Anyone else NOT looking forward to Spider-Man Homecoming?

Anyone else NOT looking forward to Spider-Man Homecoming?

I only say this partly because the obligatory love interest looks like a girl I'm still bitter about.

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I don't care. It doesn't matter.

It looks like trash and the studio is doing that thing where they show everything in the trailer because they know it's going to be shit(X-Men Apocalypse, BvS, TASM2, etc).

They dialed Peter's autism to 11 and keep overplaying the fact he's a "kid". Now I have to deal with MCU faggots telling me "but it's just like the comics I never read!" when I complain about it.

I think it will Be GOTG2 tier at his best,
I m tired of highschool Peter. Let him mature.

It looks like a movie for 5 year olds.

The only MCU I've enjoyed are Iron Man 1, Captain America: Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy 1 so I might not be the target.

Showing Spidey pulling the boat or whatever together could've been a hype surprise reference/rip off but instead they spoil it in the trailer.

Just watch the movie, then judge it, you tedious fucking virgins.

I think everything about the film looks phoned in. From the looks of things, a lot of it will lean on Iron Man/the MCU and probably would use a lot of references to other Avengers as humor. None of the shots look unique or cinematic. Everything looks like an expensive TV show. And we already know how one of the set pieces ends (the ferry) so why keep promoting it in the films like it's a big moment?

Like, this is the first MCU film I'm somewhat dreading because it looks like it's going to be uninspired.

Only virgins will be watching this trash so you're right about that.

Nobody but the hardline MCUcks actually want to see this piece of shit.

Say what you will about the previous Spider-Man films, but at least they felt epic in scope. Compare Amazing Spider-Man 2's trailer

To Homecoming's

Nothing about Homecoming pops. Everything feels so...spacious.

The more I see of it, the less excited I am and it honestly really bums me out. It's too twee. It's going to be dated as fuck in 5 years. Kids don't need Spider-Man to be a kid in order to relate to/want to be like him. The casting is shit. The title is beyond stupid. Don't even get me started on Peter's GOLLY GEE, MR. STARK personality.

It has Sony's stink all over it. I just want an adult Spider-Man.

I always get such umbridge when I see that part. That'd rip him in half (or at the very least, his arms out of their sockets). He's strong. He's not THAT strong.

He is a 10 tonner at best. A ship that size is way over 100 tons. It seems more like a Superman/Thor feat than Spider-man one. It seems they just want to one up the train scene from the original trilogy.

It doesn't feel like Spidey is officially within the MCU. It feels like yet another shitty Sony-led Spider-Man movie that crosses over WITH the MCU.


>Kids don't need Spider-Man to be a kid in order to relate to/want to be like him.
So adults don't need him to be an adult to relate to him?
As a dozen people have said in a hundred interviews, they've got just about every kind of hero except a teenager at this point.

The last time Peter was a high schooler in a good movie, it lasted all of 20 minutes and most of that was a field trip.

Apparently some guy from the super hero hype forums saw it and pretty much thought it was great. But after reading more posts it seems he's a hit or miss with his stuff and kind of a bitch.

That's actually the one thing I'm looking forward to about Homecoming. I really appreciate how much smaller in scale it is. Especially with Vulture.

Yeah, for some reason, even during Civil War, it never felt like Spider-Man was in MCU for me either. Like, something about him just sticks out.

>Don't even get me started on Peter's GOLLY GEE, MR. STARK personality.
That is the part that bugs me the most. Every time he says "Mr. Stark" in all the promos, he just comes off as a bottom bitch.

Vulture looks fun.

i miss when villains made heroes take them seriously.

Thing is, high school stories tend to suck in movies. Why do you think most films are about the kids daydreaming that they are escaping High School? They could also go very south if they make the High School stuff too cheesy.

My gripe with High School Spider-Man? We won't get any other teen heroes because of him.

I'm kinda indifferent towards it, just hoping for a good performance from Keaton since Vulture actually looks menacing in this.

Kids daydream about escaping high school.
Spider-Man does that by being a superhero.

>We won't get any other teen heroes because of him.
Based on what? If this does well you'd think there would be more teen heroes, probably even teaming up with Spider-Man.

I think you don't like Homecoming for whatever reason, and that's perfectly fine, but then you're coming up with half baked reasons why. Just say "I don't think it'll be good, just a gut feeling." That's better than inventing non-issues.

As soon as I heard he's too innocent to punch anyone I knew it would be shit.

I'm saying that the high school stuff is never usually the focus of these films, and if they are, they can end up disastrously cheesy or bad. And when you point at something recent like Stranger Things, you realize that not much of that show takes place in high school at all.
The dynamics set up with this film and the other kids just reeks or predictable. Ned Leeds the annoying fat friend needed for the main character to explain how they are feeling. Peter falls for Liz, but realizes that Michelle is the better girl. It's all so obvious and done before.
And if Spider-Man isn't taking up Teen heroes slots, why did Cloak and Dagger, New Warriors and Runaways, the last of those which was slated for a film before, all got shoved aside so we can have a trilogy of Peter Parker being an annoying faggot in high school? And you read that right, they plan to have each film be a year in high school.

I'm indifferent to it, as I am to all movies. So I guess that counts as not looking forward to it.

So you want a Peter Parker story with no personal life drama? Obviously you do if you're a Spider-Man fan. So what makes adult life drama over friends and girls so much better than high school drama about the same exact stuff?

>why did Cloak and Dagger, New Warriors and Runaways, the last of those which was slated for a film before, all got shoved aside so we can have a trilogy of Peter Parker being an annoying faggot in high school?
General audiences know who Spider-Man is.

Spider-Man spent 3 real life years in high school in the original comics, that's a lot more stories than 3 movies. I fail to see the issue.

You're only point, I won't say argument because I don't think we're really arguing so much as talking here, is that high school = bad. Some great Spider-Man stories happened while he was in school. Post high school, is college even really that different from a story perspective?

You want middle aged Spider-Man. That's fine, that's novel, but I want what I think of as the base Peter Parker in the MCU before we start doing that kind of territory.

But Tobey already did high school and so did Andrew. We don't need another one. And this one will be even worse because Holland is the blandest spidey to date.
He only has three modes, "thirsty for Tony's dick," "spill spaghetti," and "whiny bitch." Boring as fuck performances. I'd rather we skip ahead to when there is some depth to the character.

>So you want a Peter Parker story with no personal life drama?
I want the awesome villains that come with Spider-Man and Venom, not the faggoty ass Michael Cera that sounds like he's trying to hold the cum in his mouth all the time.
>General audiences know who Spider-Man is.
General audiences would rather have an Avengers lineup of Spider-Man, Deadpool and Wolverine. Doesn't mean their tastes aren't fucking retarded.
>Spider-Man spent 3 real life years in high school in the original comics, that's a lot more stories than 3 movies. I fail to see the issue.
Did anyone really care about the High School years when all the characters people liked came during the college years? I don't want Spider-Man films revolving around this scrawny twig who came out of a Tumblr Fangirl's fanfiction about how such a good boy Spider-Man is as he kisses Iron Man and Captain America's asses and always falls over clumsily and gets maximum "Daaaaaw" factors as they ship him with Deadpool who then rams his cock up his ass and Spider-Man blushes and goes "Mr. Wilson! I-I-I don't know if I like this!" and Deadpool shouts "CHIMICONGAS!" and the theater erupts into ass shitting applause and they proclaim it the best superhero film ever and they flat out cancel Infinity Wars.

>counting shitty andrew movies
Tugboat graduated during the first movie.
Every superhero is an adult in the MCU, so a teen is something novel in the MCU.

Wanna fuck?

Overplaying Peter as a shithead kid sucks, especially because Tom Holland can't project the prankster-esque personality for shit.

Bitch about Toby all you want, Holland looks like he combines the worst of Garfield and Maguire.

Rather shit.

It still feels like Sony, ie. doesn't feel like the real MCU. I could see this being the crack in the MCU's armor. They can't seem to slip up on their own, but add the chucklefucks at Sony to the mix, and all bets are off.

Finally someone says it. Holland is terrible, complete miscast for the character. He has zero charisma which is why making him a shitty Deadpool wannabe is going to get super grating super fast.

I don't. The fuck has Sony done to her?

Made her ugly to do yet ANOTHER "beauty is on the inside" lesson or someshit. Like every high school movie ever. Homecoming is by the numbers as fuck.

no one likes that shit. Why using an actress hot as fuck to do that part anyway? Especially if it seems she doesn't become a beauty in the end of the movie like the cliche suggest? Fuck Sony

They have no clue what they're doing. They're banking hard on the MCU bucks to fill seats, and so they don't care how shit the movie ends up being. A waste really.


I thinks it's going to be alright. The three movie deal and then back to Sony is what worries me.

>the obligatory love interest looks like a girl

...I'm sorry- did OP expect a gay love interest???

Because they needed a black girl with no tits, user

Top progressive points

From what they've shown in the trailers nothing I've seen gets me hyped. It looks like it'll be an okay movie but they really should have picked a better villain. Vulture is someone spidey could take down easily.

It looks better than WW so I'm gonna give it a shot. Doesn't seem to be peddling feminist propaganda

>loving cowtits

Hope they pull a fast one with miles morales

Not going to watch it.
As I haven't and won't watch Dr. Strange either.
Or any other movie that MCU will puke out after it.
I've had enough.

Trailer makes it look like Iron Man vs Spider-man: Dawn of Homecoming.

Bait and WW did a lot of things better than what this film will do.