why is nearly no female human being able to understand and comprehend this movie ? also movies and movie scenes that women will never understand
Why is nearly no female human being able to understand and comprehend this movie...
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Ultra-shit film about nothing.
I'm a guy btw :^)
> t. woman
show bobs
You mean soyboy beta-cuck?
Why don't you tell us about a good movie that females don't understand?
Do you have any actual proof that women do not understand this film besides being so pathetically insecure about your masculinity that you seek virtual pats on the back from the fellow internet badasses on anonymous taiwanese cricket board?
show bobs
The Matrix trilogy. Women are literally unable to comprehend any part of it.
Lift up your shirt, we probably have the same b-cup hairy bobs
>implying you've talked to women
It's focusing on themes of overcoming hardhips through hard work.
And hard work is something women genetically cannot understand.
While that is correct, you're still objectively wrong about M&C.
Probably because you're a betamale.
Becaues it's garbage, and would make a whole lot more sense if the ship they were fighting was american instead of french.
But americans are such cucks they trigger uncontrollably when cast as the 'bad guys'.
(You) type like a redditor
why would i ever voluntarily talk to woman ?
Yes, several women have gone as far as accuse the producer, of the film, as "wasting their time" and "not personable"
On the flip side, what movies do men not understand?
This post proves op's argument you soy riddled faggot
you sound like a whiney soccer mom from reddit
t. reddit
I’m pretty alpha for this place and find this movie to be a pathetic idealistic fantasy you betas love to jerk off to so much.
All of the French comedy/drama. My personal experience suggests that they may be too gay for a normal man.
I understand this and it's still trash
But men love a good movie about riding in the cavalry
Ok, why don't you humour me by explaining in one or two sentences why M&C is so great.
you wouldn't understand
I would, but it wouldn't help you.
Either you get it, or you don't, and I'm not about to spoonfeed you an opinion you can use.
Go watch it again.
>pathetic idealistic fantasy
>he doesn't know that o'brian's naval battles are all historical
And that's why you're on the same level as the average woman
Most likely would fuck you up no problem, so you can’t compare me to an average woman.
careful, he said hes pretty alpha for this place
>Most likely
And you sound as confident as the average woman.
>Comes onto Sup Forums and proclaims himself 'alpha'
I'm pretty sure most women would like the movie just because "omg russell crowe is so handsome"
Pic related would be a much better choice.
So you two posess neither articulation or emotion necessary to describe this film?
Being reasonable doesn’t hurt my confidence, don’t have to pretend I’m something that I’m not to overpower you.
I only remember bits and pieces from this movie.
>cute boy #1 loses an arm
>captain and doctor play music together
>old fart causes officer to an hero
>crew member shoots the doctor out of stupidity
>doctor fixes himself on tropical island
>captain gets memed by French captain
>cute boy #2 dies
I should watch it again sometime.
Some of the themes are brotherhood, camaraderie, honour & loyalty, discipline and courage.
All of these are things that betas and women cannot possibly hope to even begin to fathom.
well most are fictional but extremely accurate and realistic for the period, some are genuine expeditions though. Women would probably enjoy the romantic books like the second one more.
A bunch of unnecessary concepts for dumb men. Is there anything redeeming about the film?
Why does Sup Forums have so much bitterness towards women?
>OP says he talks to women, he swears
sexual frustration
Nu-women will never understand.
i do not, I'm not stupid
>A bunch of unnecessary concepts for dumb men
you just don't get it
like expected
I do understand now - it's a "Cannon-fodder-core". Akin to the factory workers who enjoy breathing toxic fumes.
The Matrix trilogy was headed by two women.
If you want more cute boy #1 and some bad history, see HBO's Rome. He quit acting.
you can get laid and still hate women. men who fuck a lot of women understand what whores and mental midgets they are
Sup Forums hates women and STILL doesn't get laid