Why was this so good?

why was this so good?

You're an underage pleb probably from americlap/canada/brazil

I'm actually an overage britfag, so fuck you.

Isn't there a Bladerunner thread you should be shitposting in or something?

>ywn make her smile at your shitty dancing

It wasn't. It's for children that think they're special.

that's even worse man

webm dump incoming



cute and comfy


>being so desperate and insecure about your work that you need to add profanity to the title in order to receive attention

spoiler alert

>white people dancing

why are people shilling this teenage trash?

because they're pandering to you americunts as much as they can while using a completely unoriginal concept (bonnie and clyde, thelma and louise, natural born killers and so on) starring a completely neutral male and a energetic cute female.

actors were fine tho, i didn't dislike it

how do i get a crazy gf like this?


Reported to the police for visiting sites the promote hate and intolerance of immigrants.

how to spot underage and manchildren: they post about this and 13 reasons why. how the fuck can you actually be over 20 years of age and watch something that is aimed at children and teenagers?

Netflix made a bunch of shitty series and has to sell them somehow.
You'd think reddit shilling would be enough.

that scene made me laugh when she smiles and says "he's like, proper beautiful"

Oh hey is this the girl from Hanna who isn't Sersh?


I always thought she was a right saucy tart desu

>tfw 19 and watch this trash
suck it old man

since you're so upset about the taste of others I'm pretty sure you're underage or a manchild

have you seen her nudes?

10/10 body

why does she have a mustache

from penny dreadful

ooh v. nice

>think it's teenage trash
>watch it because learn it's based off a graphic novel so it isn't john green stuff
>binge watch it (which isn't hard)
how close did it stay to the graphic novel?

This looks like one of those shows that's shit but because it has "le feels missed out on teenage love" Sup Forums overrates it like fuck.

>Sup Forums overrates it like fuck.
it has 100% on RT you contrarian faggot

Can you guess what fallacy you're using?

can you guess how much of a faggot you're being?


>felt guilty about 'falling' in love with the girl
>tfw I found she's actually 25

>literally me: the show

13 reasons John Green-esque why is a lot different to a series based on a graphic novel

I dropped it when she dragged in a random nigger and got BLACKED just to cuck the poor kid as revenge and he forgave her

she backs out of it before anything happens

she made out with him, and had the intent, that's far enough for me

ignore the racist faggots. you can't have any meaningful dialogue with them. he didn't even watch the show, he just saw "durrr blacked" on the last thread and is regurgitating the same bullshit.


it was a generic “wow look how different i am xd” circlejerk with basic production choices to appeal to edgy kids who think they’re better than the world around them.

>implying the point of it isn't to shit all over kids who think they're snowflakes by showing how irrational doing something like that is and the consequences for it
It's like you people can't even comprehend basic kino

Literally Sup Forums the tv show


>black people dancing

The last couple eps are a giant "fuck you" to girls with daddy issues. Unfortunately the message will be lost on them.