Will there ever be a 40kino?

Will there ever be a 40kino?

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Do you really actually like 40 K?

Event Horizon is the closest you gonna get.

No way. I mean consider the setting:
40K: humanity is constantly on the brink of civilizational collapse assaulted by aliens and demons on all fronts. And the only thing that keeps humanity alive are xenophobic totalitarian theocracy lead by a dying god with its own Inquisition that makes NorthKorea a positively chill place to live and that only survived to this point by genociding everything that moves and is not human.

or if you'd like a brighter setting you have the Early-Crusade where humanity takes to the stars lead by a living god and his genetically engineered super-soldiers as they merrily genocide their way through the galaxy until one of them commune with demons and rebels.

There is no way anyone will greenlit a movie like this in the current climate. The closest I can imagine is how some conquered mong-kheis realize that communism is good and then die for the Greater Good at the hands of their former neighbors as the Imperium retakes the planet.

every 40k movie would just be ultrasmurfs vs orkz with the inquisition doing some spooky shit on the side

Why aren't there any good turnbased 40k games?

Probably not.

IP isn't well known enough and it would take too long just setting up the the concepts of the setting.

People know what the middle ages are, yet a medieval film will still have to devote 30 minutes demonstrating what the middle ages is and how people acted then.

what i hate about 40k is that it's just fantasy but in space - space orcs, space elves, space undead, space demons, etc.

id much rather watch warhammer fantasy kino

WFB would be kino especially if they have the Tomb Kings in it. Sadly since it has been rebooted int AoS it is very unlikely GW will ever allow a WFB movie to go ahead. And AoS is just khmm-- not that interesting.

no because 40k is trash fedorabait