>the Black Panther ticket presales are really prom-
The Black Panther ticket presales are really prom-
>Disney shills scalping ticket pre-sales to hype their latest trash
We are used to seeing this tactic in the book selling industry, but this is a new trend for flicks.
Well played, mouse. Well played indeed.
So 60 niggers in Harlem will see the movie for free?
Shouldn't blacks be insulted that a comic book movie about a made up fantasy black country that juxtaposes a bunch of stereotypes like being loincloth wearing spear wielders with nonexistent super technology is suddenly treated as "culturally enriching", as if it's the same as an American born Italian going to Italy for the first time in their life?
do you like $24k buys 60 tickets?
Wouldn't these "kids" rather watch Luke Cage?
Amerifats need to be rangebanned from this website
>affirmative action for movies
>he doesn't pay 400 dollars for a movie ticket
>Kendrick Lamar HD producing the soundtrack
Couldn't they get an African guy to play African music in their African movie?