Late Night Movies

Recommend films have the aesthetic of late night isolation and moodiness? Films that take place in the middle of the night usually focusing on a lone character. I'm thinking movies like:

Eyes Wide Shut
After Hours

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh how I've missed these nightcore threads.

Also, the most obvious and Sup Forums's favourite: Drive


is this any kino?

It's compelling for a film that takes place entirely inside a car.

It's literally just him driving and talking on the phone for 90 minutes, but it's pretty good.

Thief (1981)

An older movie but from the same director as OP's post.

Not a movie but True Detective season one, episode five has that grimy late night feeling.
>Marty cruising bars looking for suspects
>Marty following that stripper to a warehouse rave and questioning that dealer
>Rust at the biker bar
>The raid on the projects
fucking noice

Taxi Driver should be a staple

Nightcore Loner Kino:

Let the Right One In
Fight Club
Die Hard
Taxi Driver
Into the Wild
Punch Drunk Love
Barton Fink
Inside Llewyn Davis
Under the Skin
Inherent Vice


Only Lovers Left Alive
Lost in Translation

Bringing out the dead.

>Ctrlf The Warriors
>0 result
Im ashamed of you

The Warriors (1979) - Full Intro 1080P HD HQ - YouTube

Good Time

The Warriors is a nostalgic novelty, not really a quality film you'd recommend to other adults.

Blade Runner




>Inside Llewyn Davis
this movie barely takes place during night

Into The Wild? Night time? You wat?