It's not very interesting in general

It's not very interesting in general.

Other urls found in this thread:


I didn't realize that I needed Rey to be present (and interested) for exposition to happen

>this movie about space magic doesn't make sense

I don't think Finn and Rose freeing space dog horses was interesting to Rey either, but we saw it for a quarter of an hour.

Nothing about Star Wars is particularly interesting
Watch Stalker instead

>i'm a writer and i control absolutely everything from all sides
>we have to do an exposition dump to rey or it cant happen

oh nonononono etc.

Bull fucking shit. Rey’s whole goal in life appears to be turning Kylo good again so they can fuck in a bathroom a few times and that means she should care about why he turned so she can convince him it’s not worth it. SNOKE CORRUPTED HIM. Luke says it, Leia says it, Snoke says it when he’s all “I found you”... And Rey wouldn’t care about what Snoke offered Kylo to make him turn?
Behold, the flailing of a hack who realizes he’s been caught.

>i'm going to do to stuff releavent to rey, which is why i'm going to include shitty sideplots like that one werid asian girl.
starwars has always had bad writing but fuck rian should just an hero.

Rey's welfare is more important than the audience's. What fucking ever. Disney a shit.


jj abrams was smart to not come back. this shit is going to ruin peoples future careers just like the other ones did.

assholes like this are who's running star wars these days.

It's interesting to the audience you fucking poon. Jesus christ responding to all the justifications to this god awful, insulting, mind numbing film is like dealing with children who have never seen movies before.

rey's not interesting to the audience, so disney should get rid of her.

>jj abrams was smart to not come back


user, i...


u just hat it cuz it be diffrend

snokes death. confused fans think he was a wasted character b/c they still see tlj as a star wars movie. but if you look at tlj as teenage girl masturbatory fanfic, then snokes character makes perfect sense. his only purpose was to die at the hands of kylo so we see just how powerful our bad (but not really bad) love interest is and how far hes willing to go to choose our stronk female lead over evil when push comes to shove. think 50 shades. think twilight. think angel/buffy. think xena/ares.

whos fucking who? thats what star wars is now. whos fucking who? dont like it? hang up your robe and retire your lightsaber with the rest of the eufags. whos fucking who? is kylo fucking rey? whos fucking who? is rey fucking finn? whos fucking who? is finn fucking poe? whos fucking who? oh look a black guy fucking some asian. nice. whos fucking who? the purple hair chick is poly so shell be fucking everything. great! whos fucking who? whos fucking who? whos fucking who?

have fun.

Quit fucking bitching. We didn't know shit about Palpatine when he got tossed into the reactor core in RotJ. Jesus fuck.

*ruins your franchise*

this is why i'm going strictly no romance ever in the book i'm writing

You’re totally right about the who’s fucking who thing.
I just wonder whatever the hell is wrong with the person who wrote the dreck you included that she can’t see why someone with like 10 PhDs and lots of work on biochemical research wouldn’t have something to offer a woman. To hear her talk about entitlement...yowza.

Right, I'm sure the sequel-prequel-inbetween trilogy will go through Snoke's backstory. I'm sure they're going to reference him in the future.

You fucking autist that’s because there wasn’t any other established universe for him to fit into. Snoke and the First Order undo the entire state of the galaxy at RotJ and Snoke’s age makes you wonder why Palpatine didn’t take him out or recruit him before then.
Or can you really not see why a sequel is less free to play around with a universe than the original?

They explained what the New Empire and the New Rebellion are after TFA too.


Because he's only sometimes the hulk :^)
Seriously though, women (like the one who wrote that) are fucking crazy and the mere thought that an introverted guy who isn't rich getting laid is somehow toxic to them

>creepy nerdboys
Jesus Christ, she whines about misogyny for half a page while constantly spouting misandrist slurs and ideas.

That completely discounts the idea that Natasha was just manipulating Bruce because she (and the Avengers) needed Hulk around. They basically spell it out when she says they're going to escape and instead pushes him off a ledge so he'll hulk out during the Sokovia battle.

Just because he looks old doesn't mean he is old. Palpatine didn't look like how he does in RotJ until he took his own force lightning to the face.

Snoke as obviously seen some shit because his features are all fucked up.

so if ray wanted something stupid. THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE WOULD DO IT yeah no mary sue there

Unironically the best joke in this movie. The only one that made me think "hey that was a bit clever". Spawned no sort of physical reaction, no chuckle or smile, but at least I appreciated it on some level.

>disney is going to have to discard this trilogy and start over with actually good looking and heroic white characters if they want china money instead of this degenerate anti western trash

Thank you chinaman you are our greatest ally

wrong thread

So Snoke came out of nowhere to master the Dark Side and lead the First Order all in like 40 or 50 years, getting really fucked up somewhere along the way? Shit, he’s more of a Mary Sue than Rey. And we still can’t get any exposition about that? He still changed the entire face of the galaxy.
Like, what if Episode IX started with Rey dead, the First Order reformed into a democracy, Hux and Finn (who has transitioned into a woman) married, and them all fighting space orcs. Isn’t that comparably bad storytelling to the RotJ -> TFA gap?

Coincidentally Hux finding Snoke cut in half is the best joke in the movie though

Force leaf is the best joke.

Not really surprising, it's just another narrative loop holes he completely skimped. This is what you get using Looper's director.

Remember when people were excited specifically for his take on Star Wars?

>The audience should only care about what Rey cares about or finds interesting


Lots of shit can happen in 40-50 years. It's a big universe. You really think everything that ever happens is only in this one tiny sector? That's like thinking the force belongs to the Skywalker bloodline alone.


its better story telling

You know the older I get the more I feel alone and desperate. And the more I want someone to love and love me.

Why do we need to know his backstory? We never knew Vader of Emperor's backstory in the original trilogy and it was better that way. I didn't need to know about how Vader got sand in his buttcrack and hated it, or how Emperor called a vote in the senate according to procedures. That shit was bad. No more fucking backstories.

yeah, seeing as how kathleen kennedy is doing everything her power to grab the female audience, it makes sense that they would undercut any story element that doesn't appeal to women, and what do women care about most in these kinds of stories? stories like hunger games or game of thrones? they only care about "shipping" characters.

Star Wars Episode 90210

First off we found out Vader is Luke's father, which is his fucking backstory. Second, we grew to understand who they were and what their motivations were. Snoke was just some dude shrouded in mystery and then next thing he's fucking dead. No understanding of payoff in the whole movie.

I don't need to read the support for your opinion. Just state your opinion.

this. people who say sheev was as mysterious as snoke was are fucking idiots. sheev in the ot didn't contradict anything, but we've had six movie that account for like 70 years of history in this world. snoke's place in this world begs an explanation. he's old as fuck and he knows a shitload about the force. how can that be when all the sith and all the jedi except for luke died?

Cause these shitters need every single little thing spelled out for them. There's no room for mystery anymore.

I mean, yeah shit happens, but it’s also nice to know the reason for the shit happening. I’m sure you can write a book or a movie about space orcs coming or Finn coming to terms with his desire to be a woman but that doesn’t make a jump cut to it good storytelling.

Also, who genuinely has said only the Skywalkers can have the Force? The OT has Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Palpatine and references to a whole order of people who used the Force; every Jedi and Sith in the prequels aside from Anakin wasn’t a Skywalker. And loads of people were saying Rey was a Kenobi. Where does this meme come from?

Why wouldn't Rey care? Like "hey who's that guy?" never dawned on her?

Ok first off, we did get a backstory on Vader. It was all in the first movie, it filled out what we needed to know about him. As for the emperor, that argument falls apart when the first trilogy established the universe, meaning we just accept the Emperor is the emperor. However, because of the fact we are 8 (10 if you count spinoffs) movies in with a further expanded universe (Legends and Mouse EU) means we can't *just* accept anything anymore. Fuck me, you even established some things that can be expanded upon (He has seen the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire, he is a dark side user who doesn't follow the Sith Doctrine, he somehow is leading an Imperial Remanent force)


We got no backstory on Vader in ANH. He was a generic pilot who died. End of backstory.

>The details are important me!
This does sounds like something a women would say.

Mystery usually has an answer somewhere. Sometimes it's well hidden but it's there. Snoke has fucking nothing.

Also let's talk about how the fact he went from dark sage to crazy emperor 2.0 in one movie. They even copy the throne scene.

You fucking moron, the very first movie has Obi-Wan day that Vader was a former pupil of his who was seduced by evil and helped the Empire hunt down the other Jedi. And that’s before Vader was even intended to be Anakin.
Do you NuWars defenders even watch the movies you compare Kathleen’s shit to?

I mean the problem is that rey isn't particularly interesting, in any way shape or form. Shes nothing, no one, nobody.
Maybe if she were any kind of character at all people wouldn't be so irritated.

The fuck? He was Obi-wan's pupil who betrayed the Jedi and killed Luke's father before joining the Empire. That's pretty goddamn substantial.

>He was the greatest star pilot in the galaxy
>Vader was a pupil to Obi Wan who slayed Luke's father (Which is true from a certain point of view)
>Fought in the Clone Wars
>Wanted Luke to have his lightsaber
>Was a good friend
All from the original trilogy, most of it from Obiwan's speech. That's all that is needed for Snoke, some explanation on how he got to where he was.


Yet apparently we needed to know what was going on on some fucking planet where they play the slots and race horses. I swear, nothing about the thought process behind any aspect of this movie made any fucking sense.

>two sentences of vague backstory which is a lie
More than enough. Don't need a whole trilogy explaining where Snoke went to high school and what he was like as a child. Emperor had ZERO backstory. That's how it should be. Anyone who wants or needs backstory is a moron with no brain cells.

Check out 1 minute in and come back to us.

it contradicted nothing, because there was no previous mythology to contradict. however, at this point in the mythology, snoke and his vast knowledge of the force make no sense given what has happened in previous movies.

I wonder what JJ's plan was for him, he had to have some idea

You give Jar Jar too much credit.

No interesting to the audience either it seems

>Gets proven wrong
>Fucking brainlets!

You are a fucking idiot, I already explained why the emperor argument falls apart. All we need for Snoke is an explanation of how such a powerful (Powerful enough to basically re-establish the Galactic Empire and to corrupt Kylo Ren at a young age anyway) could do the feats that he was implied to do. The Emperor appeared in the original trilogy, which set out to establish the universe. Guess what? The universe has already been established with events and a timeline with internal rules. You can't just put up something and expect people to not question where the fuck has this been in the entire time.

You're a pussy

holy shit you're a fucking idiot. palpatine being mysterious didn't contradict anything. snoke appearing out of no where with vast knowledge of the force makes no sense and contradicts the fact that all sith and all jedi are dead.


Just like he had a plan for Lost?

30+ years ago: ~3:20

MARK HAMILL: It's (ROTJ) the last one for everyone except for the two robots, they're the only ones that go through the whole three trilogies, the nine stories.

MARIA SHRIVER: I've heard that you've been hired to come back as Luke Skywalker in the last Star Wars film eighteen years from now. Is that true?

MARK: In something like 2004 or something...

MARIA: You're gonna be back?

MARK: But you see he's being very cagey, because it's either going to be on another plane of existence, or not the same character, and I can't really tell you why, without sort of getting into sensitive material.

MARIA: So, then, this is the last one for you until the year 2004, or around there?

MARK: Well, I just like to say that when you see the ending, you'll see why it has to be the last one, period.

"Now George is talking about three more films," says Hamill, "a fourth trilogy that would have hardly anything to do with space, but would be these esoteric, philosophic, inner-directed films. Can you believe it? George has all this in his head, all figured out. The guy's incredible."
-JW Rinzler's Making of ESB

Snoke is likely part of the beings from outside of the galaxy that at least in some sense are different from the Sith and that are motivated in much of their actions in trying to obtain 'power' over other beings. Luke thinking that beings such as that existing is similar to how in Lensman books one of the main characters thinks that he may have been incorrect in thinking some beings who did evil things and were defeated were the only major threat to beings in a major realm. That main character thinks that there may also be beings who come from somewhere outside that realm that are also threats to beings in that realm.

>The series begins with Triplanetary, beginning two billion years before the present time and continuing into the near future. The universe has no life-forms aside from the ancient Arisians, and few planets besides the Arisians' native world. The peaceful Arisians have foregone physical skills in order to develop contemplative mental power.

>The Eddorians, a dictatorial, power-hungry race, come into our universe from an alien space-time continuum after observing that our galaxy and a sister galaxy (the Second Galaxy) are passing through each other. This will result in the formation of billions of planets and the development of life upon some of them. Dominance over these life forms would offer the Eddorians an opportunity to satisfy their lust for power and control.

There you go. Some general ideas regarding some mysteries.

Is this like on of those Kojima theories where we pretend it was all part of a grand plan mapped out from the beginning?

Knights of Ren are going to show up for 5 mins and job it next movie right?

>THE LAST JEDI Doesn’t Have Villains, And That’s a Good Thing
Writing clickbait headlines is fun. I should go into journalism.

I’m stunned that you like the backstory given to Vader and say it’s enough and aren’t bothered by Snoke having zero.

Rey's gonna cut 'em down like battle droids on her way to Kylo.

See, now that actually sounds interesting and would be a cool new take on Star Wars.

Why? Because she lives in a society that aggressively promotes the idea that awkward, fat, uninteresting, and minimally employed (if not unemployed) women are entitled to interesting, wealthy, and attractive men because they are all beautiful princesses deserving of nothing less than a Prince Charming to romance them. Anything even somewhat resembling the same message for men (though in Banner's case, it hardly comes anywhere close to that beyond him being a bit awkward, introverted, and not wealthy, but still, you get the idea) is very upsetting to them because in their minds they have reduced anything less than a 95% perfect male to worthless and undeserving of any female attention. Anything suggesting that a woman more attractive than (or what they probably think is equally if not even less attractive than) themselves might have to """settle""" for a 90% male is viewed as dangerous for both their own personal world view and the message that western society is pushing. Basically, the media encouraging a less than perfect male to even consider approaching a hambeast who surely deserves better is very problematic.

inb4 a buttblasted roastie accuses me of hating women.

Nah Rian's right here.
I mean really? Why would we want to know about Snoke's backstory? The only thing that matters, are things that help propel Rey's story forward.
That's why the 40 minute subplot with Finn and Rose accomplishing absolutely jackshit and affecting none of the story outside their little magic school bus adventure took precedence over adding depth to characters people were interested in.

>"Snoke's backstory wasn't 'something particularly interesting to Rey'? Look you fucking christ killer, I don't know what's gong on but you better fix MY franchise - or there's six feet of dirt waiting for you in the part of Skywalker Ranch the tourists never see "

I mean, you can easily tie Snoke's backstory into Rey's story. She wants Kylo to return back into the light while Kylo wants her to join him. For Rey to accomplish her goal, she would have to destroy the source of his corruption (Snoke) while Kylo would need to let go of his past and try to convince Rey like he was (Again, Snoke). That would be the time you would reveal why Snoke wanted to corrupt Kylo and the other Jedi that Luke was training.

For some strange reason, Snoke seems to have the strongest connection to the old trilogy and has zilch to offer in terms of explanation for that.

All we know is this creepy alien dude with scars somehow saw the rise and fall of the Galactic Empire, knows a lot of details about the sith and jedi, is determined to find Luke Skywalker, and managed to singlehandedly tempt Ben Solo to the dark side.

He has more knowledge apparently than Han, Leia and Luke combined, who were all there in the original trilogy. He built the first order singlehandedly and managed to destroy the republic and everything.

We deserve to know who the fuck he is and what is motives are, rather than him being just some mcguffin that can bring /reylo/ together .

>Why would we want to know about Snoke's backstory?

some of you are so fucking stupid, its not just about knowing snokes backstory for the sake of knowing snokes backstory, its about having a convincing believable villain who seems like an actual threat and a source of conflict. snoke never at any point seems like a threat or even an interesting antagonist at all, hes literally just a dude in a chair who does nothing then dies. hes a waste of fucking time.

When Rey is not on screen, other characters should be saying
"Where is Rey?"
"Is what we are doing now, interesting to Rey?"

Good lord, they just continue to add more shit to an already mountain of shit


When the movie your watching doesnt make sense from a story point of view that's called broken immersion.

>Listen you hymie fuck

love these

What a beautiful picture.


Are you kidding me? Johnson is clearly disconnected from the world.

user, was i the only one who got a rather weird thought that TLJ was paraphrasing the Scarface, when Kylo killed Snoke?