"No, no, no, YOU will die!"

>"No, no, no, YOU will die!"
Why would he say this? Windu's line was:
>"The oppression of the Sith will never return; you have lost."

No idea why Windu dindu.

Dying is losing
> Windu: you lost
>Sheev: no you will die
makes perfect sense...

Not in canada.

god this scene was kino

because he thought Mace was inferring that he was a sith and also kill him based on his previous actions before he said that

fun fact: in the original cut the orientation was this way but they thought it looked weird so every scene in palpatine's apartment is flipped

No, it really doesn't.

you have to be from coruscant to understand, that's how they talk

*and also was going to try to kill him

That fact IS fun.

Because the sith are spastics. I mean that's literally their backstory.

Because George Lucas literally chopped several different takes and lines of dialogue together in most scenes in Revenge of the Sith.

The turn of Anakin to the dark side in this scene was also extensively re-shot... so Lucas had a lot of shit to splice together.

He actually said in the original script

>N, no no, YOU have lost!"

me when i finally nut

Haven't seen the prequels in years but recently been watching star wars life videos on youtube and holy shit the novelizations make so much more sense and have such better details the prequels make sense to me now.

I thought it looked like this originally?

what kind of haircut do you want

Do you give your boyfriend the same look as well?

Why do people in Star Wars need silver fillings on their teeth? Can't they just grow new teeth in space or something? Why would a Sith specifically need fillings? Shouldn't he have like super health or something to give him the ability to live for very long?

Maybe he just want to look evil.

>195 cm
Is Sheev really that big? Damn.

He is a big guy.

Now this is shitposting