I want to get to know you better, user :)
Tell me something fun about yourself.
I want to get to know you better, user :)
I want to die.
I just sent in my application to become a janitor on Sup Forums.com
uh.. I enjoy making these things called cinegrids based on the movies i like to impress people
i post threads about Jazz Jennings, and quite often refer to her penis size
I liek moopies and weed and suppressing suicidal thoughts by eating decadent foods and jerking off to Alexandra Daddario
No meat touching ma'am.
I squirted watery shit out of my ass 5 times last night
>I love brainlet meme's. I'm very passionate about it's intimate design, what about you?
I bet a Chad could pull this off ;_;
I write poetry to express my feelings like a fag
>what are you going to order, user?
>are we ordering dessert?
what interests could these women possibly have?
I want to see you get gangbanged/blacked.
Also I pretend to like artsy films.
I masturbate WAY too much and will probably masturbate to the thought of you when this is over.
I once stayed awake for four days and started seeing my dead cat walking around the apartment.
I'm not talking to a girl with no arm hair, sorry.
yeah two cups of fresh milk from the source
>that's sexist, user
Wendy, let me explain something to you. Whenever you come in here and interrupt me, you're breaking my concentration. You're distracting me. And it will then take me time to get back to where I was. You understand? Now, we're going to make a new rule. When you come in here and you hear me typing or whether you *don't* hear me typing, or whatever the *fuck* you hear me doing; when I'm in here, it means that I am working, *that* means don't come in. Now, do you think you can handle that? Now why don't you start right now and get the fuck out of here? Hm?
This illustrates the difference: normie recording his date in a skimpy dress? EWWWW CREEP.
But chad doing it? Omg how cute and totally endearing. Who cares if he just whipped his phone out at the dinner table tp video your tits.
I don’t like quipping super hero movies and I...wait, what’s your opinion on Israel and Jews in general?
which dress is better?
>tell me something fun about yourself
Well, I like to watch the Kardashians, and I like shopping, and I like Instagram and Pintrest, and...
I like loud cars, guns and girls big boobs.
Phones, social media, friends, drinking, pop-politics, cars (only the aesthetics), traveling, condescending people, having no understanding of the human condition. What else hmmm
I read a lot of comics about little girls exploring their sexuality. You can't compare so fuck off bitch.
>cars (only the aesthetics)
No women can't into car aethetics. Women will pick Mercedes that look like oblong formelss Hyundais from the 90s simply because of brand recognition and how shiny they are.
There is no difference between normie and Chad. Gb2r mate
This one.
Getting milked.
I imagine the girls in these pictures probably like modern sports cars
I find amusement in the simple things. Like when a whore thinks she can integrate with the normal public. You make a living showing your asshole to people then think you can sit at the same table as them?
I like to invite girls out on nice dates and pretend to be charming, but i'm actually planning to trap them in my basement..
...what? I didn't say that. What I meant was, I like Sci-Fi movies
How it feels to have a girlfriend?
>that child-like face
>those god-tier tits
I like the first one but the second one is on a whiter woman so
it's hard to call
looking cute
buying clothes, wearing clothes
what their friends think about them
only girl I ever had feelings for is a dead german girl with the thousand yard stare from a youtube video and there is no way any girl will ever come close to that. you will never mean as much as her to me
They love giant black cock as much as you do.
I've never been on a date.
forgive me for this but care to share it user
I can fit one of these in mouth as whole
I've seen both your vagina and butthole in the supermarket. :)
no, she means too much for me to show anyone the video. The thing is I probably adopted her as my father figure and it's helped me put my life in tracks. Ever since I found it I've been going to the gym 6x a week, eating right and learning. Everything I now do is with the hope that when I die I get to meet her in heaven
This is what mental illness soudns like, lads
Im really into sounding. Do you know what sounding is? Let me explain....
I once shot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
What a fucking embarassment.
I want her to dominate the fuck out of me
Have you ever slept with a mathematician?
>go on a date after years
>talk to her about cinema
>she proceeds to go on a rant about Tarkovsky filmography
>I've never seen one of his movie
>bullshit my way trough it
It was pretty embarassing. Don't listen to the other anons
Why won't you let me forget?
For a moment I thought this was Brendan Fraser's ex-wife and this alimony trap thread.
looks nothing like her
>ywn experience this
Just kill me in my sleep
Is that Jeanne Tripplehorn?
I loved watching her getting boned in Basic Instinct when I was young.
>i like to have fun
>friends and family mean the world to me
>I love going out, but am also at home chilling with some netflix and a glass of wine
>I love food
>I want to travel
>I'm a girly girl in a pair of heels but can also keep up with the boys and have the mouth of a sailor
>wicked sense of humor
>no racists sexists or homophobes, ew
>if you have a pic of yourself with your shirt off don't message me (even though I have several of myself in a bikini)
No, it's some instagram grill whose account I can't remember.
Looks like Amber Tamblyn if Amber wasn't a bitter little troll face haggard ass whore
nah, could be something I ate, I'm ceoliac, or could be just from drinking every night for the past week or so
I liked the dessert, user
>tfw qt cashier flirts with you
>are you talking to me?
>doesnt know who the fuck Afton is
dumb newf*g
Fuck me, ban this underage bastard please
I havent touched another woman in almost three years and I live on neetbux
wait who the fuck are you? where am I?
I like to dissect girls. Did you know Im utterly insane?
>tfw qt cashier seems to have a completely irrational hatred of you
literally never met the woman in my life except for when I do my shopping and she happens to be the person on the till
what a fucking bitch
ciara is such a disgusting cunt
dont know why all you /r9k/ tards make out shes some pure waifu when shes literally addicted to opiates
Opiates are really nice desu though
i dont fucking believe that for a second
chocolate chip cookies
2nd but ugly boots
Maybe you just have a stomach bug user? I was the same but I seem to have gotten better recently.
... I'll get my coat.