Sci-Fi / Fantasy TV Series

Alright, Sup Forums, time to interrupt your steady fare of shitposting and star wars / capeshit circlejerking to do something useful. Help me list good current or future Sci-Fi / Fantasy Series. We appear to be in a bit of a dry spell and I need something to watch. I'm particularly looking for stuff about magic or space operas. I'll list the following, so those suggestions aren't made:

The Magicians
StarTrek: Sexually Transmitted Disease (or any StarTrek, actually)
The Orville
American Gods
The Gifted
The Runaways
Game of Memes
Stranger Things
Man in the High Castle
Doctor Plot Recycle
Black Mirror
Twin Peaks

I want more sci-fi/fantasy that are location driven, like the setting does all of the talking for the piece. Like for anime, Blame! and Shoujou Shuumatsu Ryokou fit that perfectly. Or Seirei no Moribito. I want these works to have a sense of mystery and wonder from the very places characters go.

The Expanse
>Implying NuXFiles is good

Is Electric Dreams any good?

Yeah it's sort of boring. X-Files belonged in the 90s before government conspiracy wasn't widespread knowledge. Now it's just a show about reminding us of how shitty our corrupt government is and how badly they're fucking us over. Nu-X-Files is basically a news opinion show now. It's funny. In the last episode they even referenced this saying a guy died because he felt the world was too dangerous back in the 90s and now they consider that the good old days.

Not familiar with that one.

*before government conspiracy WAS widespread knowledge.

The Walking Dead guy is supposedly doing a Chronicles of Amber show but I think it's vaporware just like the Wheel of Time show which will not ever happen

This looked boring. Is it any good? It just looked like space drama like Stargate Universe, which was shit.

Oh god, everyone involved in the Walking Edgy needs to be publicly executed. People who make trash need to stop being allowed to make new tv shows and movies.

STD grew on me.

It's something to watch. That's why I watch it. The most interesting characters are underused, and it's spinning out tired, overused plotlines.

>Oh we're in a parallel, evil universe now! Spoooky!

This board never talks about The Magicians and its one of the main reasons you guys are trash.

Can't disagree with any of that. It's sort of infuriating that Jason Isaacs basically is relegated to a cameo role.

Have you viewed Westworld?

That would imply liking something other than shitty action/drama like Breaking Drugs or Edgster. Honestly, I count us fortunate this shithole hasn't descended into reality tv posting.

>Have you viewed Westworld?
I was going to list this because I'm not even remotely interested in it. Two sci-fi subgenres have never been interesting to me: robots/mecha and time travel. Both are boring unless there's a secondary element to make them interesting.

Oh yeah, and did you see Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell? Couple years old but it was great.

Whatever happened to HBO adapting Robert Silverberg's The World Inside? That had potential...

>It just looked like space drama like Stargate Universe, which was shit.
The Expanse is the best hard SF on TV right now

Hard SF is fucking boring because there's nothing to it. Humans don't know shit. Basing a sub-genre on human ignorance is fucking stupid. And you just confirmed my suspicions. Because hard sf has nothing to it, they will inevitably have to fill the gaps with "the human story" (read: Jersey Shore tier dramashit).

You must be fun at parties

Parties are for smoothbrain plebs. Why the hell do you think I like Sci-Fi and Fantasy? Because I'm so fond of humans?

>9 princes of amber tv show
Real shit, my man?

Black Mirror is the only good one on that list.

Must be the worst one then. Huh, I thought Twin Peaks would be.

Announced in 2016, no word since

just watch the fucking show god damn

Why would I watch something that sounds boring and stupid? Would you just watch Stranger Things because it's good or would you just bitch on this board about how the only good shows are action/drama trash with no interesting plot elements?

It hasn't released yet but it's got some interesting casting to carry some episodes. Glad Richard Madden got something on the show since Oasis wasn't picked up by Amazon in the pilot season.

>humans dont know shit
You certainly make a compelling case for this

Prove me wrong.

>No Extraterrestrials
>No interesting tech; everything WILL look like an apple product
>Boring stellar phenomenon everyone learned about in middle school - OMG a black hole! Those are cool now!
So what.

This is why Vernor Vinge's conceit of the slow zone is fucking brilliant, best of both worlds

Kino AF

None of that is relevant to humans not knowing shit.

Fantasy & Magic?
The Shannara Chronicles

If you watch some trashy shows like The Gifted, you can bear the weak points of Shannara and appreciate the worthwhile better portions.
Plus it's only like 20 episodes long.

Sell me on The Magicians.

Of course it is. Humans are such fucking retards you believe in the Fermi Ignorance, which you call a "paradox". There is no Fermi's "Paradox". You're just morons. The clearest image you have of an extra-solar star is a fucking blurry smudge, but you expect to see alien megastructures? Why the fuck would aliens be beaming I Love Lucy to us? Only humans are so stupid they think the speed of light is the top speed of the universe. Let us never forget that the same absolute retards who believe in hard scifi are the same dumb bastards who tried to convince everyone that most stars didn't have planets because hurr humans r speshul durr. Your ignorance of the universe is fucking pathetic, yet you believe it to be an accurate representation of it. Absurd.

without commenting on whether a fictional universe conforming to these points is bad or not, im not sure any of them strictly apply to the expanse

>The Gifted
Digging the bottom of the barrel here.

Depends on what you like. It's one of the few shows on magic in existence, so if you need your fix, go for it. The first season or two are edgy as fuck though and it gets tiresome at times.

Don't they? If it's "hard" sci-fi it's guaranteed shit. I don't want to watch humans run around with guns on shittily-constructed sets while they chase "renegades" and have to look at organized/petty criminals on-screen 3/4 of the time.

Now convince me that's not what the show consists of and I'll check it out.

sure kid, go back to playing with lazor swords

GOD FORBID someone should be creative or add fun and wonder to their media and ignore human hubris when making sci-fi. Hard sci-fi has always been trash. Hard sci-fi will ALWAYS be trash.

if you comment on a show you havent watched, then you are displaying orders of magnitude worse ignorance than the hard scifi authors you try to attack

>Vernor Vinge's conceit of the slow zone
What is this referencing?

Fermi's P is stupid because all advanced civs are obviously using encryption.

Oh how I envy you.

I notice you never answered the question. So was I right or wrong?

They're just not using EM radiation. Why would they? It's slow as fuck. This is obvious to anyone with a half-functional brain. Just because humans are brainlets who can't grasp ftl communication doesn't mean that intelligent species all have to be dumber than Earth monkeys. Hard sci-fi is nothing but human stupidity + human arrogance.

So what is this? I looked him up and it says the slow zone is part of two of his novels or something? What about it?

Nice dubs

He saved his kid by killing the occupant :D

I would kill someone for Fanning

There's no substantive question in your post. Just the ranting of a pseudo intellectual.

I don't want to spoil you. If you like SF, though, you should read his stuff.


more like freeing

>Don't they? If it's "hard" sci-fi it's guaranteed shit. I don't want to watch humans run around with guns on shittily-constructed sets while they chase "renegades" and have to look at organized/petty criminals on-screen 3/4 of the time.
>Now convince me that's not what the show consists of and I'll check it out.
Answer or admit you're full of shit. By the way, I have done almost no research on what this show is about.

Go ahead, I rarely read fiction. I prefer watching or playing fiction. I read too much non-fiction. It's time-consuming.

Sol exists in a "slow zone" in which the normal laws of classical physics apply. Further out, the rules change, allowing for things like Bremermann's limit to be disregarded. Even further out, there are even weirder laws and the Clarkeian sufficiently-advanced-technology maxim rules the day. So you get a nice dose of hardish SF in the slow zone while magic is still possible elsewhere, and the worldbuilding based on the dichotomy is pretty neat too.

Sol exists in a "slow zone" in which the normal laws of classical physics apply. Further out, the rules change
Oh my god, this was a "good" solution?? Laughable.

Magic doesn't mean "things humans are too retarded to grasp". Humans are still battling with incompatible physics theories based on absolute fucking delusional assumptions. The only way someone wouldn't utterly dismiss almost the entirety of modern higher level physics is because they're a brainlet trying desperately to fit in and appear more intelligent than they are.

>B-b-but theoretical physicists are really smart!
What good are they? We don't use their fantasies in real technology. More often, their gospel of a misunderstanding of the universe is holding back technology.

I should have known you were just a lowly troll looking for a target of aggression! I feel so tricked right now. Well, you got me. You got me good. Have to admit that you roped me in with that one. Damn!

Nah, you're just a fragile faggot who can't handle reality.

part of me wants Wheel of Time to be given a big budget and faithful adaptation

the other part knows its a pipe dream and they'd fuck it up to high Hell and hopes it never ever happens

>Don't they? If it's "hard" sci-fi it's guaranteed shit. I don't want to watch humans run around with guns on shittily-constructed sets while they chase "renegades" and have to look at organized/petty criminals on-screen 3/4 of the time.
>Now convince me that's not what the show consists of and I'll check it out.
I'm going to take the profound silence as an affirmative answer to this. Pathetic. Sci-fi tv needs to get a new schtick. Space Thieves vs Space Marines isn't fucking interesting. It was never interesting.

If you want esoteric magical shit, Twin Peaks or Carnivale.

Twin Peaks has magic in it? I don't mean as an aside. I'd really like to find shows that go in depth in their focus of magic.

Could have been anime, could have been an NBC miniseries, then the rights got sold to con men and now the books are years out of prime public attention and there's maximum competition. Should've struck while the iron was hot!

I didn't know aliens posted on Sup Forums

I didn't know retarded faggots posted on Sup Forums. Get a life. The posts you make are terrible. Go away.

Only one.

It focuses onto magic in depth. It's really esoteric and surreal though, and borderline sci-fi - lots of it revolves around the power grid, nuclear weapons and electricity.

Oh, that sounds rational and perfectly sensible. Let me get to watching that immediately. Just kidding, I don't waste my precious time on nonsense.

It did seem sort of like Lost-tier nonsense, which is why I've avoided watching it til now.

Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

Watch the classic 80s series so that you'll have the right to complain about the upcoming 2018 series.

I know about 2000 kanji, can I read the novels instead? I have a two hour commute and don't like watching video in the limo due to nausea.



Anna Torv was awesome in Mindhunter

I wouldn't say it's Lost tier. It hints at shit, and sometimes stuff is pretty ambiguous, but the story is pretty convoluted and straightforward, as is the lore, and it has a pretty solid meaning and purpose.
I think the reason some people don't like it is because it's a lot more focused on sound and aesthetic. It's very visual at times.

Your time isn't precious.

It's weird that you would post this when I've just been diagnosed with terminal Entitilitus.

can we have an adult discussion about wizards and spaceships please

Even now I am butthurt they didnt expand it