Was he retarded?
Why didn't Schultz just shake his fucking hand?
>scenes women will never understand
Who here /dartanyon/
Would you shake the hand of an unapologetic rapist or paedophile?
Am I the only one that was rooting for Candie and gang?
How do you think he felt when he didn't get an Oscar after this scene? Keep in mind he never broke character despite cutting his hand.
Because racist
he's still a shit actor
I know this is a meme question, but it does seem out of character. By not just swallowing his pride, he put those two nigger characters in a lot of danger.
nice b88
hello rêddit
this and /thread
I don't even believe this guy is joking, fuck you
Shut the fuck up you dumb fucking retard sheep cunt.
hello rêddit
why are you so angry?
exactly. its super out-of-character for Shultz. hes portrayed as the most level-headed, smart guy in the whole film but were supposed to believe that he couldn't swallow his pride for two seconds even if not doing it meant throwing away everything Django and him worked for? this movie really needed some trimming. isn't this one of the first movies tarantino made without the editor hed been using since reservoir dogs? its something like that and its really easy to see in Django. I know its not a unique opinion but the movie really could've been 30 minutes shorter.
spotted the 16 year old newfag
>He didn't break character despite cutting his hand
Wouldn't it be in character to acknowledge the huge amount of blood pumping out of your body?
hello rêddit
Hello mindless drone.
hello rêddit
im sure theres a bunch of candy eating reatrds here who also identify with him
This movie is dumb.
Jesus Christ, guys.
The dude was a dentist. Dicaprio's character was named Candie.
>lets just take away from the intensity of the scene to go off script
one of the many reasons you're here shitposting
principle / lulz
Because in that moment, Candy won and was right. His system, his rules prevailed. The handshake was a symbol of that and Schulz would rather die than acknowledge Candy's victory.
learn to read
Depends on what I get for it. I probably wouldn't shake for less than a thousand dollars though.
They came and accomplished what they wanted. They could have retreated and come up with a better plan to fuck him over and his estate instead of dying such a retarded way.
The bigger problem is really just that he probably could have just bought her from him in the first place, but there wouldn't really be a movie then
>level headed
>only decides to help django when he finds out his wife has a german name and speaks german
Fucking niggers
Is Sup Forums having a meet up?
Schultz didn't really give a shit about Django. He needed him to identify the Brothers, and then they were partners for the purposes of finding Broomhilde. He liked the idea of fufilling a fable from his youth, but he was always his own man. He didn't really give a shit about slavery, he was a bounty hunter for fuck's sake. He had his own code, and he maintained it to the end. That's why he couldn't let Candie think he won.
BTW, he would never have come back and "stormed" Candie's operation or anything, even in Tarantino's world that would be retarded. He had a rare chance, deep within his guarded borders, to take Candie down. Remember Candie took their guns, he's a very protected man. This was probably Schultz's one chance, and in the heat of the moment, with his pride on the line, he wasted Candie's ass.
It was pretty awesome, and he even apologized for the mess he was about to make for Django. It all worked out, anyway.
>It all worked out, anyway.
Through the thickest plot armor ive seen in a movie for quite some time. Even if it is a cartoonish Tarantino flick where ridiculously unlikely things happen.
Django and the girl were left to die.
I never understood this either. Made no sense.
I think this is probably one of the only real scenes where women just can't understand. He knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn't go against his principles. He knew it'd cause trouble for his friend and he apologized. He just couldn't go against his core values.
The movie should have ended at that point, if it was more about Schultz it would have been a good film