
>historically undefeated in battle
>loses to stronk woman feminist army

How do they keep getting away with it?

isn't armpitqueen 40 now?

Is the new season as trash as it looks? I haven't watched anything past season 3, and everything I see of the newer seasons looks like a bunch of STRONK WYMYN WARRIORS and Islam cuckery.

Ivar carries this fucking show.


feminism is a cancer that will not stop until it has destroyed the film industry

>tfw Bishop Heahmund didn't die

Pretty decent. I was pretty disappointed with past few seasons.
So far the only things I haven't liked are the Byzantine plot, such a fucking waste. And anything involved with Largatha, I hope they kill her soon.

May give it a watch. I stopped watching when it turned out Byron was fucking his mom. Not cause of that I just got board. I was pretty disappointed with the last 2 seasons.


lol fuck auto correct.

its shit. but if you binge watch the season when it's over it's pretty nice because your sense of reason is dulled

has she fucked her son in the show yet

Did this seriously happen? Yeah I’m tapping out with this shitshow. Thanks for the heads up. I knew that cuck Michael Hirst had a hard on for her. Also his daughters must talk him in to shit

The film industry is already dead, that's they are being given free reign. Same goes for TV with the blacks. Enjoy your dying mediums minorities.


It's not terrible. It's pottery.

Good episode boys other than the stronk women's part. I'm rooting for boneless I really wish he rekts lagerthas anus like he deserves.

The should have killed her seasons ago. She's the worst thing about the series.
Not to mention she should be like what, 50? In the show. And we are supposed to pretend like people still want her, or that she could hold her own in battle.

>historically undefeated in battle
rekt in stamford bridge

>Norwegians like 300 years later

I don't disagree at all user she shouldve been gone long ago but muh yasss kween meme is to strong for the normies, which will make her death this upcoming episode(s) even more sweeter.

I hope your right.
I'd be sweet if Bishop Heahmund kills that pagan himself and then escapes.

I read a couple comments about that but I dont think that the bishop is going to be an assasin, well according to the prophet guy. He said itll be one of the sons, right? He's never been wrong idk.

please fuck off and kys

>>historically undefeated in battle
Um check again sweaty

Wtf was Ivar going to do with that 1/3 of the army? Also fuck those treehuggers they'll get whats coming to them soon.

>tfw lagtha hasn't shown her bewbs or gaping asshole

why do i bother watching this show.

He went to go "check on the boats", but in reality his plan was to weaken King Harald's forces and keep his own intact.

Heahmund has history-armor until he makes it back to England.

I'm disappointed that we didn't get to see him do more, though. I'm pretty sure he's the only person on the show using an actual fencing style.

>you will never be a pious proto-Templar paladin mowing down heathens with your +3 Holy Gladiator's Sword of Ruin and fucking hot Saxon noblewomen on the side


I quit after S4 specifically because shitvar.