This is American humour everyone

This is American humour everyone

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Great episode, but I still don't understand the Cartwright joke.

He can't pronounce Costanza

>go over to boomer co-worker's house to play Halo
>him and his boomer friends show me Monty Python (the one where some guy gets a "SILLY WACKY JOB INTERVIEW")
>I think its gay as fuck but I dont say anything to be polite

>playing Halo
Yeah, I know a lot of 70 year olds that love playing Halo.

And month python is their pinnacle of comedy.

>I want to dip my bald head in oil and rub it all over your body
Costanza is /based/

The youngest boomers are in their mid 50's brah

Yeah, I know a lot of people in their mid-50s that love playing Halo.

Good for you