After the thread about the Chinese reaction to TLJ I checked out Douban (Chinese RT apparently) through google translate. Sure enough that article wasn't bullshitting, shitty plot and ugly characters exactly summarises what they think.
Then I check out the forum and, I shit you not, the most popular discussions are all Reylo shit. It's all basically 'wtf I love ugly Cairo now, why Rai say no'. What the fuck is going on here? Is that romance subplot literally the only good thing in the film or does Adam Driver just have a transcendental amount of game?
Camden Smith
>new janitors >ban drive posters >ban goose lovers >ban everyone in the reylo general >ban everyone using a trip/name >ban everyone who makes or posts in a general >ban Nu/pol/, lefty/pol/, and reddit >ban anyone who you suspect is a female >ban anyone who says Rogue One was a good movie >ban anyone who says Trainspotting 2 was a good movie >ban anyone who says Dr. Strange was a good movie >ban anyone who says the killing of a sacred deer was a good movie >ban anyone who says Logan was a good movie >ban people who get their opinions from YouTube movie review channels >ban anyone who says that one or more of the hobbit movies was good >ban anyone who thinks black mirror is good
Nathan Martin
tfw gonna make it
Elijah Taylor
>Is that romance subplot literally the only good thing in the film
This but the only people that give a shit are the lonely women this movie preaches to
Jayden Carter
1. Driver and Ridley are the only decent looking people in these movies 2. Everything in these movies are either soulless retreads (the plot of TFA, ATAT attack on white planet, getting betrayed in the second movie) or shitty new ideas (Leia flying, hyperspace jump). The only thing that isn’t terrible but is also something new is the idea of a romance between a Sith and a Jedi 3. All side plots in TLJ were pointless, stupid, and amounted to nothing in the end. Reylo is the only thing developing or going somewhere That’s why
Adrian Diaz
Well, Kylo Ren is the only interesting character and people love romance, so when they teased it with Force skype they gave people something to root for.
Brandon Green
Rey was fine, Kylo was fine and Luke was fine, tittymonster scene notwithstanding. It was Poe's mutiny subplot and the casino subplot that were nonsense.
Logan Evans
Adam Driver is pure magnetism, dude. He's charisma and masculinity in the form of a man.
KK knew EXACTLY what she was doing by casting him.
Adrian Carter
>masculinity in the form of a man
Levi Smith
>Luke was fine
You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.
Nathan Thomas
>telling Driver to take his shirt off was the best directorial decision made in TLJ jesus christ
Angel Adams
By that I meant he embodies all the good characteristics associated with masculinity.
Oliver Myers
It's clear that entire female writing table wants this dude to bend them over a table.
Zachary Barnes
>implying janitors can ban this isn't reddit, fag
Sebastian Bailey
Hunter Perez
Oliver Jackson
The list never says janitors can ban nor does it imply so you stupid fucking Reddit price of dog shit
Henry Hughes
>Kylo Ren's handsome and Soviet
Josiah Sanchez
Chase Ramirez
>The only thing that isn’t terrible but is also something new is the idea of a romance between a Sith and a Jedi um Sweetie...
Ryan Butler
the movie bombed in China - it made less than $30 Million in its opening weekend despite massive promotions by Disney. The Last Jedi actually have more screens than the #1 movie which was "Ex-Files 3" - a local romantic comedy which has made over $200 Million in less than 2 weeks
"The Last Jedi" : 28.5 Million in its opening weekend "Ex-Files 3" : 200 Million in less than 2 weeks
NOBODY is talking about this movie in China outside a few anglophiles there because nobody cares.
Aiden Hall
Lets see if Lucasfilm/Disney will be brave enough to dump their hundred-thousands sjw fans, for billion chinese.
Caleb Sanchez
Agree with everything.
Hunter Ward
>ban drive posters >ban goose lovers
Chase Perez
I think the premise with Luke and Ry could actually work with better writing and Hamill delivered what he was given fantastically even if it is a thematic mess. But yeah I gotta agree, Kylo and Rey's relationship was the only good thing. A shame it'll go such a clichéd way probably.