Thoughts on Sicario?

Been wanting to see it. Heard it was pretty good.

hi benicio :3

One of Villeneuve's worst (along with Arrival), watch Incendies instead


Watch it. Worth it.

the best part about the whole movie is watching how incompetent and useless emily blunts character is

It was a great contained film.

That said, Josh Brolin is prettier than Emily Blunt.

I am NOT gay. Just an appreciator of humanity.

The reason I've sparked interest in this film is the "Time to meet God scene" I feel like i've ruined a huge part of the movie by watching that, but regardless it looks well acted, and directed.

Good way to kill a couple hours and any affection you may have held for Emily Blunt

Do Mexican police really rape male suspects to force a confession?

Asking for a friend