Why are Griffith and Flaherty denigrated?

Why are Griffith and Flaherty denigrated?

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you've been embarrassed so many times I've lost count.

get back in your containment thread

If my theories are bullshit, and all of you have the answers, then why don't you explain what cinema is. And what its purpose is.



WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH GRIFFIN SUXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOWNVOTE GRIFFIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cavemen paintings


WHERE'S KIAROSTAMI???????????? WHERE'S COSTA?????????????????????????????????

because Griffith was a racist

I don't quite understand this strain of autism. Is Dreyer a hack?

Louisiana Story, the undisputed masterpiece of irony, an irony I call dialectic network irony, a fabric of irony that enhances when peered closer. This lurches overwhelmingly over any 1960s 70s postmodern bullshit and sits right next to Intolerance, Foolish Wives, so on. Is this a meta-ironic jab at the oil company's request for Flaherty to create celebration of their endeavors? Is it showing the irony of this culture facing endangerment by inter-species darwinianism as well as uncontrollable capitalist intrusion, is this a synthetic mocking of the boy's fascination with a raccoon as his idyllic world is encroached by distant relative's search for prosepct and benefit, or is this back to meta-irony of artificially accelerated devastation for the sake of the capture of beauty, man's inherent abuse of man in the pursuit of personal gain this being punctuated by Flaherty's imprint of his childhood goldmining memories onto the young Cajun boy.

how embarrassing!

Griffith creates human dilemma as allusion for metadynamic whole, a tugofwar of duelling ideology. The epic and the intimate, distillation. Throughout his career he sought to suppress the dilemma (the conflict) to reach solidarity, equilibrium; to duplicate his dialectics, circumvent them then reach singularity, to illustrate the inherent juxtaposition over spaced intervals

is this nonesense?

they refused to get their wives nigrated

Pic-related is you.

“The singular beauty of Flaherty's work is a reward for patient waiting till things begin to speak. There is much time invested in them, and, of course, the patience goes together with sensitivity to the slow interaction between man and nature, man and man.”

Tell me more

and this is you. All you. Griffith does not care about your love for him because he's been dead for 70 years.

Griffith abstained from math. Intolerance is not math, it is independence. Through spaced intervals, Griffith supercedes the immediate juxtapositional crosscut. And the independent events that are contrasted do not serve as the basis of constructing a tightly compacted form of synthetic meaning. Through what can be extrapolated from the outset of what is immediately portrayed and contrasted as well as what is already being intrinsically juxtaposed, Griffith sought the duplication and suppression of his dialectics. Intolerance's shear breadth of representation exhibits expansion, but evidently the expansion did not simplify like a Persona as many have derived conflicting meaning from it, so Intolerance additionally works as a theoretical missing link for this concept of expansively suppressed augmentative reality.

i'm literally to stupid to understand this

For me it's Kubrick, Piavoli, Malick, Bresson, Lynch, Brakhage, Benning, Beavers, Bugman, Teshigahara, Kobayashi, Kursawa, Ozu, the list goes on!

>that handwriting

Pal, no. You don't want to go down this road.


[Lillian Gish's] virtuoso performance makes the heroine's growth from gullible innocence to bitter experience credible. Through his star, Lillian Gish, Griffith gives the story an emotional power that lifts this 1920 silent feature to the level of a folktale; it becomes something simple, strong, and timeless. What's amazing is that so much of Gish's tough, funny, intuitive performance, particularly in the film's middle section as she bears her illegitimate child, transcends time, place and technology. Spectacular to look at, emotionally engaging and with a conclusion that still sends a shiver down the spine. One of Griffith's most rousing visions of film as visual-emotional ebb and flow, connection and rupture. If you are not moved at the scene of Gish baptizing her dead baby, then you should check the obituaries of your local paper to see if you are listed.



but you're operating under the assumption that I like those directors you are mocking. why are you manufacturing arguments just because I am pointing out how embarrassing your behavior is?


Remember when you quoted a writer who mocked Griffith and everyone laughed at you?

>embarrassing your behavior is
Is this how kiddies rationalize exposure now?

All that's being exposed is your autism. All that's being rationalized are your father's hopes and dreams for his son.

who is the old man with moustache?


That never happened. You should not fall for the illusion of your own fantasies.

It did, and I'll quote you:
>Ch-check the archive


Is Griffithposter the worst person currently alive?

"wow what a fucking asshole"


bigsmoothpants btfo!

Thoughts on Dunkirk?

>Griffithfag turned tale and ran
Better luck tomorrow!

He's referring to Kristin Thomson and doesn't divulge any arguments as towards the reason for the remark. My guess is that it's the same for Eisenstein, a reactionary sentiment against self-conscious layered representation.


answer me griffithfag

i could write the LONGEST book in the world about how much i love david wark d.w. griffith, but that would take up MORE than 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 milleniums to write down everything that i love about him
i'll just say that he's a prince and that he's a darling and that he's an angel and i love him more than there are atoms in the universe and my love for her is so HUUUUGE it would take a JILLION MILLION BILLION TRILLION of our own universe to make up the space of even 1/10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 of 1/100000000000000000 of my love bubble of d.w. griffith.
he is so pretty and gorgeous and lovely and stunning, humans existed just for david wark griffith. i must do everything in my power to make im happier than happy can get and that no one gives him any problems at any time EVER because he deserves every single drop of love that humanity as a whole can possibly give to each other. no one deserves love but the freaking GOD that is known as David Wark "D.W." Griffith. His greatness is indescribable to mortals, we are like a drop of water in the HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE sea that is d.w. griffith's intellect, he has never once been incapable of moving planets and shifting tectonic plates. d.w. griffith always been above everyone around her whether they realized it (in)directly or chose not to. he is absolute, ultimate perfection. i shall worship him for my entire life. everyone else shall do the same.


Dumdums doomed to seethe, doomed to self-destruct, doomed to repeat