Stop hiring men
Stop hiring men
"Gas the men, gender war now!"
t. Natalie Portman
Did she ever fuck a goy? Was she always strictly like cock or did she dabble?
She has a thing for Hispanic men
Also there are rumors that she's bi
She's just bitter that she wasn't blessed with Khazar milkers.
>that beard
Except those times she was a producer and hired male directors. Really gets the noggin joggin
the jewess is a siren
admire only from afar dear sailor or run aground
Could the world have withstood a young Hershlag with Khazar milkers?
Yes ?
God Hershlag is so fucking disgusting.
She can't act for shit either.
Yuck !
God I want to punch her face so fucking bad.
Stop right there !
Give jobs to women.
Stop psy-opping Grey Zones with Strategy of Tension exercises, 5Eyes
I've never loved any real life girl as much I loved young Hershlag
smol hershlag a cute
when will hershlag and greta come out as a couple?
dude that's a nice beb
Her skin looks like dogshit
what's a beb
maybe after gretas next movie where she directs and casts herself and natalie as her love interest
that's not skin it's 12 layers of makeup
>ywn fap to Hershlag playing pregnant Anne Frank
I too would like to punch her face
with my dick
>hershlag spots a palestinian child.webm
go back faggot
it's an /s4s/ meme
hershlag is an [s4s] meme?