This is Shocking Suzi. She's had a hard life. Say something nice about her

This is Shocking Suzi. She's had a hard life. Say something nice about her.

Rebirth ongoing when

I've got an hour to kill, anyone wanna read this arc? It's three issues.

Fuck it, posting it either way.

What the fuck would it even be about. her story was entirely self-contained.





He asked for this by living in Gotham.

Coincidentally, I happen to be writing a story about a supervillainess who wants to be a man and uses her technology to pose as one


my penis demand more

If you're not familiar with the H Dial, I recommend reading the New 52 Dial H.




And that's Robby Reed, the kid who used the Dial in the original House of Mystery stories featuring the Dial. Obviously not a kid now.

For more about his story here, read the rest of this series.



>D.B. Cooper Returns

Hoo boy

Wow, he just goes straight for the goods.

He was a better stripper than a super hero



>>Leering construction workers.
>>misogynist gets turned into woman

Woah with all this breaking new ground.

>If it's not laughing fish it's usually something else.
Living in Gotham must be like if the bad parts of Chicago and New York dropped acid together.


Pfeiffer is a master of subtlety.

An objective observation.

Quite literally, since Bill Finger wrote it based on his experiences in New York and Dennis O'Neil wrote it based on Chicago.









And he gives after a laboring three seconds of searching.




I always wonder if Morrison based his gotham on Glasglow...


I don't think Batman would survive in Glasgow.

>Joe is a slut

And 156 is the issue number that Robby Reed first appeared in.

I only know that because of how much of Dial B for Blog I've read.

Hey, at least Joe knew Mike. Mike didn't even know it was Joe, he just thought it was some random hooker who walked in off the street.


This is the one where she ends up being a stripper right?
Never understood that ending, she can shoot lightning bolts. Become a fulltime hero, or a supervillain even. Lack of ambition on display there.

Color-themed bandits are always jumping out in broad daylight on crowded streets, all the time.

I think it's just trying to be edgy.

Just realized the plus size clothes store is called "More To Love"

It never sat well with me either. It's such a cliche too.

>not traveling over the phoneline
Come on, it's like you never read any of Morrison's JLA with blue Superman.

Random busty blondes throw themselves at Mike all the goddamn time, he can't help it that he's completely irresistible.


Here we go.

I'm sure this sold a few copies.



There are lots of girls that are like that. Maybe not that many that are built like him, granted.


Suzi has an unironically great costume.


What a shocking turn of events.


Suzi of Murder




What's more expensive, supervillain insurance, or superhero insurance? Which providers offer antihero coverage? Do monsters count as "acts of god"?

I think I had this mat when I was a baby

I think Cleveland here is supposed to refer to Martian Manhunter, who was in House of Mystery at the same time as Dial H for HERO.


This is kinda similar to the Wonder Woman arc Losses where she's searching for a job.

Except edgier.

That even looks slightly like Taco Whiz!



*record scratch*

What a heartwarming ending.

Insurance is all about doing your level best to get people to buy your product and proceeding to do your level best at keeping them from actually using it.


>Sup Forums on a Saturday night

That's all, I'm off now.

>you're a female superhero now so your best bet in life is to become a stripper for a guy who insists you also fuck your clients
>while your former best friends wants to fuck you and your ex-wife violently rejects you

I mean I'm not saying this wouldn't happen but goddamn this is ridiculously bleak.

>and also now her powers don't work because we couldn't have her become a superhero.
>that would just make way too sense.

That's why I like that teamster from Zatanna, he learned to roll with the punches and find hapiness in being a cute girl.

Fuck why did you have to remind about this depressing story. My favorite Dial H story must be that Brave and the Bold issue with Batman where that thief steals the dial and he dies a hero.

I just think Joe could have placed a call to some superhero and he'd probably get some help, you know?

So this difference between this and the stuff you would see on lustomics is...uh...

less nudity?

Thats one depressing story.

Say what you will about this fucking story, but her costume is really nicely designed.


Uh, I guess I'm not knowledgeable on this version, but don't the powers only last 24 hours or something?

It is at least in keeping with the rest of the run where theme is "superpowers fuck you up and then you die "

She's clearly lying about the powers though

Then why be a stripper?

Man, the SJWs really changed Black Lightning.