Dead careers
Dead careers
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james franco touched my pee pee
gib moni
תנוח על משכבך בשלום
he's too good looking, talented and jewish to suffer the same fate as the others.
Fuck. Just as his career was starting to take off, too.
Go away Tommy
when the fuck has "inappropriate behavior" put men in the same boat as rapists.
There is no romance anymore because if a man even attempts to make a move on a woman it is now considered sexual misconduct.
This has gotten out of hand.
Raped Faulkner too btw
>Not letting Tommy speak at Golden Globes
>This happens to James Franco
It really makes me think
he is punished for mic-blocking tommy
Will Seth cut ties with him?
let it burn
RIP The Deuce
Hopefully they bring back the far superior 70's series Vinyl.
How many has Rogen raped?
I feel bad for him cause this means he probably won't get invited to anything anymore
If these women get their way we'll be extinct within a generation, and maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing
Will he still teach at NYU?
Being degenerate is just part of Jewish culture.
How much do you wanna bet Seth "huhuhu dude weed" Rogan will be called out next?
Basically, every single tv show and film we watch will be run and completely casted with women. hope you are all ready for The Deuce with Melissa McCarthy and Lena Dunham
>Will he still teach at NYU?
I don't see why not. You can pretty much do as you please on campuses nowadays
Why is this tribe so based?
>the far superior 70's series Vinyl.
wtf you have shit taste
Vinyl is the ultimate pleb filter you're the one with shit taste.
is tommy the new Bog
is there a a picture with Tommy holding a phone
lets meme it into him revealing all these sexual scandals
One of the accusers literally said she looks for ways to ruin mens lives when she meets them, and also pretends to be pregnant just to manipulate men.
Another is whining because she agreed to a movie with nude scenes, signed a contract for doing a movie with nude scenes, got paid for that, and now feels exploited.
What have the other women said? Because so far it's looking pretty good in Francos favour.
This is getting out if hand. What exactly did he do? Why do I get the feeling if something was done it was consensual
The actual substance of the accusations doesn't matter, most people form their opinions on news from the headlines
He's a pig
see: Kevin Spacey
she was legal where she was and where he was. nothing wrong here lawfully. anything else is just being socially judgemental
Don't EVER disrespect Tommy
women need men to work, cant stop millions of people stop working and going on strike
dunt tuch me muddurfukkur
Stop pretending like this is an issue outside of Hollywood. Not even the entirety of America is like this. Where I live people don't give a shit and women are relatively normal in that regard. These are entitled stacies and triggered feminists bitching loudly. It's by no means a global thing.
James Franco is just a chicken cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep cheep
He’s finished
This. You fags need to learn that 4chins =/= the world
i hate franco and there is literally nothing wrong with that convo.
this will prevent him making his planned "Blood Meridian" adaptation
כל כך נכון
>all the creep stories about him over the years
He's fucked.
>Stop pretending like this is an issue outside of Hollywood. Not even the entirety of America is like this. Where I live people don't give a shit and women are relatively normal in that regard. These are entitled stacies and triggered feminists bitching loudly. It's by no means a global thing.
You are naive and complacent. More common in Hollywood does not mean, not happening elsewhere.
The safer society is, the more that problems will be invented. It doesn't matter what part of Shitville Midwest you're from, in the 1960s a male boss could get away with patting his secretary on the ass. Attitudes and horizons have shifted everywhere, not just California.