Hey user, will you tell me about your favorite webcomic?

Hey user, will you tell me about your favorite webcomic?

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Meet Erma
J 8
That comic about the fat bunny


You first.

I like Power Nap. It's got nice art and a fun setting.

>Power Nap
Oh THAT was the name of the comic. I had forgotten bout it! Thanks.

I like unsounded

Latchkey Kingdom.

Comedy/adventure in the style of Discworld or Wakfu. Starts as a Zelda parody and then does its own thing.

Came here to post this

From top to bottom LK is quality

Beyond the Western Deep. Great adventure story.

Raven's Dojo has consistently appealing art and wordplay, whether it's puns, consonance, or alliteration. It's doofy, but fun, and takes refuge in audacity with sex and violence without being stupidly edgy. He's working in black and white for now, though; I miss his colored pages.

Brawl in the Family
Hale/Bern Nuzlocke
Hardycases/Seeing Red

My absolute favourite is a toss-up between Unsounded for it's sensational world building, characters that feel like actual people that belong in the world and excellent art and It Hurts!! for it's very likable characters and the interactions between them, comedy that almost never misses and an ending that is actually fucking satisfying. It also has the best as well as cutest friendship between a boy and a girl that I have ever seen as well as a rather realistic look the effects of depression on a person and the people around them.

Close contenders would be Dr McNinja, Brawl in the Family and Gunnerkrigg Court.

Anons, I'm sorry. A lot of those webcomics are done.

No-one specified whether the comics had to be on-going or complete.

What's bad about a comic being done? That means you don't have to kill the pace by being forced to wait for updates.

i liked this before it went where we knew it'd go

liked it il it went up its own ass. the dystopia was depressing but then it was kinda pushed aside.

I hope people feel that way about mine when it ends. i worry.

Miss Melee

I'm not too much of a fan of all the cheesiness of the comic but if you need a superheroine to waifu there's a good selection here. It's basically Super MILFs.

>tfw almost all of my favorite comics only update once a week
Pic related, DNA, Mokepon, Endtown and Zebra Girl are probably the ones I follow most closely right now.

don't forget hot teenage daughter
if it wasnt for the frequent derp faces (or as i like to call it "writer is paying artist a lot, getting great art, doesn't wana piss him off by suggesting fixes, meanwhile artist is getting paid well for art he breezed through, and sees no reason to put more work in since the pay won't increase" syndrome. and yes I'm guilty of it myself) it'd be a masterpiece of hotness-action mix, something we need more of.
just like if it wasnt for (whatever you wanna call SJW shit i'm tired of trying to avoid using buzzwords), Rock Cocks would be the best porn comic around that has a fun plot and likeable characters and fun situations..

>Bug Martini
>Square Root of Minus Garfield
>He Is A Good Boy
>Sam and Fuzzy
>El Goonish Shive
>Camp Weedonwantcha
>The Prisoner of Monty Hall
>It's Walky/Joyce & Walky (pastebin.com/5MwZPhsE (embed))
>Awkward Zombie

>update every 3 days like clockwork for a decade
>for some reason it takes me 7-8 now
good thing I don't have fans

also holy shit that is an awesome comic. in several ways

There needs to be more fan service. There's some but honestly there's nothing wrong having a bit more sexiness here and there.

What if my favorite webcomic is my own and I don't want to be a shill?

>Zelda x Ganon
>that dialogue
>that mega grimdark greyscale
Dropped already. Edgy wish-fulfillment shit covered up with good artwork.

20 bucks says red is the only other color that shows up in that comic.

Needs to be more fanservice in general! It's really lame how polarized the comicscape has become thanks to idiot advertisers who don't seem to understand that listening to a tiny minority of whiners isn't good for business
>Rock Cocks
I gave it one more chance, but then we didn't even get to see the tranny naked. I wanted to see me a hairy tomboy chick.. but no, she just acted all shy and then kept more covered than most people do while working out.
Bookmark and hopes deleted.

I'm pretty sure that's budget grayscale, not grim grayscale. You can tell by how dark it isn't.
the dialogue's pretty tits actually, and there's a lot of surprising moments of humor.. but what I like best is how fantastic the faces look while emoting (even if they look kind of terrible whilst calm)
I'm 19 pages in and wishing I could stay up and binge it all
among other things i see no wish fulfillment. if anything the idea so far is "let's do something nobody has done and make you genuinely wonder where it'll go"

Then you're a narcissist.

Back by K.C. Green is good

>among other things i see no wish fulfillment
Writing a fanfic just because you want to see your favorite character, (or worse; OC,) get the girl is wish fulfillment.

But is that really so bad if it's only in the most literal sense?

It's not that I think mine's the only good one, but I literally started it because I wanted to write something younger me would've fallen in love with.

I'm sure there will be some self shilling sooner or later. I don't think it's a bad thing since most webcomics are done by literal who's anyway so putting yourself out there shouldn't be that wrong.

I'd like to but I do porn. This will be the extent of my shilling.

I was gonna grab another page to help support my point, but she uploads them in batches of single panels so it's incredibly time consuming to put them all together.
Anyway, if you don't like the dialogue or the fact that it's intrinsically wish fulfillment by being a fanfiction in the first place that's fine.
I'd at least like to set you straight on the edginess part though, because it really isn't even close to that.

>mega grimdark grayscale
It's actually "shades of gray" grayscale. If you can get used to the idea of the big G actually being a genuinely good person despite being a straight up murderer, just because in his eyes killing is part of life, then... it's great. if you can't, it's unlikeable. i havent decided yet if i can get used to it. i definitely can't think of the actual guy from the games that way. except wind waker but fuck that game anyway

hadnt considered that this was written by a dorfophile. you might have a point then
and it's ganondrov anyway

Storm by Don Lawrence.

It's so gud. In the image you see our hero Storm fighting a sword duel against a typical 25th century Australian.

Sorry, I didn't notice you fucks were talking about webcomics. My bad.

Albedo. It's old as fuck, but I like the slow paced hard sci-fi and political intrigue, and the author is uploading it on his website.


necrosis is pretty good so far but the person hosts it on tumblr and just went on hiatus which is mega balls

i dont read a whole lot of web comics because i find it hard to get into the same generic stories over and over and over so a necromancer socially inept butcher dealing with nosy cunts is a pretty interesting change of pace

seems legit. 'stralia's definitely headin' that way
you know they use google's censored image-search system, right? otherwise good thing
ehhh comics is comics

that reminds me of this extremely charming comic about a butcher, the style was very much like.. what was it called? welcome to hell?
alas, just like that, it turned out tumblry as fuck. Gave it a solid shot though

I like chickens. Here is the source.
Slackwyrm is also pretty good

that art.. very nice. Scurry might just have a contender for best comic about real animals. I'm intrigued by the mention of a dragon, I wonder what i'll find if i check this out

A good story. With chickens. Who doesn't love chickens?

I mean, i have a real love-hate relationship with chickens. they're the gypsies of the bird world.
the other day i saw a video of a cat ineffectively batting at a mouse, having trouble catching it, and a chicken just hops over and grabs the mouse and carries it off to eat
any carnivorous bird kinda... needs to not be eaten in my book.. but they're fowl! theyre herbivores.. except theyre so badass they just eat whatever they can find..

Gonna post a page from the other ones I mentioned in order because why not.

Does problem sleuth count?



I used to have chickens. They would eat bugs. It was great. Here is some fun facts about chickens, they will sometimes eat their eggs. Also they have empathy. They are also actually omnivores. It's fun to sit with them outside and share your scraps from dinner with them. Chickens are great pets

I can't even try to take that comic seriously.

Not only is it one of millions of edgy Pokemon comics but the artist pitched a self-loving fit when people suggested that the most popular comics, (ie: Mokepon,) not just be shilled forever at the front of the site when smack jeeves got a redesign instead of helping promote good comics that don't get much attention.

Fuck people who think popularity means quality, especially when they're only saying that to defend their own ass. That bitch shares her "popularity" on that shitty site with a bunch of generic BL and tripe like Pictures of You.

I always have a hard time picking a page to share for this comic.
I think it's because I don't want to use any of the early bullshit stuff, but a lot of the interesting pages later on are spoiler heavy. Ah well.

Okay, this genuinely made me laugh. Mostly because this is how I play the pokemon games.

I rarely pay attention to what comic artists do outside of their comic, so I can't really comment on any of the smackjeeves stuff.
Edgy is one of the last words I'd use to describe the comic itself though. Not that I'm bothering to change your mind or anything, mostly for anyone else thinking of reading it.

Wasn't there a pokemon webcomic about a cop investigating voltorb suicide bombers?

short but good read, thanks user.

>Edgy is one of the last words I'd use to describe the comic itself though.
Deconstructions are inherently edgy 99% of the time, and the main character is an adult with messy facial hair who smokes cigarrettes and approaches Pokemon with cynicism and apathy.
It's edgy. I know that word gets thrown around a lot, but it's true. Deal with it.


The word you're loooking for is moody, not edgy.


He's an underage 14 year old that tries to act more mature than he is and is surrounded by people that can't have edgy applied to them in any way.
The closest it comes to edgy is when some members of Team Rocket imply they would cause him serious/fatal bodily harm if he didn't comply before they're interrupted by a bunch of cartoonishly explosion happy clefairy.

Regardless, I'm not sure why you're painting the entire comic as edgy just because you mistakenly believe one of the main characters qualifies.
That doesn't even make any sense.
I know I'm not gonna change your mind, but please stop misleading people about the comic.
If you really want other people to hate it, rant about her shit opinions for the smackjeeves site.
I can't really say anything on that matter and if you're not exaggerating about it then I'd agree the artist can be a bitch.

I can never bring myself to self-shill. I often peek into these threads hoping my comic will be mentioned. It only happened once and by an user who hadn't started reading it yet. In away the lack of recognition is pretty comfy. I'm not among the favorites of anyone here but I'm not on anyone's shitlist either. So I guess I'm doing alright.
I shill hard for the comics of friends and collaborators though. But probably not gonna do it with this post.

It ended this week after a full decade's run. I'm going to miss it.

Shit, I think I'm going to have to reread the whole thing now.

Don't be oversensitive, just post your comic so we have something to discuss.

Not him but do people really want discussion here bad enough for people to start posting their own comics?

If that's the case why is /hyw/ not even up right now?

Post one of your friend's comics then, and if anyone cares enough they can go looking for connections to your comic from there.

I think that in this thread it is acceptable to post /hyw/ material.
Posting one picture is hardly derailing this thread.

A Better Place

I'd say Henchgirl but it was taken down.
Modus Operandi
City of Depression
Rising Sand

Never hear of these ones before. You were right about your lack of recognition

>TFW all the comics I like stopped updating or rarely update
>working on my own comic too often to find time to read new ones
The latter really sucks because I feel like I'm not doing my part to support and motivate fellow authors.


What are the comics you like?

F@NB0Y$, Boxer Hockey, Lackadaisy Cats, Gunshow, off the top of my head.

Of course I'm exagerating by saying ALL the comics I like are dead or near-death but the part about it being hard to pick up new ones really isn't.

He Is A Good Boy has been making me happy, though. I mentioned Gunshow in my list of dead/dying faves but if I'm being real I think I like HIAGB more.

Does anyone have that comic of the guy saying the comic sucks but maybe they'll get naked later?

I wonder why his mouth is basically the reading of a heart monitor. I wonder if Zebragirl is all a coma induced nightmare of Sandra's and that guy is actually her doctor.

waiting for the bus


Octopus Pie, it just ended after a 10 year run so I decided to re-read it again.

The only good slice of life comic out there, as far as I'm concerned

It's been worthwhile so far, I"m only up to 2009 and it's still great

Anyone know the webcomic with redneck dad who raises his daughter alone? Can't remember the name.


Girls Next Door.
It's pure fanwank, but GOD I love it.

>ctrl + f
>no results
This board, I swear...

Achewood is the ultimate tale of guys being guys. Plus dealing with crippling depression. If you've never read the Great Outdoor Fight, do yourself a favor and get on it.

I was about to complain that nobody had mentioned it. Thank you, user.
It's a tie between Achewood and Problem Sleuth to me, PS is such a ride. I reread it every year.

Kill Six Billion Demons

It's apparently getting 2 grand per on time update. This guaranteed better art, yet has also put the pacing 20 ft into the ground and sealed over with solid concrete.

The main protagonist hasn't shown up in over a month now.
Still worth a read though.

and you know, they arent even that tasty. not compared to ratites. i'd rather we just ate ratites and kept chickens for their eggs only

Megg, Mogg, n Owl is sometimes a webcomic.

are you me?

>why is /hyw/ not even up right now?
the threads are still super active, but they're dying at night, so we're going with weekend threads for a while

Minnie n' Slug? Its site is d-e-d dead.

... wait holy shit, it has a new site! and the art is different AGAIN! tapas.io/series/MinnienSlug

If I am it means I have some real issues to deal with.
In all seriousness, I bet a lot of people around these parts feel similarly.

I think it's sensible honestly
media is something you're supposed to discover, have reccommended to you, but not have the creator walk by and tell you to look at. that just isn't how it goes.. that opens it up for a lot more criticism for one thing. which isn't a bad thing, but i mean it literally puts you in a different "this has been handed to me to review" mindset, not a "ooh i found a thing to enjoy, and if i don't like it, it's like i never found it" mindset

It was a hell of a wild ride.

Just read Kid Radd in one sitting yesterday.
Holy fuck, that was good.

such a classic. so many feels.

Let's see, comics that aren't dead and haven't been mentioned already a thousand times/in this thread?
Out of my list I think that'd be The Green Knight and Scurry, and I got both from lurking /hyw/
Shit I should expand my list some day. Maybe catch up with skullkickers and all the others I have on "to read" so I can be certain I reccomend something good

good-ass comics both.
