/KSG/ Kiernan Shipka General #69

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You tried.

Why do you think you have a chance with her just because she's your age?

i wanna fikifiki with kiki!

These Sup Forums obsession with young girls never end well. Please don't ruin her like you ruined chloe she kind of ruined herself

I'm 24. 25 this year.
Also I discovered way before Sup Forums so fuck off. She's mine.

without pedobaiting:
I would love to have a kid like Kiernan Shipka
She works hard, she's sweet, she has a genuine smile, and she doesn't strike me as a dummy. I am proud to see her succeed, and I am just some shlub behind a screen. Good for you, Kiki.

She obviously has to have amazing parents who were able to raise such a wonderful child.

I loved her in The Blackcoats Daughter. I'm happy for /ourwaifu/ it's gonna be a good year for Kiki!

Sabrina will come out late 2019 at best.

>Ew user, you're so old! I only like boys my own age. Shouldn't you be married or something by now?

oh, you've seen mad men. wow. congratulations.

6 year gap seems pretty normal to me, sweetie.


oh gosh :3

gosh is correct
she's literally an angel


she is very fashionable !


Anyone else fond of her sharp teeth? I wouldn't mind being bitten by Kiki


made for cuddling



imagine walking her up with a kiss on the neck as she roles over and spoons with you until you have to go to work

why does that boy wear dresses and pretend to be a girl?

then show us a real girl
enlighten us

She really is elegant.


I want to never wake up

i wouldnt mind if she had a cute fem penis
would be hot


Literal perfection


She's got almost perfect genetics except for that little bit of Anglo.

Anglos tend to be trailer trash. But the rest is a good mix

Are they related?

Sabrina the TEENAGE Witch


>looks like an albanian
>surname literally the cognate of the albanian name for albanian peoples

the state of Sup Forums



SeeShe's not Albanian.

what's her next moobie

It makes me sad

>She's got almost perfect genetics
>37.5% Irish


Lawdy, imagine getting to lick and smell those after she's walked in them for a few hours.


Irish Catholics have the highest IQ and highest income of all white groups in America.

How dumb are you?

Bitch, Sharon Stone is fully Irish, so?


>see some shoop on the webs

I can spot those bunker-brows from miles away.


??? ???




god i want to grab a handful of that thigh :3

Irish are basically English mutts

Oh wow...a 200 year old cartoon.

Imagine being this big of a faggot. I love how Irish Catholics have turned Anglos into second class citizens in EVERY anglosphere country, and the best these rural low IQ fags can do is a 200 year old cartoon.

Anglos do worse than blacks in England. Your people are fucking garbage

Can you shut the fuck up with this shit? Nobody gives a fuck about it except your two shitholes.
We are here to bow before our queen Kiki.

>your people

hhehe, seems like your savage rage has completely blinded you paddy

No they're not.

Anglos are rural garbage. Irish Catholics live in cities.

The Irish also easily outperform the English in England. Anglo genes are shit.


You too. Fuck off with this pedo shit.

stop it, you're turning me into a pedophile

Lmao imagine being this delusional
You are an anglo offshoot if you like it or not, we even own a third of your shitty island, which is an economic black hole btw

He's not turning you into anything.
You are a pedophile, you fucking faggot.

imagine making her cum with your fingers while she passionately kisses you and bites your lips and she climaxes, wrapping her thighs around your arms so you can't stop !

>tfw no Kiernan to tuck in

Ok, I will

I don't want to fuck her, just huggies.

Yes this will do nicely.

Cool. Most of pedophiles want only that.


Do nicely for what?

This is what I think of when I jerk it. It's a very intimate situation.

She's fucking 17. That's legal in most of the U.S.

frantic masturbation

1. She's 18.
2. She's like 6 on the .webm we are talking about.

Good luck with that

No faggot.

In England, Irish Catholics do better in school, and make more money than the native English.

And it's not even remotely close in America.

Enjoy living your second rate life. In your own nation.


Keeping me warm on lonely nights.

After DADDY Don, how can any man compete? She'll probably turn into a dyke.

No....um...muh dick.

20 year gap sounds good to me, sweetie.

So every night?

What's the gap between your parents?


Ok that one was uncalled for user

It's not like I'm any different

but why were they so dirty?

I've never seen a more perfect embodiment of waifuism. I just want to love and protect and cherish her and give her the life she deserves. I want her to flow into my arms as I come home from work. I want to buy her presents just for the hell of it. I want to make intense tender passionate love to her and whisper in her ear how much I love her and that I'll always be there for her no matter what. I want to have lots of wonderful children and grow old together.

Is that so wrong anons?

Left right or centrist?

rate my daughter Sup Forums

Great, thanks for turning my thread into a pedofest. Motherfuckers.
Go ahead and nuke it, mods.

that's what you get for talking shit

pic related my lgf

Imagine it being a weekend and being able to lie in that bed all morning kissing and cuddling her.

It's just not fair user.


Feud was kino.

Is original Sabrina worth a look today? I was to young to remember much other than blonde girl with talking cat

Sally was savage.
