That ending

>that ending
uhhhhhhhhhh what??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
is this why they say that stephen king endings are always shit? I mean i liked the movie but what the actual fuck were they thinking with those last ten minutes?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Game_(film)

It's called an epilogue you dildo. I know that's a pretty advanced storytelling technique to grasp but hang in there. Also that was the most unexpected out of nowhere gross out moment sinse Bone Tomahawk. Wince indusing. Defs grossest thing ive seen all year and I watch way too much fucked up shit.

It was kino

kys jayposters

does rlm run this fucking board or what?

Dumb nigger i watched it about two weeks ago. Not everyone waits for RLM vids to come out so they complain about how much they hate people they can't stop talking about. Its still stands, that is one fucked up scene. Literal salami glove

Spoil me the ending

>is this why they say that stephen king endings are always shit?

His endings and stories in general are pretty hit-and-miss because he doesn't plan too far ahead while he's writing, the book just kind goes wherever it goes.

What was wrong about it? It was classic subversion from King. He's a freaky weirdo so you completely accept a spooky bone collector spirit, but then he ups the creepy factor by having it be a real serial killer who was just stalking her and could have totally killed her at any time.

Also it was probably cooler in the book. Actually seeing the guy in a court hearing was a little weird, I'll admit.

Misery is the only good Stephen King book

Its so bad it can't be spoiled its just awful you really need to see it for yourself.

Typical bait and switch King trope, something you think isnt real is. She confronts it and in doing so closes a chapter.

You sound retarded

Apparently the book is terrible

honestly just watch it yourself. Literally the worst thing i have seen all year. Skip through it if you want. You wont believe your eyes its so bad

Like Saw, he didn't die.

Just read the wiki article's_Game_(film)

I have an IQ of 92 actually

Fucking RLM drones. First that Aubrey Plaza movie and now this.

he is right though. see it for yourself.

the problem is that it completely goes against what the movie was seemingly about until that point. The ugly dude wouldve been a symbol for how he sees sexual abuse or whatever. Would also fit with her going crazy. But no it was some killer the whole time!!! (????)

I haven't seen the movie so that didn't make any sense to me
what's the big deal

>ugly dude was a symbol

When did they even hint at that? So you think she "created" the guy? Or she was hallucinating him? I mean it's a King story so I took it at face value that he was an evil spirit stalking her because she was about to die. Then he turns it on it's head and says no, he was a real person who snuck in and was just watching her die.

me again

I mean her expository self image even straight out said, "he's an evil spirit moonlight guy, he's here to take your shit when you die", it was pretty well spelled out

in a flashback where she is the young girl he licks her feet after which she wakes up and its the dog. This is immediately after her dad fapped to her sitting on his lap. So you could say that the guy liking is a symbol for the sexual beast her father is.
Now that we know he is real though what actually happened? Did he lick her feet when she slept and the dog did then too? Did she just imagine/dream him liking her feet but everything else he did was real?
Also we know that hes some shitty slenderman she fears since shes a kid. So its logical that she would have halluzinations about him in a situation like this.

whats bad about getting a recommendation from RLM after you skipped the movie because it looks like it was made for your mother?

>Did she just imagine/dream him liking her feet but everything else he did was real?


at least what I got out of it.

And that's supposed to be exactly what ups the creepy factor. You assume she was always hallucinating the guy, and later you find out he's real and you don't know what was real and what wasn't. And I dunno about him being a standin/representing her father, I didn't get that vibe at all.

>And I dunno about him being a standin/representing her father, I didn't get that vibe at all.
its not the father specifically more like sexuality in a bad way in general. At least thats what i thought.