what is his best stuff
What is his best stuff
we can be heroes>>>>summer heights high
literally everything is great
summer heights high, angry boys, and jamie private school girl are probably my faves but
Mr. G is the best character
Most of his stuff is good.
Big bite. Particularly extreme darren.
He looks like some weird hybrid creature.
Like Nick Frost spliced with Norman Reedus.
this guy sucks ass
he's an australian ricky gervais. needs to know how to quit when the going is good
Egg Man?
How did Chester ressurect and grow his hair all of a sudden?
SHH > WCBH > rest
He's a cunt irl though
never watched past the third episode of Angry Boys
I'm convinced he's a hack
You're not Australian
my family literally came on the first fleet, but whatever you say m8
bread thieves?
I wonder why all my fellow Canadians dream to live in straya, I'd rather go to the United states
highway robbers
>convict stock
lmaoing @ your life. Only free settlers may post in this thread
>south """australians"""
no thanks
>all my fellow Canadians dream to live in straya
We have enough Chinese here already, thanks though.
similar culture and (generally) better weather
you definitely don't want to live in America, it borders on being third world in a lot of ways
>be cuckstralian
>get sent to australia for being a political dissident
>a century later you suck the cock of the german queen
australians are double cuckolds desu. sad!
>>get sent to australia for being a political dissident
wasn't that common actually, not too many fenians were sent over and lots of them went back to ireland after serving their time
it was mostly just petty crimes like burglaries that landed people on boats
looking like a cross between spiderman and that jeebus guy from the walking dead?