Um... no sweetie
Um... no sweetie
>A porno is not a vehicle for storytelling. Indeed, watching a porno for its story (or reading Playboy for the articles) constitutes a long-running joke in the Mos Eisleys of the internet. Because a porno is not a vehicle for storytelling, but rather for erotica, one would—if one felt so inclined—judge the writing and acting by a different standard than the usual rules of movie-making.
>And this is exactly what you must do if you see The Last Jedi. If you expect it to be a vehicle for storytelling, you will be bitterly disappointed. The vast number of 1- and 2-star user reviews on IMDb and Rotten Tomatoes attest to this. It takes a special amount of outrage to prompt so many people to sign up to review sites just to vent and warn others. I can attest to this personally despite not even being a Star Wars fan
>Some of what makes The Last Jedi so execrable is the way in which it flagrantly disrespects the universe that gave it life. Detaching it from the broader Star Wars mythos does make it marginally more tolerable—but it’s still only a good movie if all you’re interested in is two and a half hours of spectacular visuals and sound. If you’re looking for good storytelling—i.e., compelling character arcs woven into a coherent plot—you’re SOL because it simply doesn’t have these. It is not—and I don’t believe was ever intended to be—a vehicle for storytelling. Rather, it’s an extended, high-budget SJW propaganda piece. A leftist porno.
>The only way to appreciate? it, therefore, is to treat it as such: to view it as a propaganda project rather than a normal film.
Has the cuck meme gone too far?
Consider Soke and his death. confused fans think he was a wasted character b/c they still see tlj as a star wars movie. but if you look at tlj as teenage girl masturbatory fanfic, then snokes character makes perfect sense. his only purpose was to die at the hands of kylo so we see just how powerful our bad (but not really bad) love interest is and how far hes willing to go to choose our stronk female lead over evil when push comes to shove. think 50 shades. think twilight. think angel/buffy. think xena/ares.
whos fucking who? thats what star wars is now. whos fucking who? dont like it? hang up your robe and retire your lightsaber with the rest of the eufags. whos fucking who? is kylo fucking rey? whos fucking who? is rey fucking finn? whos fucking who? is finn fucking poe? whos fucking who? oh look a black guy fucking some asian. nice. whos fucking who? the purple hair chick is poly so shell be fucking everything. great! whos fucking who? whos fucking who? whos fucking who?
This post is a little too accurate. Uncanny, what it reveals about the fate of Star Wars.
so is this the new copypasta
Black guys have really nasty looking pubes
yep, the only thread left hanging after tlj is kylo and rey's relationship. shipping is all star wars is about now, because it's a female dominated franchise and that's all women care about.