why is he supposed to just give up his throne for some greasy creep that is the great infinite grandson of a king that fucked everyone over millennia ago. what the H?
Why is he supposed to just give up his throne for some greasy creep that is the great infinite grandson of a king that...
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He never had the throne idiot. He was like a mayor.
>why do you have to go to prison just because you brake some rape laws made by some dead people 100s of years ago
>guy lives in the forrest all his life shooting animals with a bow and arrow, has zero experience at leading large forces or statescraft
>will naturally make the perfect king who will fix all problems
>literally a numenorian
>objectively more intelligent, has longer lifespan and better at fighting
>would make a bad king
Aragorn lead men into battle many times and was the chief of the dunedain so had knowledge in leadership also he was raised by elrond and thus had all the advantages in terms of education laid out for him
>his throne
His right to rule as steward exists only as a subset of the right of the line of Isildur to rule.
i think you will enjoy the new star wars movies
>Authority is not given to you to deny the return of the King, Stewart!
How did Gandalf know Denethor's real name?
Nothing he could do about it being so weak and broken, any decent man could’ve taken his power from him.
Aragorn had enough learning and culture to seduce an elf princess, but you think some slobbering inbred loser is better.
lol retard
I will never get out of my head the scene with Stewart eating with his hands, he bites that grape tomato and the juice runs down his chin
Makes me hungry ever tiem
Aragorn was one of Denethor's Father's chief advisors.
literally 10/10 scene
in german because literally 11/10
just makes him a mary sue to be honest
Aragorn is older than Denethor and Theoden.
Damnit now I have to watch the whole damn extended trilogy. thanks
He wasn't the focus of the books. The books were about Sam, Frodo, and a bunch of geography.
what are you talking about
the whole movie was about overcoming his reluctance of being a weak willed man and succumbing to the ring
>succumbing to the ring
He wasn't tempted for a moment, and was only close to it (that he knew of) for half a movie.
Overcoming his reluctance was basically his entire arc.
He was schooled by elves for his entire youth.
Only through Sauronmans corruption is he allowed to, while ME is going to shit.
viggos aragorn is truly one of the best characters in cinema
That's quite literally what he's tasked to do yeah
Also he's steward of Gondor not king
Denethor is a Numenorean too.
Aragorn is heir to the throne of Arnor, not Gondor.
Are you being ironic, I can't tell.
His arc is certainly better than in the books, in that he actually has one.
the thought of being a weak man remains throughout the trilogy
the whole trilogy was proving that men are not weak
indoctrinated by Elves for his entire live, and bound to them by the promise of prime elf pussy till he dies.
no he isn't, he's 89 when he died and looked like an old cunt
aragorn is 80 and looked 30
find a flaw feggit
His accent is all over the place, and he never grows into the Kingly part of the role. He's a decent Strider, nothing more.
like karl martell, you uneducated pleb?
Faramir and Boromir are explicitly described as being very Numenorean-looking (Faramir especially, although even boromir is 7' tall), and the line of Stewards is descended from Numenorean nobility in Gondor.
King exists to be a stabilizing influence who appoints the people who actually run things while he socializes with neighboring areas rulers. Aragon is a good people person and his long lifespan means he's very reliable ruler to have from the pov of people who actually run things.
yes he does
from getting the sword from elrond and onward you can see his strength and pride
while in the first movie he's a reluctant lad
The character assassination of Denethor by the coward Peter Jackson
yes but gondorians have meddled with middle men
aragorn is pure numenorian
i'm a yuropoor
Why didn't Aragorn spread his seed around? I mean, he only had one child with Arwen right? What if that child dies in battle or something? The bloodline will be broken, and the glory of mankind will fade.
He's too restrained and soft-spoken, he's Gandalf's pet right up to the end of the movie. Even plays second-fiddle to Theoden during Helm's Deep.
When he takes charge in the books he's up on the battlements commanding uruks to surrender like a boss. Viggo doesn't get close to that kind of power.
Denethor is of Numenorean blood, but not as pure as the Rangers, especially their chiefs.
A thread of fear of corruption of racial purity run all throughout Tolkien's works, loathe though he'd be to admit it.
The thing about appointing people is correct, but a king doesn't even have to socialize, he can leave that up to the diplomats, it's simply important that the king does anything at all. Frederick William I of Prussia and Phillip II of Macedon both personally oversaw massive military reforms, for example.
aragorn gave rise to a ruling class of elf-mutts. disgusting.exe
Full blooded numenorians live to be like 150+ iirc
Even the blonde horse girl mentions she thought the line of long lived men had ended. If the whole royal stewart family was numenorian they wouldnt have hidden it, they all wouldve boasted about.
Can you really imagine Boromir not using a lineage like that to say that gondor deserves the ring?
and after helm's deep the king literally admits that viggo is more experienced
and of course you'd be soft spoken to a fucking god or whatever gandalf is
I think people eating on camera is even more disgusting than kissing or vomiting.
Numenoreans are mutts anyway, of tribes of men as well as of elfs.
that's really shitty though, hollywood garbage
the real Aragon fought to get HIS throne back, there was no pussy republicuck hesitation
yeah i said that here also tolkien is 100% right
"Pure" Numenorians are just elf/man hybrid mutts. By the time the line gets to Aragorn the elf blood is wearing thin.
All the tricks Aragorn does to prove his kingliness in Gondor are performed by Elladan and Elrohir as well. It's all a big elf scam.
that's more mary sue garbage you moron
at least the way you wrote it
dunno how it's in the books
holy shit is that a bad picture
no they're not
this is factually wrong
Read the books Boromir's family are exactly what you're talking about.
It's that way in the books but it's okay because
He’s such a shitty actor though, children’s play acting. Perfect faktura for the role though.
Yes it is.
It is factually correct.
what the fuck are you yacking on about imbecile? how is it mary sue? it's realistic, you think real pretenders were saying "oh no, i dont want to be the king, im the good guy of the story, i have a moral dilemma over it"
kek i fucking love it
>viggo is a shitty actor
factually wrong
it's like saying we're all africans because at one point we had a common ancestor
you are literally a fucking moron if you don't understand why you're wrong
you are just a pleb who cant understand and see the brilliance of kino-acting
not what a marry sue is you literal fucking glue eating moron
what kind of problem had the Frodo actor? never seen anyone shittier than him
I think Alfred Molina is a very good actor, am I still a pleb?
how does that sentence you wrote relate to my post? did you respond to the wrong post?
>how is it marry sue
you don;'t know what a marry sue is if you think that it's not a marry sue
Crying harder doesn't help your argument. Numenoreans are just descendents of Earendil. They're mutts, fallen far from their days of glory (which were horrific, they were fucking assholes throughout their history).
>movie denethor
The movies were garbage aside from the first part of Fellowship. I don't know why people are upset about Amazon potentially ruining LotR when Jackson already did it. Twice.
You faggots were probably introduced to Tolkien through those shit movies, though.
a marry sue is a realistic person now? richard iii was a mary sue? henry tudor was a mary sue? Charles VII of france was a mary sue?
>Numenoreans are le 56% face
you have zero knowledge on the mechanism in which one species diverges into subspecies/different species
go to school
a marry sue is a perfect character with no arc
all of those people had at one point moments of doubt, mistakes etc
aragorn just being a character that wants to be king and becomes king is a marry sue
Movies are great. Go suck bombameme's cock faggot.
>where is muh scourging? Btw why does movie has 10 endings?
Introduce yourself to a nonsoy diet
i thought numenoreans are descendants of some tribes that lived in what is now gondor and arnor, and todays gondorians are a mix of numenoreans and the mortal tribes of gondor that didnt turn into numenoreans ?
i don't know, the whole human tribes thing in LOTR is very complicated, im not sure if i understood right
um, no sweetie
He's 101% faggot
Nice retardation. I'm allergic to soy, by the way. Can't eat it. Literally cannot be a soyboy.
The movies were absolute shit aside from the acting and music.
how was Aragon perfect? he was just a man who had to fight to get his inheritance, and that's all he needs to be, it's still a struggle, it's still adversity that he needs to overcome. What i didn't like was how he had to be convinced to fight for his throne, it's hollywood mumbo jumbo, but whatever, it's not that big of a deal, for me it's much worse how they made aragorn, legolas and gimli a bunch of superhuman ninjas that take on entire armies alone
>i'm allergic to soy
that makes you even worse than a soyboy
He spent most of his life ducking his inheritance. Right?
yes but were did the elf friends come from? i assume what is now gondor and arnor, i assume sarumans hill men are the mortal barbarian cousins of the numenoreans
again i haven't read the books so i could be mistaken but your description of aragorn before was a man who had a goal and did his goal
no turmoil no nothing
just a to b
that is a marry sue
even if it isn't a marry sue it's a boring story with no arc
No they are not, a person who is too weak even for soy.
I just break out in hives.
>elf friends
he's more or less right you mong. he was a steward, not a king.
>a man who had a goal and did his goal
but obviously there was an obstacle to his goal, he didn't just walk up to the white city and ask politely for his crown, that would be boring, obviously
imo he was made to doubt himself for some drama or something i guess, but doesnt that make him a bigger mary sue, then him fighting for his crown, instead of like being begged by others, "please be the king, have the crown, rule us damn it"
they didn't ask him
no one did except gandalf
also fighting isn't an obstacle
there needs to be some character arc
you are a pleb if you don't understand this
if you forgoe the character arc then every movie is just dragon ball z
just the same formula of fight a dude, lose, train, fight him again, win, repeat
>Dude just charge against osgiliath lol
Mary Sue can only be used in fandom
>they didn't ask him
>no one did except gandalf
i suppose you're right, his doubt was a more deep and personal thing that only his closest and wisest advisers like gandalf and elrond knew about, he didn't renounce his inheritance
>just the same formula of fight a dude, lose, train, fight him again, win, repeat
as opposed to?
In the extended editions, Aragorn is noted to have fought in battles with the Rohirrim when Theoden was just a boy. Aragorn is in his 80's.
Also, the line of Isuldur didn't fall into ruin immediately. It declined over time.
Also, Aragorn was raised by Elrond, among the Elves. That's a pretty big deal.