Sugar, water, purple


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omg he made a joke about black people omg hilarious

why do autists in this website get so triggered about black people talking about black people?

I've never met a black person in my life and I find chappelle to be fun as fuck

omg he made a joke about white people omg hilarious

do you suck THESE balls?

Sugar, water... and of course purple.

guide me ja rule




I feel this and Seinfeld's i'm telling you for the last time are the two most consistently good stand up specials i've ever seen.

I think my favorite bit from that special was about Michael Jackson.
>"Maybe people will like me more if I turn myself into a white...ghoulish like creature."

nice post, grandpa

>Nigga what the fuck is juice

i've seen that special for the first time last week


I love how it he transitions it from plastic surgery into the smooth balls bit.

omg what an insightful break down of every single fucking comedian ever.

His last Netflix special was fucking trash. Soap box preaching on top of a high horse for an hour.

With speeches like "if you are an objective person at all you have to agree with me" and "muslims dont commit any terrorism, that's just the media".

No jokes, just speeches of how we all must love each other in equality and shit.

Fact: chappelle is the only funny black guy in history

CHIP NO!!!!!!!!

racial stereotypes are funny though

listeing to chris rock and dave chappelle specials from the 90s where both pretty much defend OJ makes me think white americans are literal monsters, you have to really treat a race like shit to have them defending a murderer just because he's the same skin color

did he maked a pee pee video about some rapper?


this thread is like a rorschach test

I liked the first episode of the latest release. The 2nd one was fucking trash was literally just preaching and almost no jokes. At least the one before that had jokes until the very end.

Were you actually listening though? He said muslims committed 4 out of 17 mass shootings in the US, none of them on Trump's original travel ban. He more being more critical of the rational of the ban than just saying "MUSLIMS DID NOTHING WRONG"

I forgot that joke, fuck its a good one
>come on dog, your hitting my elbow

I always loved the titty monster in the audience. Fapped to her a few times.

funny, you know?
I've been thinking about this exact stand up of him.

he boasts that blacks will openly discuss politics even killing the president.

yet as we have seen they shy the fuck away as to not be swarmed by other blacks for thinking politically different.
the few that stray away from the sheep mindset of the flock and openly admit to voting for other parties or even republicans have my utmost respect though.

Dumbass, it's not because he was the same skin color. It's because there was so much history of cops setting up black dudes whom they didn't like and everybody just believing them because they were cops. When the Rodney King shit happened it opened white America's eyes to see that cops aren't always Paragons of virtue, and some of them lie and do fucked up shit.


I need to watch this special again

>the genuine anger in his eyes when he says that

I haven't heard this, how hard does dave defend OJ? I guess there was no internet and they were youngish. Chris Rock still definitely has a fuck white people vibe to him though.

But I understand it. You may think they are shit people for defending OJ but, as I already said, it actually makes you see how fucked up white people are and how bad they treated blacks

Even when blacks know OJ actually did it, they were celebrating because they saw that, at least once, a black guy defeated the system

But in the Chris Rock show (I don't remember the name, it was from the 90s) he said he didn't get away with it because he was black and the people needed some payback for all the police killing black people, it was because he was famous, rich and a token black guy

It was more about the LAPD being corrupt as fuck. That and OJ's defense team pulled off a masterful PR campaign.

Pretty much, if Rodney King never got beat on camera OJ would have went down for murder

Or maybe they are just stupid?

>White people must really be awful because niggers act like morons

They as in niggers. Just wanted to make sure I was clear.

3am in the projects

Chapelle used to be funny, he used race relations in the early 2000s as comedy before the official SJW wave came along with Obama.

Now he's changed, milking the fuck out of this special interest shit since the world has changed. He's full nigger tier BLM material.

His recent performances were nothing short of predictable as far as his muh black people agenda.

Another has been.

>Chris Rock still definitely has a fuck white people vibe to him though.
Idk, he sounds like an uncle tom to me

He talks about how much "niggers" (he used that word to describe the dumb and ignorant blacks) fuck over black people even harder than whites

A real black would want to educate them niggas, instead of wanting to kill them all

>I hate white people
>but I live in a mostly white community by choice and associate with mostly white people
What did he mean by this?

He's never said he hates white people

Rock also later said that bit was the biggest regret in his career because it gave white people license to call some blacks niggers.

Because it's all they ever do.

He lost me when he said slaves were stolen from Africa. He needs to at least get his facts straight and admit the majority of slaves were sold by Africans.

Oh, I haven't seen his whole corpus yet, only talking after watching his first show

Yeah that's right i forgot that bit. I was a kid when i was into chris rock so all his material is a bit blurry in my mind. I probably just like dave more because he's funnier imo.

Back in the fifties and forties when blacks were tame and trying to integrate into white society, white's weren't having it. Couldn't even the same restaurants, couldn't go to the same stores, had to move to the back of the bus if a white person got on, I had to drink from different water fountains. So fine they didn't want blacks to be part of their societies for blacks went off and did their own shit. I don't know what you expect a bunch of poor, uneducated,politically oppressed people to come up with, but modern-day black culture is the result. Which, incidentally, White America copies to no end and Jews try to sell to make a profit from.

All you had to do was let them be part of society, the society they helped build with their Blood Sweat and Tears for hundreds of years. But no. You reap what you sow though so live it up

Oh wow user that's so generous of you. I'm sure they all really appreciate it.

I've started watching both comedians in the last months and most of the 90s jokes aged like shit

Watch the first Chris Rock special and you'll tell it couldn't be aired today, he pretty much says he understands violence against women, says OJ went too far but she was asking for it, support racism against ghetto blacks and says black people being bad isn't a media invention, it's real

has anyone ever tried the "im sorry officer, i didnt know i couldnt do that" defense?

They didn't age like shit, society went in the wrong direction

Did you know?
Comedy used to be jokes about politics and propaganda, not pure propaganda itself.
I know, shocking, right?

This is extremely well-crafted bait user no joke.

Swam around in those big fountains at a mall once on a dare and used that excuse. Was told not to do it again or I'd be in serious trouble.

I'm not American, you mongoloid

I'm Swedish. And as such, I can tell you that niggers no matter their background, are literal beasts

Nigger will nig, no matter what you do.
You can take the nigger out of the jungle, but can never take the jungle out of the nigger

Not bait, I just live in a country without racial tension. And in that "fight" I totally side with the blacks, whites Americans have treated minorities like second class citizens for centuries

By a mall cop or a real one?

Nowadays they'd probably just taze you and ask questions later

What the fuck do you know about black people, you dumb Swede

Your country never had colonies so black people in your country are a really, really small minority and they are just 1st generation immigrants

Mall cop. I think he thought I was trying to take the change that people throw in them.

Wow, you read the back of the cereal box too?
Here's an idea, since you don't live here and haven't the first clue how things actually are here, how about you turn off your TV for a few seconds and quit bullshitting about things you know nothing about? And be sure to lobby for your government to stop taking aid money from such an evil country while you're at it.

Every major European power has that in its history. The UK was doing the same thing in India and south africa

Segregation ended well over half a decade ago. They've had plenty of time to make changes. The problem is that being a violent criminal is now seen as being cool and a part of black culture. Even blacks that didn't grow up in the ghetto try to act "gangster". They also can't get past their hatred of white people. There was a black president for 8 years, yet they still act like they can't accomplish anything because whitey keeps them down. Obama should have been a sign that people can achieve anything no matter of skin color.

I'm not saying I know the truth, all I said is that I empathise more with black Americans than white Americans

only had to deal with the police once. got pulled over for running a stop sign on my bike when there weren't cars around. state didn't have a yield at stop sign law for bikes, acted like i wasn't aware. just got a warning though, because i was going to work. worked at a university, so they'd sometimes post up down streets to ticket students.

Nice blog.

This, a Swede talking about blacks and American blacks in particular is as retarded as some guy from Missouri commenting on the Basque people or the Arberesche of Italy

I'll get around to it sometime. I've seen the first chappelle special and i think his 90s jokes still are pretty funny. The trick whitey man bit always gets me.

Isn't empathizing more with one side than the other based on race the textbook example of racism and the reason for all of those black guys getting jailed or executed for crimes they never committed in the deep south though?
You realize you're Cletus-tier, right?

You can't be racist against white people

You realize that the vast majority of racial discrimination against blacks happened in the south?

The south is a relatively small portion of this country, with major population centers mainly in the north.

das rite, repururationz muhfugguh

Stop lying, you racist piece of shit.

You know that Lincoln didn't fight to free the black slaves and that blacks were opressed evem more in the north?

You can't discriminate or exercise social privilege against white people. You can still hate them though.


Damn right, in the North we made them work to eat as if they were lowly whites.
Stop lying, you racist piece of shit.

>I had to drink from different water fountains.
go post about it on reddit you ape

>Damn right, in the North we made them work to eat as if they were lowly whites.
Sounds very similar to what happened in the south

Even more oppressed? Hardly.

And saying such flies in the face of history and post civil war blacks flocked to the cities of the north by the millions. Detroit, Chicago, east coast.

I don't hate them, I don't even know them

All I said is that I prefer black Americans over white Americans


but da white man din gib dem free gibs

>Detroit, Chicago
Stellar cities, pillars of what America is all about

I agree but there's people that will say 'Yeah well he wasn't a GOOD President', etc etc. there's. No pleasing such people.


Nice blog.

obummers dun didn git me dem reprurasions, he a uncle tom

They were until niggers moved in and turned them into dumps.
I mean he did operate like a tyrant and force an unprecedented number of executive orders down the throat of Congress.

i want Sup Forums to leave

I'm trying to tell you about fucking my wife and you're asking all these personal questions.

i want /lgbt/ to leave

You're thinking of ((Kraut)) and his corroboration with the alt-left

OJ knees = a joke. Your post = a joke

What does that have to do with wanting Sup Forums to stay in Sup Forums?
Is linking to /lgbt/ the new meme Sup Forums uses now?

Large influx of dirt poor minorities and deindustrialization will do that. Detroit once had the highest rates of homeownership and average pay in the nation.

I want /lgbt/ to leave