the same thing as killing him himself.

Because Jason was like a son to him. If you ever have a son you'll know why.

Let's be honest. You could say that about Dick, Tim, or Jason. Dick had a long rut that he's only recently come out of. Tim never recovered from his decline, and was run into the dirt worse than any of the others. Jason's been wildly inconsistent, with peaks and valleys every time you turn your head.

dubs confirm


?? Didn't Bruce batarang his throat to save the Joker? And then left him under the rubble of the collapsed building.
Kinda ironic