The Flintstones #12: Extinction Special

"Press F for Fred!"

It's been mad, it's been sad, it's been fun.


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Im not ready. Its been a wild ride

This is the end and there's still so much left unsaid.

Let's start with:

This issue, the Great Gazoo will be played by Mark Russel. But wasn't that always the case?

True enough. Babies are jerks.


Tell that to India.

Slate tells it like it is.

Would've read several more issues featuring his clumsy attempts at being a good guy.


Classic Slate and Fred.

See? It's pages like this that makes the social commentary in this book so great.

Taxi Bowler:

I'd read it.

But thumbs have got bones in 'em.

Fred hasn't shined this hard since that time he was a secret agent!

I know the lower left panel is a reference to something; I just don't know what.

This is his calling. This was what he was born to do.

It certainly has.

the dark kermit meme

And yet he still somehow managed to pull out of the Paris Agreement with just an orange. That's pretty impressive.

I mean he should still get his chance to pick up the spare

How does it feel like to be WRONG WRONG WROOOOOOONG?!


Also, it hurts.

Oh right. Thanks.

One day, I hope we can all be as nuanced in our self-awareness as these dumb, smelly, disgusting, barefooted cave people.

You're telling me.

What a tweest.

who did?

Oh, I get it!

Here's a much bigger one.

Really makes you think

Took me a while to realize how layered that joke was. A food/religion/sports gag all rolled into one!

So if we consider the original series for how long did he wanted that job

Please bowling ball, Fred didn't mean it.

wew lad, for I moment I thought they had gotten lazy with the pages

He's not wrong.

It takes a while to develop real empathy.

Some people never do.

Let's be honest, guys. This book was too gorgeous to last.

But I'm glad it lasted as long as it did.

Farewell and, oh yeah, YABBA-DABBA-DOO!!!


The guy!

We were all of the Great Gazoo the whole time, user! We are Gazoo!

More than a decade if Pebbles' age is of any indication.

Bowling Ball did though.

Sorry. To err is Caveman, To Forgive is GERALD!

Quite a ride.

Goodbye Flintstones, you really were a modern stone age family.

At least we got to see black Amazon one last time.

Thanks for the storytime user.

That was genuinely one of the best series ive read in a long time.

What righy did it have to be so good. Damn.

At least this book got a fucking ending unlike Prez!

I still hate DC for that! Prez deserves an ending you bastards!

>Both Nova and The Flintstones ended today
And Dark Knight III too, I guess.

I only hope that it was always planned as a limited series and it wasn't killed by low sales or something. I like to believe that it ended as it was always intended to and thus was can consider it a completed work rather than a failed experiment.

>The Ride is Over

Better get to buying those trades.

me on the left

The commie issue threw me off but it was still a lot of fun to read


The fuck did you just say?

It was a good run.

they can bowl my balls

So this comic has ended? Like for good?

I've been meaning to get into it

This comic was too good for us, it brought too much good and cynical vibes to us for the last year. Catching (almost)all of the series was great and a highlight of my Wednesdays. Thanks everyone for always making this thread a joy!

A book of this quality could never last forever.

Sometimes it's better to go out on top, than overstay your welcome.

That was nice.

A very good read. It might take a while until I feel like making smut of it. For now I just saved what I need and let it sink in.

Fuuuuuggggggg what an ending! It's just... perfect! Still I've never been more disappointed to see a comic end than this one. This was special.

In the first issue he said he'd been wearing the tie for fifteen years.

>prof Sargon
nice, I like it.

fantastic run

Thats a damn good cover.

oh, I get it. G-D doesn't want US to rub it out cause that's acting too godly.




a great book, wish I was picking it up from issue 1, but I'll have to grab the trade, think I started grabbing them at 6 or so anyway

>Oprock Winfrey

RIP in peace The Flintstones, you were too good for this world.

>we never asked for The Flintstones to be this good

I admit when I was a kid I loved the cheesy 1994 live action movie, but I'd love to see this series get adapted someday.


how long did he say he'd been wearing a tie for?


I want to own this book.

I love this.

I love all of this.

Thank you so much for the storytime.

>Wammoth Bammoth Thank You Mammoth

I'd love to see that as an alternate cover for a hardcover collection.

I'm actually kind of misty eyed. This was such an amazing comic.

It's a terrible day for rain.

Yabba dabba doo, friends.

Yabba dabba doo. It's been real.

Full run storytime when?

>That tiny ass nature preserve

I honestly didnt expect them to come out swinging on the first goddamn page

I didn't see that coming

The twist we all should have seen coming but didn't bother to think about.

Already better then Bill nye

Hooray, the happiest ending.

Pretty fucking good.

>hey kids, you know there are many different ways people can 'get their rocks off'!

>In the end Betty barely got any screen time on the book


>Chimpin ain't easy

Yabba dabba Doo.

Truly it was a gay old time.


go away jin

Goodbye, boys.

It was too good to last

Gerald bless you all!

Good end for a good book.

Return of the Jedi, Palpatine telling Luke to kill Vader and take his place at his side

I liked this,
but can someone help me
I want to get the TPB and I see two
I thought a TPB usually contains like 4 issues, does that mean there are only eight issues out?


Let's hope that the TPBs sell better than the floppies!


Just picked up the first trade the other day, I will pick up the second when it comes out. It's nice to see a book know how to balance humor and social commentary, not many writers can do that anymore especially comic writers.

I miss them already