What can DC learn from the unexpected success of Wonder Woman?

What can DC learn from the unexpected success of Wonder Woman?

Having so many critically flopped movies suddenly followed up by what is arguably the best cape movie of the decade is sure to have a serious impact. How do you think it will affect future Batman or Superman movies? Would a WW-centered Justice League movie work? What do you hope DC will take away from this success?

>What can DC learn from the unexpected success of Wonder Woman?

Be more like Marvel and less like Snyder

>less like Snyder

That's never going to happen. Snyder's wife is one of the people in charge. She's the whole reason he gets to keep making movies in the first place.

>Be more like Marvel
How is Wonder Woman like Marvel?

It's good, and not bad.

>What can DC learn from the unexpected success of Wonder Woman?
To fire Zack Snyder. All his movies are terrible.

MoS is the best Cape movie of the decade.

WW is way more Snyder than Marvel though

"Wondy's a success! we need a 100 more women super hero movies."

"What about the scripts?"

"Scripts? Fuck that!"

My favorite part about the Mousedrones anti-Snyder rhetoric is the fact that Wonder Woman is actually the first DCEU movie that Snyder helped write the script for.

Snyder needs more control, not less.
Though admittedly he needs to learn how to use colors better as a director.

Snyder is good at certain things and bad at other certain things

Get a better director.

I haven't seen it yet but I am given to understand that one of the characters in it smiled once.

Snyder would be a great cinematographer, he does a pretty good job of capturing striking images and converting comic book styles to the big screen. He just needs someone over his shoulder telling him when something he wants to do is fucking stupid.

>He just needs someone over his shoulder telling him when something he wants to do is fucking stupid.

So he's pretty much the new George Lucas.

I think the real lesson here is a movie is inherently a team effort and letting a director run roughshod over the whole production is a mistake.

It can learn to get someone better writing and directing it's movies because Snyder is just a cancer on them.

>being carried around by Diana like so much luggage
Not gonna lie, I'm a little envious. Lucky bastards.

How come everyone's always bagging on Snyder, and not that shitstain Goyer?

>So he's pretty much the new George Lucas.
Nah, Mos and Bvs had FAR fucking greater thing in them then all the prequels combined.

It's not a Snyder problem, it's a problem with letting one man have... too much... power?

Holy shit, that is meta as fuck

>Be more like Marvel
More Quipping
Every film follows the exact same formula
Make every movie (expect GOTG) look like a big budget TV show

Lord i hope not.

One of us needs to cuck Snyder

So Thor movies aren't Marvel then?

Is it really fair to cite that as a specifically George Lucas type thing? Let's be real here, we all have ideas we don't realize are dumb, but everyone else does.

Don't be afraid to have your characters act like they're supposed to act.

>I haven't seen it yet but I am given to understand that one of the characters in it smiled once.
You better retract that or DC will sue you for slander. DC characters having fun...that's crazy talk!

Marvel invented smiling. What else have theyve done that i wasnt aware of.

Yeah but Luke Gorgeous was the guy who most famously got those ideas put into a movie. Hitler was not the first, last, or best guy to try and exterminate a race, but he's our go-to example.

Why are you tripfagging?
Are you one of those attention whoring, 600lb redditors?

I didn't bring up Marvel, you did.

Marvel's movies have problems but at least they don't exclusively make sourpuss movies for sad people.

Keep bribing reviewers, like Marvel has done, it's the only way all these terrible superhero movies could get any higher than 30% in RT.

But Marvel is bad. That makes no sense.

It's pretty fun seeing movies like BvS, with 30% and then Civil War, or Wonder Woman, and turns out they are all the same formulaic, soulless, exclusively money-minded shallow drivel with overpaid, mostly awful, actors in badly designed costumes.

The post you were replying to did. I thought you were responding to that since the main 'criticism' is that DC heros dont smile while stopping evil but Marvel do'

Not really. There eis a reason for everyone saying "it's so good that it looks like a Marvel film".

This was an actual headline in my country.

It's made by people who actually like and respect Wonder Woman like the people who make Marvel movies.

Oh. Uh. Whoops.

I was trying to reply to the OP

Don't worry, Marvel's smile like stupid idiots and DC's are depressed teenagers.
None of them are good versions of anything.
The only hope is to see both the MCU and DCEU crash, burn, and have actual competent directors and actors working in them.
And stop basing themselves on comics unless they want to start retelling them.
Stories made for one medium can not be succesfully moved to another one.

>Oh. Uh. Whoops.
Fuck off reddit.

>still being a cuck lier

Johns rewrotte everything on set (in the same way that Affleck rewrotte all of Batman's scenes on set during BvS) and they retconed a good chunk of Snyder's shit, like "losing faith in humanity".

Get fucked fanboy.

This follow classic Marvel formula (that is older and pretty common on most actionplies anyway) and has more quips.

So yeah...like that.

Sup Forums, please, can you, for once, not sound like a feminized pussy who grew up in Ned Flanders' home?
What's next, calling each other "meanie poopyheads"?

They learn that review sites are full.of liberal radical feminist

And they hate dude bro movies

Sorry, I realize admitting a mistake is a faux pas around here and I should have just spat more bile.

Oh crap! I did it again!

All superhero movies look like big budget TV shows, except Nolan's, too bad cinematography is the only decent thing about the Dark Knight trilogy.

Batsoup and Man of Murder weren't dudebro movies. Or at least that wasn't the problem with them. The problem is they were grim and depressing with a washed out color pallet.

Thats not hope, thats delusion.

True, we all know good superhero movies will never come out, and that both DC and Marvel will only scrumble and clunkily put together cheap looking movies for the next 10 or 20 years, not releasing a decent movie in all that time.

Can someone please clarify what you mean by "look like a big budget TV show" for those of us who didn't go to film school?

Poor cinematography and camerawork.
If you are not into that, the only times you'll find something is bad is due to overuse of shaky cam.

because they don't understand who actually writes the story, what's the level of studio involvment into directors actuall direction or what does director actually do.

Keep using nice (((actress))), remember goyim only care about boobs and basic history...also remember "my feminism", make shekeles rain!

>wanting people to be offensive for the sake of being offensive
Shut up niggerfaggot

He's a fucking neckbeard fighting over comic brands, he's already trying to be "agressive", but since he's a fucking feminized pussy it only comes out as laughable.
Then again, I don't expect anyone but manchildren to fanboy over superhero brands.

Snyder was also the dumb fuck in charge of the universe, until Johns showed up as a challenger and to Rebirth that shit.

This thread is shill central

Well, yes but one could argue how much of control did he actually have over that universe while WB pulled of shit like with suicide squad that really ruined (granted, not very good from the begining probably) movies to the ground. It's quite easy to pick a target to blame for all DC shittierity.

Remove Snyder from directing and you can have a decent movie.
I'm really thinking BvS failed because of him, it has everything to be great and he fucked up.

So you like capitalism until something you don't like makes dosh, yes?

whats the matter? nigger cuck gonna cry? :'(

Ah, that makes sense. I can see how people who like movies as art pieces rather than movies as a story might not like the Marvel movies. They are very basic with the way shots are made, there's a lot of "just point the camera at some dudes while they talk".

I've always liked TV better than movies. I guess this is part of why. I find artistic shots distracting and would much rather be able to focus on what people are saying.

Nope, fuck you. You can't blame it all on Goyer when it's Snyder going on interviews and saying dumb shit like "Batman getting raped in prison is always the kind of story I wanted to see."(paraphrased).

Also look at the shit he wanted in WW that Patty told him to fuck off with. Snyder has huge influence on the "muh grim mature tones" bullshit plaguing the DCU.

I feel like Marvel does that to make their movies feel more grounded on the real world.

>What can DC learn from this?

Not hire Snyder?

Text should read:

Can't believe I'm carrying you two assholes, your 10 times more popular than I am. What the fuck happened?

Superhero movies don't do that simply to save costs.
You either hire a decent director, or you hire a cinematographer, and it seems neither wants to do that, just keep pumping out movies as fast as possible.

lol, that's my point. It's misguided to blame EVERYTHING on one person, blame is shared between the director, writer, producers, artistic leads and the studio executives.

Well, why ever they're doing it, I appreciate how much easier it is to tell wtf is going on.


Also many, a lot of the shit on the movies is HIS idea,while everybody tells him that it is stupid.

Like killing Zod to make Superman have his "no kill rule for villains", when it is never mentioned on BvS that he has one, and is never mentioned before on MOS that he had something against it.

what did he wanted for WW exactly?

>Diana will never carry you to bed make tenderly but forceful love with you.

>What the fuck happened?
DC finally decided to do like Marvel and bribe reviewers?



WW ends up depressed and loses faith in humanity, and goes back to her island.

Checked for truth.

Bravo Nolan

lAre you actually serious? You have some kind of source for that?
Makes you wonder what kind of twists he puts on his bedtime stories and why his daughter offed herself...

my previous posts for context. It's not that I try to defend Snyder, I fucking hate his movies with exeption of Watchmen and few scenes from man of steel. It's just that I think it's mostly DC and WB that's to blame for trying to force stuff that they are not ready for instead of doing their own thing. Again, look at suicide squad and what happened when they tried to be "funny". Snyder's shit and should stick to glorified commercials but that's WB fault that they didn't tell him to fuck off after man of steel.

>And Snow White got raped by the dwarfs the end.
Kiss on forehead.
Turns lights off and walks out of the bedroom.

It's what Diana says on BvS, but this contradicts what she says and shows on WW, also some reports say that they changed a lot of things after the reception of BvS, including making Johns rewritte things on set.

Reboot while keeping the same actors and using WW as the first movie.


300 is a dudebro movie, MoS is like a fucking Lifetime drama.

According to the leaks that got everything right, it was planed to end with Diana basically abandoning humanity after saving everyone. No build up or anything, just Gal dot narrating something like "them I lost hope in humanity and shit", just for her to say that Superman made her care for humans again.

There would have been no time though. Stop believing stupid rumors.

>Lifetime drama.
If you ask me, I'd say that it always felt like a juvenile anime trying to he deep and edgy.

Picture Naruto meets Death Note, with Sasuke as Superman.

Pure shit.

Might as well ask here since this is basically a DCEU thread: Anyone else not looking forward to the Black Adam movie? Dont get me wrong, love Dwayne, Teth Adam is a great character, but I kept help but feel focusing an entire movie on him is kind of dumb and that we should just go right into Shazam. Hell Id be ok with a Superman/Shazam movie.

Stop making up bulshit to justify your fanboy mindset, cancerous tripfag. This is hella old news, from the beggining of the year.

Is but a hundred tickets if we got Supergirl, Black Canary, Birds of Prey movies.

>best cape movie of the decade

Uh, does anybody really think that? I get that it got good reviews and all, but does anybody here really think it was the best one in 7 years?

>sudden narration containing conclusion with no relation to the plot

sounds fucking amazing

Maybe, but on the other hand Black Adams backstory is pretty great and could easily fill the whole movie.

>What do you hope DC will take away from this success?
Focus on more solos instead of forcing teamups. If MCU has SPACE then the DCEU can do more mystic and mythology shit, actual gods. Don't do something stupid like giving WW characters their own spin-offs.

True, but its one of those things that could easily be fleshed out in a Shazam movie with flashbacks instead of devoting 2 hours for a solo. Already expecting Scorpion King jokes now

Warner has a bad habit of learning the wrong thing.

Most likely instead of learning from Wonder Woman that audiences actually like non-cringe dialog, something other than weird yellow skies, and dark dark super grimdark dark grimness everywhere, they will probably just learn that Audiences want to see more women kicking soldiers in the buts and then double down on the grimdark hazy yellow skies some more.

>focus on making your heroes likable and human instead of morally gray and brooding
>more humor
>less focus on the villain
>literally Thor mashed together with The First Avenger

Just shamelessly steal from Captain America's movie more

80's references everywhere and Diana beats Ares in a dance off.

Then they cram 70s music in there for no fucking reason why she quips some to ants and Trevor is replaced with a black guy in the third act.

>Picture Naruto meets Death Note, with Sasuke as Superman.
Oh dear, that does sound like the worst. And I like Death Note! It's like Swiss cheese, bitter, tasty, and full of holes.

I don't really want another superhero movie that focuses on the villian over the hero and uses flashbacks as plot device instead of actually showing the story that it's supposed to tell.
It's really hard enought to tell a single, coherent story with one protagonist and I don't trust WB to competently do flashbacks and stuff. It really doesn't work for them when they overcomplicate things.

Just make a movie. Don't worry about trends, don't just throw things at the wall and see what sticks, don't try to keep one tone in every movie. Just make a movie that's actually about the character and story you're doing.