How can I be like him?

How can I be like him?

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Follow these three simple rules:
-Be handsome
-Be attractive
-Don't be unattractive

Be born what is considered by female s as sexy n handsome


What if I'm not handsome? :(

He said be handsome. Are you fuckin deaf?

Learn to drive.
Dutch people were a mistake.

-be aryan
-act like a man

Protect your Joi

Be a good boy and not get thirsty by roasties.

hes eternal anglo

He has a wonky face. If you aren't a manlet or a shitskin you can be like him if you just lift and look after yourself. Your baggy jeans and unkempt hair and facial hair aren't going to do. I know he has stubble but that probably took a stylist hours to do.

Everyone has asymmetrical faces. This why Ayylmaofu looks so weird.

where did "symmetry in faces is considered attractive" meme come from anyway? it's clearly not a primary factor unless someone's face is extremely asymmetrical

Goose absolutely would just look like a weird motherfucker if he wasn't in great shape. Long tapering chin, long nose, close eyes, neanderthal brow. But he has height, confidence, a masculine haircut, and he doesn't walk around in a fucking white leather jacket IRL.

>dreamed of Luv using her replicant strength to move me around, and her feeling up my /fit/ lats and calling me a big guy later last night


It's just how it is. Perfection is a meme anyways.

Be handsome
Have a nice body
Have charisma
Have lots of money
Be autistic




weaponise your autism

goose isn't handsome

it always has been, it's basically a tell on the overall quality of someone's genetics. the closer someone is to well proportioned symmetry the more attractive they are.


And don’t try.

He's not handsome he's beautiful.

this, he has jolie laide. most of it is his physical stature and demeanor. not gay.

he's honestly not that good looking at all, he just knows how to carry himself and is fit

Hes the perfect amount of rugged handsome

Too handsome and you become a "pretty boy" who nobody takes seriously

You cant

Gosling is gorgeous, please stop giving anons false hope that their social awkwardness will get them laid.

he honestly isn't
his face is wonky, his eyes are too close together and at weird angles and he has a huge chin

he's a 6/10 with a great personality and attitude

his extremely long legs and small upperbody make him attractive. he's like a handsome slenderman.

He's both pretty in a pretty boy kinda way while also being a bit rugged and masculine as well, so thats why chicks dig him and bros want to be him.

Become a transsexual

>tfw she'll never see you like that

I used to think that too but with time I understood what women see in him. He's a really really attractive man.

I honestly haven't met a single girl that considers him handsome. They all say he looks too wonky

they're probably lesbians. his long slender legs are sublime.


have disproportioned facial features
take steroids and work out 5 days a week a few hours daily


My sister, mom, some of their friends, several classmates, and wives of my friends all think he's stupid hot.

>sister, mom, some of their friends, several classmates, and wives of my friends
anyone you might be forgetting?

I hate being a Manlet. No matter what I look like I can never be as cool as the Goose. Should I get leg lengthening surgery?

Be a good Joe

you could be a small goose.

His wife of course, who had the common courtesy to lie to him.

I think there's one more.

I promise you, no matter how tall a girl is if you are an adult male of average strength you can almost certainly beat her up.

Ana de Armas thinks he's handsome. I'm with her on that.

All of those girls would fuck him in a heartbeat.

Till you drown her out of your mind.


Probably because you have gotten used to seeing asymmetrical faces.

I don't want to beat women up, I want them to look at me like Cuban Lexi Belle does

You mean Cuban Miley Cyrus.

>ywn be goose


give me rice

> topp it guyz the gooze is UGLY

May gay friend says that gosling is so handsome than you could be the straightest guy ever and still find the Goose attractive.


To be fair that isnt autism, he is just incredibly good at phisical comedy

how can you guys say hes not goodlooking? are you gay or how would you know?



I'm totally straight but have a strange fascination with Ryan (no homo)

be born in canada
be raised mormon
be a prettyboy
knock up eva mendes

>How can I be like him?
Stop being a hateful little bitch.

How does he even handle this? Say Elle is in the same room as him does he have to greet her or what?
If so then how does he handle her?

He would be the perfect man if he didn't have that weird gay voice.

You drive.

>/r9tv/ is so socially inept and isolated from the real world they wouldn't recognize physical comedy if it hit them in the nuts and mistake it for le epik autism

Absolutely pathetic

He is hot in a personal way, and suprise suprise women are humans too and like men who look special. Plus his personality is what everyone wants to be, even women. It's like, so nice, light and easy feeling from every angle.

>that level of projection
Wew lad

Be the manlet that learned. I'm 179cm (5 feet 10.6 inches for you burgers) and i've accepted the fact that i will always look shorter than other men. Play with it. Act like you are equal and as confident as your longer friends while standing next to them and see women get interested in the contrast.

Lmao, I havent met a girl that thinks hes bad looking. Girl that tells you that goose isnt handsome is the same girl that tells you that shes virgin but pierced her hymen when masturbating.
You have to be retard to belive it.

No really can a girl get deflowered if she dildoes herself?

Wanna fight?

Dude, you are 1.4 inches away from not being a manlet, just say you're 6ft and most people will buy it.

I wonder if women and gays find the same guys attractive.

>hot guy is quiet
>omg he's so dark and mysterious, my panties are so wet
>you are quiet
>omg like that guy is a total creep


When i wear boots they do. But women know that menare 2 cm shorter than they say they are.

>cute girl is strange
omg she's unique, perfect and not like other girls, my fucking waifu *takes her to Cuba*
>below average girl is strange
lol crazy uggo dont talk to me, no i dont have a light

They seem too, was surprised when most of the girls at my work fancied this older dude over the younger guys becuase he's quite manly and handsome, a lot of girls and gay guys seem to like the masculine rugged guys, the kinda guys that I wouldn't think were attractive.

Whereas the guys that I think are good looking are the more androgynous feminine looking guys.

Because I'm straight I guess.

Some bear type gay dudes like twinks though, like I get more attention from gay bears than women as women want the rugged masculine dudes over me, I'm not even on their radar as I'm quite effeminate and not manly enough.

Maybe a cougar mummy might like me I hope.

and Be Autismo walking

FUCK she's unbearably cute :(

>Be handsome.

>have good style.

>be slightly weird, autismo.

>omg he's so hot and unique.

Winning combination.

He took the neck pill. If he has a skinny neck his head would look like a balloon and he'd be cast as the non threatening suitor that the woman leaves to be with her true love.

I'm sure he's used to most women having a crush on him. He probably doesn't really acknowledge it

This never happens.

>girl walking to work alone.

>Hot guy Chad pulls up and offers girl a lift.

(girl) Omg he's so hot, takes the lift.

Next day...

>balding middle aged dude in glasses pulls up, offers girl a lift.

(girl) Fuck, weirdo, stalker creep!! Call the police.

(btw this happened and the balding dude got fired for harassment)

Please tell me this happened in America and the rest of the world is a little less retarded

No UK man, also met this dude at work who got fired from his previous job because this girl fancied him but he wasn't into her because he had a GF, so this girl made up a story that he harassed her and he was fired.

Be the star of:

1. The girliest movie: The notebook
2. The most dudebro movie: Driver

In 2050.

