Jesus christ, I can't believe she literally said this
And people (women) cheered

Are we still pretending misandry isn't real?

Isn't that a line from Lord of the Rings
I think the evil dragon in Fire Emblem says it too


Fire Emblem is a good series. Too bad we're stuck in real life where man-hating nigresses are running for president.

reminder that she's literally going to be president in 2020

You have to because white men are so chucked in the West.





>REEEE we don't want some unqualified male TV star as out president
>Let's make an unqualified female TV star the next president! WOOO!

Oprah has absolutely no political or even cultural insight beyond what the liberal establishment want her to say, so naturally she's the perfect choice for the Democrats for presidential nominee

literally everyone in real life was saying it was a great speech yet seems like everyone here say it's shit

what the fuck is wrong with yall


>Oprah has absolutely no political or even cultural insight beyond what the liberal establishment want her to say
This. To make matters worse, Trump will be more qualified at the time of the election.

I've not even heard a single person speak about this, people tend not to give that much of a shit about award shows, or maybe that's just my social group


>MEN? men are weak...i was there when the strength of men failed...
what did oprah mean by this?

I'm not even american and everyone who've seen it and the media is saying it was a great speech

>the media is saying it was a great speech
Well of course they would

I'm not even american and everyone who've seen it said it was shit feminazi cancer and the media and female reporters are saying it was a great speech

Not like the perpetrators are going to assume responsibility when it all falls apart either.

She's famous for just giving shit away to her fans on her TV show. Seems like the perfect candidate for a party who's platform is literally gibs

>she just got BTFO by Seal

you must live in some muslim shithole then m8

keep hearing of this, is it a game or show?

It's easy to be a likeable president where you promise money from the money tree and then tank the whole country into the ground.
So when the next Republican candidate becomes president they can blame him.

>you must live in some muslim shithole then m8
No, people here have brains, the (((media))) said it was good and female reportes too because, well men are all evil and feminism will save the world bla bla bla, you sound like a soyboy faggot.

Great memes, you sure proved me wrong

"The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the Orc. We have only to remove those who oppose us."
Was this absolutely necessary? What did she mean by this?

Because we're entering the Orwellian self censoring era of human existence. Anyone that disagreed with Oprah would be made into a social pariah for not thinking the right way. The implications of her speech and the reactions displayed by everyone show how little we have learned over the course of the last several hundreds of years. Humans have failed to grow, while our technology grows exponentially. WW1 is the deepest testament to this fact.

Sup Forums wasn't entirely right, but then you see unironic black Hitler-tier speeches calling for the end of the white male dominated spaces (news flash its already happened, so how are they supposed to be ended now?), and then you realize there was a semblance of truth in what they were saying. We're heading from an age of oppression by one group of people to another, and I'm not implying that it will be liberal progressives doing the oppression either. Depending on where the pendulum is when the levee breaks we could possibly even see a fascist state form.

Now we're being bombarded with social media, distracting entertainment, paranoia rape culture, "white genocide," and every other spectrum of fear mongering possible. It takes exceptional effort to block out the noise and see Oprah's speech as cancer that is part of an evolving and escalating problem. We are all being polarized by morons who do it to secure their voting base and make money, but they are losing control of it, especially with the dominance of the internet. We are now able to self-radicalize ourselves.

Our society is heading towards voting in a totalitarian crazy asshole on either the left or right, and it is becoming more a matter of "when" as opposed to "if." Trump opened a doorway that will never be shut. God help us all.

Ah thanks for that reply, you really are a lefy cancer feminist soyboy nu-male faggot.
Go suck the cum that jamal left in your wife's pussy, faggot.

how much of a pussy do you have to be to feel threatened by this?

>The old world will burn in the fires of industry. The forests will fall. A new order will rise. We will drive the machine of war with the sword and the spear and the iron fist of the Orc- i meant women. We have only to remove those who oppose us

I have some bad news lads

Basilio for president

Because nothing changes the world like wealthy actors whose ideas of protests include wearing black designer clothes with a hash tag pin badge
Holy shit, this timeline is doomed
Imagine future men looking back at all this from their Chinese work camps, wondering what the whispered land of Holly Woods was actually like and those strange ineffectual beings who were worshipped as gods in palaces yet there's no record of them even existing

niggers have large ape-like heads
this isn't new news

>Humans have failed to grow, while our technology grows exponentially.
>We are now able to self-radicalize ourselves.
These right here. The dystopic world run by out-of-control machines and AI that everyone envisioned could happen but hoped never would is already here.

>Trump opened a doorway that will never be shut
Trump AND HILLARY, user. It was a joint effort.

>large ape like heads
read a book

You're being silly! What we propose to do is not to control content, but to create context.

The digital society furthers human flaws and selectively rewards development of convenient half-truths.

You exercise your right to "freedom" and this is the result.

All rhetoric to avoid conflict and protect each other from hurt.

The untested truths spun by different interests continue to churn and accumulate in the sandbox of political correctness and value systems.

Everyone withdraws into their own small gated community, afraid of a larger forum. They stay inside their little ponds, leaking whatever "truth" suits them into the growing cesspool of society at large.

The different cardinal truths neither clash nor mesh. No one is invalidated, but nobody is right.

Not even natural selection can take place here. The world is being engulfed in "truth."

And this is the way the world ends. Not with a bang, but a whimper.

just read the hobbit and it didn't say anything about ape like heads


>the hobbit
brainlet confirmed

Oh, I thought he meant when Oprah fell for the navy seal copy pasta.

wow so powerful and important.
women really are so surface level. it boggles the mind that they feel such pride in so little.

>I'm special because I can give birth
>Brb abortion

Women in a nutshell.

Hope you're ready for a civil war

Ironically this place is more "real" than real life because people don't censor themselves

who the fuck goes to war over this? Jesus christ millenials are pathetic

This is begging for a shoop. Just add her hair and glasses to ol' Gothmog here

>people don't censor themselves
You know censoring yourself is called civilisation, right? If you don't do that you would just shit on the street or call people names to their face even when they did nothing to offend you

The memes are real

>lol just open your borders amirite fuck rayciss wytpipo
>your son played with a barbie once when he was 3? off goes his peepee
Civil. War.

Fuck off.

>I've been told to "fuck off" in 4 different threads in the last 10 minutes
you people are rather weak at arguing

It's a waifu simulator

hey, if you wanna run into shrapnel because some pink-haired whale turned you down at the mixer, be my guest.


Go back to reddt if you want some "intelligent" debate, nigger


When this cultural war settles down, you know who's going to win? The everyday man that is who. It'll be just like the last one in the 1990s, and 60s, and 20s, and so on so forth. Can't just get over the fact that your guys' emperor fatty is a failed president, and embarrassment to this country. The future is moving forward, yes, there have been bumps, but bit by bit we are going to transcend to the highest levels of nationhood as described by the founders.

People like Trumpanzees however make me ashamed to be an American. To want to fight for this higher level of civilization.

americas answer to a realitly TV show Host as a president is ANOTHER reality TV show Host as president. you literally can't make this shit up wtf

Sorry she isnt just any nog though. Iq to volume relation is .4 she is probably smarter than any woman on earth.
Correct, they generally have smaller frontal lobes. Also, all apes have very small heads compared to body. Easier to see when shaved.

Okay that wasn't so bad but when she started speaking Black Speech I got a little weirded out

And then she said something about the "Shire" and "Baggins"

>I want to thank the Hollywood Foreign Press Association because we all know the press is under siege these days. We also know it's the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice.
How do you expect the media in any country to say that the speech wasn't great?

Literally fake quote, but I guess we only care about fake news when they are not enforcing our politics.

As you proved him right with "muslim shithole" and "m8"? Fuck off, soyboy.

Ah yes, a mulatto underclass ruled over by tecno asians aristocracy and jewish zionists. Very much fits jeffersonian agrarianism or even hamiltonian views. The median income of a nog in boston is 8 bucks. You think neocon warhawks would like to change that?

Its a joke man

I'm glad that this time liberals can't blame it on religion. It's human nature all along. It always happened and I fear it will happen for many, many hundreds of years more.

>ratings at all time lows

Who's threatened? Op is trolling, he's even misquoting her.

>>ratings at all time lows
why ever bring that fact? everything has lower ratings year after year, all television and even live sports

people don't watch as much tv as a few years ago

Speaking as someone who is not from Sup Forums, it wasn't that good. She just said some shit about being black in Hollywood and sexual assault, sometimes jumping around between topics. But of course they would say it was a mind blowing speech.

Criminally underrated post.

they used to say white genocide was a meme here in the US, now they just laugh and say to get used to it

ive been to US cities that feel like brazil or mexico

i felt more at home in ireland

> Trump opened a doorway that will never be shut. God help us all.

Trump didn't do shit but walk through an already open door.

If you want to blame civilizational breakdown than it belongs to the lefts endorsement of identity politics, victimization power plays, and their overtly cynical conspiracy theory version of history centered on oppression.

It was they who decided white men were their secular satan. And that is what they used to justify becoming evil themselves in order to combat them.

>why ever bring that fact? everything has lower ratings year after year, all television and even live sports
It matters because the advertisers are retards. If you give people a program that's worth a shit, they'll watch it.

People are tired of the circlejerk.


Why do you faggots do this?

Autism runs high in some Anons.

>Hope you're ready for a civil war
Say the word and we're with you!!

if she seriously runs im going to shout this from the highest rooftops, how fucking backwards have we gone for the 'intellectual' left falling for such a simple ploy? she's oprah, so of course she gets 'her turn'? insane.

because the word "you" doesn't specify between singular and plural

>and people (women) cheered
They literally didn’t though. Less than 1 million people even watched the Golden Globes, and Oprah doesn’t have anywhere near the clout she had circa 2002.

I’m pretty sure the only people who applauded, or even cared, are Hollywood types looking to stay in the good graces of their new feminist executives like Kathleen Kennedy.

>and their overtly cynical conspiracy theory version of history centered on oppression.
The reality of history is that 99.99% of people were oppressed until about 400 years ago.

>he thinks the everyday man is a leftist
bugs easy on the carrots

>she's oprah, so of course she gets 'her turn'?
Let me put it this way. I'm a Democrat.

If Oprah wins the nomination, I'm voting for Trump.

take the hint, faggot

Why didn't she call out Harvey?

Oh wait, she's part of it.

>implying Trump was unqualified
>implying Oprah has ever done anything for herself without a man handing her everything
>implying she’s not literally on tv begging men to step down
A female’s “empowerment” wholly conditional on men GIVING them the power. They can’t take it from us physically and they don’t have the necessary talent to generate revenue in the same way men do.

Sorry ladies, I don’t hate you, but your “empowerment” is a total sham and you rely on men to not shove your head through a wall any time they feel like it.

When are Oprah, Meryl Streep and the others take the fall? I'd hate it if they leave unscathed.

These people truly live in a bubble, alienating all the non-soyboys which includes most, if not all minority men. They think the nation is behind them because the media and loudest social media abusers are endorsing their message. Yet fail to see that the majority of people do not ho,d their beliefs and the wider world certainly does not.

Yes, but who ended that oppression? A bunch of fucking white males using the Bible as their basis.

holy fucking cringe, what is going on with this board lately

good she already has massive weight issues, will be funny watching her balloon up and knock Taft out of #1 fattest president

Only men can be evil and white men in particular.

When was the last female villian in a movie?

You’ve never won any cultural war ever. You rely on hack judges to thwart the Constitution and spend years litigating in court before getting BTFO permanently.

Just wait until these dumb 9th circuit cases reach the SC. The SC will be solidifying Christian values into law over the next three decades. And Ruth Beta Ginsburg is hanging on by a thread.

Your side’s only victory was its inevitable destruction: proliferation of sex, drugs, and rock n roll. It turned your entire political party into junkie morons with kids that hate you and a bad cuck fetish. Good luck with that.



>Yes, but who ended that oppression? A bunch of fucking white males using the Bible as their basis.
They didn't really use the Bible (see Romans 13). Most of the Enlightenment was based off of the development of secularism, rebellion against the monarchy, and modern science.