Disney doesn't give a F about her happiness
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How do we save her bros?
>She knows.
Damn that's rough. I've only watched phantom menace and the original trilogy. Should I even bother with the rest kek
Hey you stupid fuck, you expect me to watch all four minutes to know what fucking part you are talking about shil? How about telling us the exact time of the video you want us to see next time retard
she was talking about her performance, watch the hole segment.
Said the same thing for TFA, that it was horrible...referring again to her performance.
Jeez faggots.
Denis Villenueve
the link takes you to 32 seconds user, unless you're a phone poster...
the absolute state of you
>Gorillas in the Mist
no it doesn't you fucking autist
>theres a limit on how much one can watch oneself onscreen
>the rest of the movie is fantastic but that...thats enough of that.
Look ma' i did it again
kill yourself
"we're just friends! nothing happened! don't be jealous it's such a turnoff ugh"
Got the one where he does the same to Kylo and he's visibly uncomfortable with it?
she was right about one thing
could you imagine the mouse giving Villenueve carte blanche like they did Rian?
see this at the end of the link? that means 0 minutes 32 seconds. For some reason embedded videos on Sup Forums dont play at the time linked, but if you click the link and follow it to youtube it will take you to 32 seconds in.
oh shit lmao. she's harsh on herself, i can relate to that.
It's stunning that she actually has the sense to not think it's fantastic, but at the same time she fucked up by not endorsing outright as I assume the cast is forced to.
How fucking retarded do you have to be to fuck up clicking a YouTube link?
Finish out the prequel trilogy.
>black people
How to get qt gf?
>"I can't believe you've done this"
Be a chad and ask her out. Or go for the next best thing and fuck a horse.
I'm starting to believe the coke rumours after watching this
i felt compelled to watch the original 6 episodes (2 of which i'd never seen) before TFA but it felt overwhelming so i never did and now i'm behind even more. i should try to watch a movie here and there to catch up
reminded me of the classic
Here and there, whenever you feel. No obligation to marathon them in one sitting.
If you're starting from scratch I'd say watch the original trilogy in order before doing the prequels
what the actual fuck is this
>original before prequels
Oh for sure. I want to watch it all as they were released.
Is her deep man-voice a result of her malfunctioning ovaries and chocolate cysts?
Horses > women
Eddie Murphy on meth trying the 'ol "dinted can" trick to lower the price of his tranny of choice.
it seems like a british thing. see: Rosamund Pike. so pretty and elegant but her voice is so off putting
"not publically, I'm not out yet!"
she's shit, are you?
Glance at the end of URLs sometimes even in browsers it doesn't take you to the timestamp... it didn't for me either nigger.
Her mouth is disturbing to look at while she talks and her real accent makes her sound like a fucking dumpster tier slag.
popular dance move
Damn straight
scarlett johansson isn't british though
>she just puts her glasses back on, getting ready for the next round
literally what?
Bullet to her head
What is this context why are the nig nogs allowed ?
This is what happens when you lie to people their whole lives and tell them "we're all exactly the same". They expect animals to act human and are shocked when they don't.
It looks like Boyega is threatening to mug me instead of hyping up a night at the club. What has him so hot and bothered bros?
He is in a pack
lol is that johnny oogabooga?
that bitch smoked the shit out her voice
First go get some glasses, you seem to have eye problems.
What Daisy really wants to say
>Jesus christ why the fuck do you grown men and women care about thiese literal childrens movies so much fir? All we're trying to do is sell toys and shit. I'm just the girl playing a fucking spacegirl with magical superpowers, it's not meant to be deep and thought provoking, it's just supposed to to distract your kids for a couple of hours. What I would give to kill this interviewer, go home, eat some pizza and watch something actually good on netflix.
they doesnt look so shocked
>Are you happy with it?
>Uhmmm....eh... sure. Yep. Yep.
that's... pretty damning
Normally you'd get the smile followed by
>Are you happy with it?
>I really am (grin) it is... so fantastic (pause and grin) it's so so wonderful (pause and grin again) I'm really happy with what we achieved and I'm excited the World gets to see it now!!!
Pretty sure a minder would tap her on the shoulder after this interview to tell her off about that
Gayest shit I have read all night, stop posting immediately.
she's far too stupid to come out with something like that. borderline retarded dug addict cunt.
that's because there's always one fucking guy in a mosh pit that takes it too far
it's a pretty fucking dumb thing anyway
>Nigger manlet
If even one single person at that show had balls he got laid out in the parking lot
what daisy should have said
>i play a mary sue and don't have the ovaries to tell the writer that my character is poorly written. i'm a whore who sells out her integrity to push feminist leftist propaganda to young children and won't have a career after this. the money is good though
She did the same thing Hamil did when she read the script.
Command grab
Western Europe, 2018. Colourised.
Autistic affection. Nothing sexual here.
post her deepfakes
The Chad Dance
>t. 56 percenter
more significantly, this video proves that the famous mark hamill shots at the TLJ press conference were NOT after he saw the movie for the first time. they were just taking out of context by faggots to build a convenient narrative.
>Oh no, black men and white women dancing together!
damn, guys, it happens, don't lose your fucking shit. it's not like she's your fucking girlfriend anyway.
if you were not such a goddamn newfag, you'd know that this doesn't work on youtube vids embedded on Sup Forums, neither on phone nor on desktop. now piss off to reddit.
that was a nice roundhouse tbqh
>le "its a kids movie so its supposed to be shit" argument
Its dangerous thinking
in the early-mid 2000s after getting over emo flyover state kids latched onto the hot new trend of what you just watched, known as the moderm "hardcore"scene music, style, dancing
utter cringe in its purest form
basically cringe in crack form
>it's not meant to be deep and thought provoking
no art women create ever is
SFM has come far.
did you have a good hanukkah?
this is not how i remember it
The Force is strong with this one.
Wow wow fucking hell wow, THAT really does say it all. Thanks for this it'll make great ammo for facebook.
Reminds me oF "SUE STORM"
maybe you should stay on facebook faggot
If you weren't such a newfag you use an extension that fixes that automatically. now piss off reddit.
ugly white bitch lmao
I think she knows everyone hates Mary Sue and that could hinder her career. What's next for her after SW? People will only remember her as that awful character and she can't even act.
she's in The Orient Express
Is that any good?
I've heard mixed things
What are they doing?
hardcore shows are so fucking stupid
>WE WUZ tshirt