Holy shit!
Holy shit!
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Holy shit. Still not gonna watch it.
Which PS2 gaem?
Sup Forums and Sup Forums BTFO again
>diverse - showing a great deal of variety; very different.
>niggers dumb enough to see marvel movies
were quite right
I like how diverse means, barely to none whites.
Well never have a better world if they fight it racism with racism.
Avengers 3 will wreck its shit. People are only watching this for the epilogue scene.
It's out?
Pretty sure that literally every nigger that can afford going to cinema in USA is going to see it. Every race mixing soyboy that dates a negress and every coalburner are going to be forced to see it by extension.
I've already seen Planet of the Apes.
>Release Date: February 16, 2018
Are you even trying?
>spend a year compiling stolen credit card data
>prepurchase tickets
>empty theatre
quite a scheme
Surely this can't be manipulated by people with fat pockets
>Finally get a black super hero that isn't some bullshit blackified white hero made to patronise blacks and piss off whites
>Sup Forumstards still mad
>SJWs still trying to say, if we like it, we should like whatever other minority hire hero they throw our way after the fact.
Black Panther was to us black kids what Thor and Batman have been to you whites.
Too bad to get a movie of him we have to suckle upon the teet of Hollywood jew.
>american blacks will watch a movie about a literal african just because he has black skin
pretty racist
I want this movie to make a lot of money, so I can spam Sup Forums
It's almost like Sup Forums just hates niggers and wants them dead/deported to Africa.
Black Panther is himself a pretty cool guy, but I expect about a Thor 1 quality movie, since everything around him is bland.
Luke Cage > BP
>whites are forced to watch 100% diverse content
>it's ok to have a black only movie
Isn't movie about black ethnostate? They might like it then.
90% of the same thing is the opposite of diverse.
Fuck off soyboy
I'd probably like Cage more if I was African American, but I'm black British.
Luke Cage has based villains though.
>bait this shitty
It's like you're not even trying
>Giving Disney even more money
>capeshitter nog calling others soy
The ABSOLUTE STATE of you lad.
>>Sup Forumstards still mad
yeah no shit nigger
it's still the same formula just the material started off with a negro
if this movie was done independently in uganda by some negro studio i'd be all for it
this is just the same appeal to sjw retardation
>tfw 2nd+ generation blacks in the U.K. and Europe are normal humans
>the only first world country where they all act like dumbass niggers is the us even after hundreds of years
Man being a burger must be just non stop suffering
>too insecure to appreciate pop culture for pop culture's sake
Your wife's son wants to watch Drive with you lad, shoo shoo.
Diversity = less white people
Of all the words of tongue or pen the funniest are these Sup ForumsPol/ btfo again
>Move over
They now realize they've set themselves up for needing to achieve a minimum 208 million opening weekend, or look like liars/failures, yes?
He's literally a Kangz meme. It's literally patronizing blacks in the most insulting and condescending fashion.
It's going to be hilarious.
>literally patronizing blacks
they don't think it's patronizing, they love it
they legitimately think they wuz kangz
Not only that, wait until all these new movie goers see the movie and have no clue of all the events from the previously built up movies...
What the fuck is an invinaty stone, Lashanda?
>Well never have a better world
You're an idiot. Sex drive isnt colorblind, it will always divide people of different color. Rivalry between races will never go away completely.
Is wakanada the only NON shithole country in Africa ?
What are DCucks going to say when this makes more money than Wonder Stick?
bcuz disney spent 100mill in marketing to buy their own presales and get the tickets out to ghettos and hiphop stations for handouts hoping this would spark an avalanche of interest
>another shitty marvel movie now featuring a black guy
There isnt a site that tracks the cleanliness of cinema's afterwards is there? as well as the number of people sneaking in.
I don't hate Ugandan films. I hate American/European films featuring black people. It's a sad reminder to me.
>my anscestor :)
>whites this booty bothered
Do you rike it?
what language is this?
i dont know what you are smoking, but 2nd and 3rd gen nigs and muds commit way more crime than their parents
We, nigguh, wuz kangz
Being black is fun. We literally get to meme up our history because the real thing, pre-whites, is too depraved for school classrooms.
Oh and don't forget pic related white boi
That's because pro black organisations got literally hundreds of thousands of dollars so poor niglets could view it
this is the definite kangz movie of our generation, possibly of all time, and niggers are too dumb to torrent. of course they're gonna flock in droves.
condolences to any cinema employee coming up
what is this post man
i legitimately did not understand anything
niggers really are brainlets
>tfw blacks started out appropriating North African history (and North Africans are counted as white in the U.S.)
>Now it's spread to Italian and Spanish history
Soon We Wuz Angloz.
>and then it sells no more
This. It's gonna be a mad house, glad I don't work a theater right now.
This movie is still going to do fucking terribly in china and possibly lessen marvels reputation there too, i cant wait
we already iz angloz bruh
OH NO not the shithole bugmen
>Black Panther was to us black kids what Thor and Batman have been to you whites.
Should have liked a better black hero like Steel. It's your own fault.
the bugmen your profit depends on nigger
do american blacks really think that all of africa used to be inhabited by blacks? Dont they know about the north africa/sub sahara divide?
not surprised every white girl in America is going to see this
Most of us are brainlets and trolls lad.
every nigger in america is going use their welfare money and see this movie 5 times and act smug about how advanced fictional africa is.
>and North Africans are counted as white in the U.S.
Stay mad cave boi
>shithole scums got tricked to pay more money to the privileged white/Jew males
It's more entertaining than the movie will be
This movie will be the biggest case of the left over analyzing media and then eating themselves alive in this post modern hell hole.
Most people wont care, but university indoctrinated whites will champion it for being so brave for a week or two, university indoctrinated blacks will scream about how it's their time now, the regular blacks of the world will like it because it's probably an okay action movie, same with blue collar whites who like action movies
but after the first two weeks, the first articles will start coming out about how it's condescending or patronizing to blacks or how the whole production is still problematic because behind the scenes it was run by whites or something, then the SJWs will start calling each other racist because it would be racist to not absolutely love this movie and the whole thing will start to burn. Grab some popcorn, boys
>its a film where they keep niggers out of their utopia
It's not fictional Africa, though. It's Wakanda. They may switch it up in the movies, but in the comics Wakanda doesn't give a shit about the rest of Africa. You're either a Wakandan, in which case they take care of you, or you're not, in which case fuck you. Wakanda is an ethnostate, but the ethnicity isn't African or le black: it's Wakandan.
>(and North Africans are counted as white in the U.S.)
user, I don't think that's a good thing
why did they make chloe a dyke
the ambiguity of the first game was way better
Ive seen articles like this before, they refuse to mention that these are presale tickets. The movie will probably still be frontloaded tho
After the somewhat mixted reception of TLJ (only grossing $1.2 billion and becoming number one movie of the year), I'm ready for Sup Forums to be utterly and indisputably BTFO once again by based Marvel.
Play debts white boi
BUT THEN.......
I think the movie will do pretty well in the US, but will probably underperform in the foreign box office. I really can't see the Chinese or even the Europeans and Japanese going in droves to the cinema to watch a movie with a 90% black cast set in Africa.
>both DCucks AND Sup Forums BTFO with one fell swoop
Mickey wins
What about Falcon?
The comics character, not the closeted gay from the movies
These are lies idiots. This is their new popular tactic. Like they announced that they'll give Rian Johnson his own trilogy because of TLJ. They announce that shit before the movie and then people forget about it. This is an advertising tactic.
Reminder: they subsidised tickets
pick one and only one
I hate that is what it comes down to on both sides. Blacks love it because it features black people and Sup Forums hates it for the same reason. I would absolutely watch a predominately black movie, just not capeshit garbage
>I'm black British.
This. they have gofundme pages to buy tickets for blacks to see this.
>being this buttblasted about your country's ability to make a world Empire
Sup Forums btfo yet again
>There is a secret nation in Africa known as Wakanda.
>Because it's secret, it was never under colonial rule
>Technologically advanced and rich
>Streets still look like a 3rd world pajeet shithole
>All technology is hogged by their kang
>Even though kang is rich enough to make Wakanda look like a futuristic utopia, he keeps 90 trillion dollars for himself while his people shit on streets and sell baskets.
Wasn't this supposed to be a positive representation of the black race?