This kid was a Mary Sue, right?
So just to be clear
Not really, he wasn't an exceptional student or wizard beyond the fact he had one of the most powerful wizards souls inside him, and he had a lot of help from a lot of different people in his success.
Nope, constant fuck up, bully victim, bumbles through trouble, overshadowed by friends, only knows one spell, couldn't even die properly twice.
Nope, he was insufferable and had otherworldly plot armor but he definitely wasn't a Gary Stu.
Worse than that, he was the main character of one of the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody - just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Hadn't thought of this, his "signature spell" is basically just him shouting "FUCK OFF!!" with a wand.
who is he?
He had literally no distinguishable personality, so that any reader could self insert as him
this is pasta
is this bait? hermione is the definition of a mary sue
more like WHOMST'D'VE is he ;)
>Dad was an animagus, created shit like the Marauder's Map
>Even Snape was a master legilimens and occlumens, potion master, spell creator
>Harry just lucked his way through life on the backs of others and had to cheat death twice just to beat one guy
Disappointment to be quite honest
>This kid was a Mary Sue, right?
no, but he's a jew
She isn't a Mary Sue at all, she is constantly portrayed as a huge bookworm who'd rather spend time studying and practice magic than anyone else in the book series. She's so good at magic because she puts the work in.
Not at all. He was a jock. An idiot who excelled at the physical subjects like Defense Against the Dark Arts and Quidditch, but failed horribly at History of Magic, Divination, Potions, etc. He was average at Transfiguration and Charms.
He is brave. That's his only positive attribute, and it's obviously the most important one as far as his story is concerned. He only beats the bad guy in the first book/film because his mother had cast a spell on him that let his flesh burn the bad guy, and he only found this out because the bad guy started fucking strangling him.
Kinda surprising since Harry himself has a lot of what you could call right ing values
Harry failed a lot and needed to be bailed out several times. Hermione was closer to being a Mary Sue. I hated how she seemed to have a solution for everything.
But what of the fact this nigga is somehow just "the youngest to do" damn near everything? Naturally a gifted seeker, somehow involves himself with everything important that happens at hogwash for 7 years, literally strong enough to reflect the curse of the most powerful dark wizard in history. What can't this kid do?
No he still had to train for shit, even stuff he was gifted in like flying. The patronus charm even though he could pull it off at a young age it took several personal lessons with Lupin and he failed miserably the first few times
>literally strong enough to reflect the curse of the most powerful dark wizard in history
That's not what happened
In deathly hallows?
>literally strong enough to reflect the curse of the most powerful dark wizard in history.
That was his mother's protection charm doing that. If you're talking about post GoF that was only because he and Voldy shared wand cores. Otherwise he would be destroyed
Potters primary attribute is having massive balls.
He has Herm to come up with plans and answer shit and Ron for... shit emotion support?
No, but Dumbledore absolutely was
Harry wasn't a very well written character, but I don't know that Sueism best describes his flaws. I mean, he's basically just directionless. Clearly just at the whims of the plot. He's not studious. He's not social. He's a bit of a creep, but not really. He does like Quidditch, but it doesn't really effect his life much, so he doesn't even really live a sporty life. His friends are a nerd ex machina and a scared spaz. The twins liked him and we're cool, but Harry didn't even really get in on mischief. Harry is just a vehicle for the plot. He has no life to him. Kid doesn't even have a crush till he's 14. Never even talks about ass and titties with the guys. Never even tells a dirty joke! Come on, Quidditch teams are CO-ED! No way those lockerrooms aren't mini Olympic villages of athletic sex.
He's involved in everything important because Voldemort is specifically after him from book 1.
And why was voldy so fucking hard for him? To fix his pride? Surely he didn't have to wage war with a goddamn school to achieve that,.why not just kill the bastard at his house? Or worry about that after conquering the wizard world?
Hi redit
I wouldn't say he had exceptional abilities. I would say that most of the time he was just along for the ride while things happened around him.
Why can't dumbledore just btfo voldy?
Fun romps aimed at nothing but children should be beholden to pompous and faggy literature snobbery concepts like no Mary Sues
t. hasn't read the books
He's kind of a deconstruction of one in a way, boy hero character who actually ends up doing shit and its everyone else who does most of the work killing voldemort.
this, his parents were top tier wizards. Harry was a loser (though his poor performance may have been in part due to his shit upbringing) with one redeeming quality, good instincts that lend themselves to heroism. he's actually an exceptionally good character for children's/YA lit. Harry Potter books are more readable to me than ASoIaF these days, there's less that rings false in the characters and they're structured in a satisfying way despite tons of logical inconsistencies if you want to get autistic about it
Why didn't he just use another wand?
For someone that hasn't read the books or watched the movies you sure are asking a lot of questions.
Why not just read/watch the damn things if you're so curious.
oh right, it's coz you wanna shitpost
Who would follow you after a kid defeated you? You saw at end of Deathly Hallows the Death Eaters abandoning him after it turned out Harry was alive. Voldemort saw himself as the most powerful wizard in the world and some fucking baby killed him. Of course he wants revenge. And also that baby's magic power that stopped him last time so it wouldn't happen again.
The muggle house Harry stays with is magically protected until he comes of age.
Almost like he had the personality beaten out of him for 11 years of his life or something.
The only good thing about Harry is the fact that even though he had a shit upbringing on par if not worse than voldie's is that he didn't let his new found ability to control reality get to his head and become a mass murderer.
Which is kind of the definition of a weak protagonist.
He was trying but horcruxes. Voldy would have just kept coming back
Let's be honest here. Did they really need seven years of school to learn this shit? How hard is it to learn fucking spells?
Except he's not along for the ride and is in fact the reason for the plot to be moving forward, he's the one that wants to find out what's in the 3rd floor, he's the one that keeps pushing for looking into it even after they find the big ass 3 headed dog in the room.
He's the one that said fuck the teachers, i'm going down into the scary dungeon and fighting a big fucking snake coz my friend's sister is down there.
He's the one that gets everyone's ass in gear in the school after voldemort comes back and attacks the minestry, he literal gathers a bunch of fucking school kids to go to war against grown ass adults that know more about altering the very fabric of the universe than they do.
Yeah he had a shitload of help and he fucked up all the time but he's a kid, anything else would make him a stu and cheapen the whole exercise.
Voldy did do that. He took Lucious wand to try but it broke against Harry so he went out to get the Elder Wand.
He did but the wand was a loyal cunt who wouldn't listen to him
Do you really need seven years of medicine to learn this shit? How hard is it to learn how to be a fucking doctor?
>Naturally a gifted seeker
This is ultimately the most retarded thing about Quidditch. The seeker was written SPECIFICALLY to make Harry the star. He's the only important player on the team.
He was only exceptionally adept at Quidditch and he was only The Chosen One because of a prophecy that would've also fit Neville, so no. Not really.
It's like learning how to program, except you can't see the lines and you're re-writing the rules of the universe in the area the spell effects.
Idk bout you, but that should prob take more than 7 years.
Only seen the movies here.
-famous wizard baby, he's basically the Kanye and Kim Kardashian kid for wizards, right?
-when he goes to hogwarts he's already famous
-why they still make him go back to his abusive uncle ???
-why like no other wizard family adopt him or they just let him live at hogwarts or some shit?
so hes a jew.
It's not just waving a wand and saying silly words. You have a shit ton of theory, equations and mental state to go with it
True, but the world cup showed that you also need a competent rest of the team otherwise it doesn't matter how good your seeker is when the score is 500-0.
This is what most people don't get about this series....Harry was accidentally the Chosen One, and was basically shit without his allies who did the heavy work....Harry was an accidental hero, at best.
I think they realise in the 5th book that combat basically requires one or two spells and is mostly about luck and a decent defence/dodging
In the climax of the 5th and 6th book especially all the kids go toe to toe with supposedly much stronger death eaters and they are fine. Only snape with his meme spells schools harry
Because if he wasn't with his family the spell protecting him from Voldemort would expire. Don't know if the movies ever addressed that part.
>-when he goes to hogwarts he's already famous
And he was getting shit for it.
>-why they still make him go back to his abusive uncle ???
>-why like no other wizard family adopt him or they just let him live at hogwarts or some shit?
These were explained in the movies.
It's probably like learning a musical instrument which typically takes around 8 years to master. Lots of ppl think they are good because they learn the intro to stairway to heaven but they actually suck.
this is pretty much debunked by that scene with Hermione saying 'its leviosahhh' or whatever. It seems that learning magic is probably about the same difficulty as learning a new language
I think they realise in the 5th book that combat basically requires one or two spells and is mostly about luck and a decent defence/dodging
In the climax of the 5th and 6th book especially all the kids go toe to toe with supposedly much stronger death eaters and they are fine. Only snape with his meme spells schools harry
In the final battle molly weasley, a literal housewife, kills belletrix and possibly others i cant recall
To be fair about his talents at quidditch. It isn't a sport but a woman's display of ignorance.
Dumbledore makes him go back because he's a vindictive asshole, loads of fan theories but the reason given in the books/movies is that he has to go back there because Dumbledore essentially runs the wizarding world and fed harry some bullshit about how his family's house is protected.
No one knows he was in an abusive household, even though he's clearly malnourished and mistreated, hell, 4th year the family of one his friends literally had to banish bars from his windows in order to let him escape. But nothing happens anyway.
Well 10 years of these movies and my adolescent mind couldn't absorb every little detail
Voldemort coming back was pure luck, and blasting him again would bring him back to the sorry state he was after invading Potter's house. And it's not like there are more bones of his father laying around for another ritual
No because Rowling is a very good writer ( IM not a fan of women writer's in general)
Uh... Does it matter when it's something so badly written as that?
So what made him so much kor special than Neville, why was he such a chump?
of course he's The Seeker. unexceptional in other ways, but for some reason he's the guy who's destined to make all the difference. look for answers when others are complacent or scared. face evil. save the day. it's archetype stuff guys. this would be intuitive to you if our mainstream artistic culture hadn't spent half a century (longer by some reckonings) trying to reinvent the narrative wheel in the name of "realism" and """moral depth"""
Ultimately it's a kids movie, but if you're looking for the "posssible" real reason is that the words and the wand movements help kids channel their magic in a specific way to get a specific effect, if the two components are met it's a lot harder for someone thats never cast the spell/a spell to get it to work.
Eventually they can do away with those things because they're so used to it it's kind of becomes muscle memory. It's why harry uses literally 1 spell and 1 spell only in combat, he's so familiar with it he could fart and still make it happen.
Yep, got to make sure you're always 15 points ahead of your opponent.
You mean their first year charms lesson? They show plenty of other times just saying the word isn't enough. Avada Kedavra and the Patronus charm for example
Because he was half-blooded just like Voldie and Voldie decided that made him the one, which resulted in Voldie trying to kill him, which resulted in the lightning-shaped mark, which completed the part of the prophecy about The Dark Lord marking him as an equal and also led to Harry becoming the final horcrux.
Well done Tom Riddle, well done. HOWEVER!
Not to mention, characters pronounce spells differently in the movies all the time.
cute meme Sally the other girls in ballet class will be so jealous
Because he was pretty much crushed under his Grandmother's overbearing cunt-ass expectations.
Neville had it rough as a kid, so did Harry, Ron had it the best out of all the kids in the story and he's a little nigger throughout the stories, really makes me think.
He literally said in Order of the Phoenix that he's not great, just lucky.
Most impressive thing he accomplished was his patronus in PoA.
Wasnt professor Snape able to invent his own spells when he was a student at Hogwarts? and he wasn't even a particularly powerful spell caster even, his specialty was potions,
No the books the kids get far more fucked up by the Death Eaters. Ron goes braindead, few of them are almost killed. Also they lost that fight until the Order shows up
Molly vs Bellatrix I agree though, but the excuse was Molly was enraged after losing her kid and Bellatrix was just fucking around underestimating her.
Even there Snape saved his ass
Yeah, he made the vivisection spell in case Harry's dad and Sirius kept messing with him.
Yeah, Snape was essentially Hermione-lite, Harry's mom was Hermione-Ginger Edition.
If you think about it the previous generation had a bunch of lil geniuses, the maurader's map is a bit of enchanting that's far more impressive than half the shit we see from a technical standpoint, learning the animagus transformation during school, snape and his potion remaking and spell creation, and Harry's mom's stopping the unstopable curse.
Hermione is the only one that even gets close in the current generation, everyone else is pretty shit desu.
the death eaters got roughly the same amount of schooling as the kids had at that point (maybe a little more) and though they'd done combat magic in the past they were probably pretty rusty, and at any rate mostly got by on fear and strength in numbers like brownshirts in 30s Germany. while the Hogwarts kids had started a secret Magic Fight Club, been training for like half a year iirc and the specific ones in question comprised almost all of the most talented club members.
as you say really good combat Wizards like Snape, Voldy, Dumbledore, Hogwarts teachers, aurors and the top tier of Death Eaters are shown to be on the higher end of a huge power gap between them and the kids, as well as ordinary wizard society
That wasn't luck, that was the Horcruxes chaining him to the living world.
Also that ritual was only one method. Before he wanted to try with the philosopher's stone. Yes that was destroyed as well, but it implies there are more methods for a new body than just those 2
>ayn rand god tier
>Ron had it the best out of all the kids in the story and he's a little nigger throughout the stories
the parts where Ron seems cunty are just written that way because Harry's pissed at Ron at the time. Ron's a bit of a dope with an inferiority complex but still a fucking bro the whole time
If I remember correctly, Potter was basically a 'chosen one" bullshit character and that shit is lame as hell. I wouldn't call him a Mary Sue since he pretty much sucked at everything over the coarse of a million hours of screentime except a couple things, but his plot armor was so thick it could fill a black hole. Even if you want to call him a Mary Sue, you can't deny that he still tried his little ass off at practicing and adapting.
...also a lot of the top Death Eaters died in the war or in Azkaban so the remainder are mostly dregs. goes for good guys too (Potters, Longbottoms and lots of other badasses were killed/ruined) but they won the war so didn't have it as bad
Yet, he was the best fighter, best flyer, could choose his house, got a love shield no one else had and so on and so on
I agree that he's a bro, but def not the whole time, def not when Harry's name comes out of the goblet.
You know who the real 100% best bro is? Hermione, bitch was down from day 1, literally everything she does is to help the poor retard.
Harry would be dead 100x over if it weren't for her.
tfw the full potential of the harry potter setting will never be realised
Rowling only made sure they didn't shack up so that Harry wouldn't get everything in the end. What a fukcing waste though
He wasn't the best fighter though, in fact he got his ass handed to him all the time.
He wasn't the best flyer either, he was def good, just not the best. Everyone could choose their house, Hermione def did.
No one else had a genius mommy that loved them very much, correct.
>Harry would be dead 100x over if it weren't for her.
Didn't that cunt get saved about 500 times over the entire series? Hermione might have saved him the most, but Harry is honestly such a plot-armored character it's pathetic. Even the little boys back in the day wanted to be Hermione more than Harry. What a useless character.
obviously, that's why couldn't even watch any of it for long long time.
Think I remember something about how she set up the relationships that way because of some childhood crush or some shit from her past and that she ultimately regretted the pairing.
As she should, Ron and Hermione has got to be the stupidest shit in the books, relationship wise anyway.
I meant amongst students.
They specifically said the hats is the one who chooses and he doesn't care about your opinions, until Harry comes along.
The movies made it even worse, Hermione might as well have been the main character.
But like I said in an earlier post, Harry is the driving force behind large parts of the plot, he needs to be picked up and put back together but that's fine.
Been a while since I read them but I recall him fucking up and lucking out more often than not. Shit, the only spell he could cast was the patronus.