Why has Hartman yet to release a statement on the recent murder-suicide he inspired? Look at how happy that smug fucker is.
Why has Hartman yet to release a statement on the recent murder-suicide he inspired...
Nigga what?
because he didn't tell anyone to do it.
Frankly, to stop copycats from doing similar things, it's best to ignore such tragedies completely.
A while back several terrorism experts and public-shooting experts all agreed to stop being featured on TV after a terrorist attack or a public shooting, because all it does is activate other people to do the same.
Neither did Charles Manson.
Literally every single terrorist attack and mass shooting has been in the media. That shit never stopped.
You'd be that happy too if you'd been balls deep in Grey Delisle and Tara Strong when they were in their prime.
What did some one kill people and then before they killed themself they said "I'm going ghost! "
He probably said that right before he blew his own brains out.
>tweet is about recording lines for bunsen is a beast
I already had my suspicions that people obsessed with Butch Hartman shows and people that are somehow attracted to his disgusting artstyle were mentally ill. I'm glad to know I was right all along.
yeah honestly the style he opts for is really.... uncanny, but its been around for so long now that you usually dont think much about it
He won't, because he's not a complete idiot.
Someone with a twitter acount needs to ask him for an official statement on the matter.
>you will never kill people over never getting a stereo mix of a cartoon show song
I shouldn't laugh so hard when reading this
>average Sup Forums scum
>'I'm going ghost' before he kills himself
Is he, dare I say /our guy/?
>posters held up with packaging tape
See Giving people like this attention is not at all a good idea.
He's dead, he doesn't know he's getting attention. It's not like he's in jail and getting word of all the autists talking about him on Sup Forums.
This is the reason you never hear about serial killers anymore. The police realized publicity just encouraged the killer to kill more, created copy cats and got false confessions.
Giving people like this attention makes other people more likely to commit similar crimes.
Good. Maybe if enough people do it, Hartman will finally get charged with something.
no you retard, its the autists that are still alive that'll get their encouragement from this. They see all the buzz surrounding something like this and be reassured that this could be their way of leaving a mark on the world.
clearly we must draw porn of his ocs as revenge
Are you saying I could be famous if I do something like this?
Hartman did nothing wrong.
Why didn't the Beatles apologize for a delusional maniac murdering people because of their songs?
Obviously that's what he wanted all along. He recognized he wasn't a good enough artist to give his characters the kind of porn they deserve. So now Shadman is taking control of the situation for him.
Well, we'll certainly have to agree to disagree on that point.
Because they're a bunch of hippies who take no responsibility for their actions?
Or forget he even existed months from now.
Just like losing faith can kill a god.
That didn't stop Rebecca Sugar from saying something when her fandom almost killed someone.
>his da is already getting comments about this
So why are we?
some guy obsessed with Danny phantom and killed people. he had a crush on ember the ghost girl. its pathetic and funny.
You're a fucking retard.
Because she is an idiot.
Huge infodump about his personality
So this is the faggot who autisticly shrieks about e-celebs.
Probably why Hartman still looks so young at his age
"Butch Hartman here and welcome to my channel. Today we're drawing the victims of a massacre caused by one of my fans... in Fairly Odd Parents style!"
Ok, I'll take the bait.
Asking that of him is like asking Jodie Foster to apologize for President Reagan getting shot.
OP is lowkey a terrorist and wants to spread this message
Fuck Jodie Foster. She's a massive cunt and people should have been relentless towards her.
Before anyone asks, yes I'm quite proud of myself.
hahahahaha i can see his shit eating grin "its time for ghosting!" we will surely remember the names of the victims lol
>this board talks all types of shit against Hartman
>he has easily accessed public social media
>all this board can ever muster up is "I-I-I like y-y-your work" and "new Fairly Oddparents could be better"
No but idiots think they could be if they do
I dunno, man. This guy seems to be getting pretty famous around here. He might be onto something,
The sad thing is I could see it too. Butch will latch onto this eventually when he realizes how (((relevant))) it will make him.
>Artists with delusions of grandeur can't draw
>Ask someone if he can have his own show
>Get's told he can't draw
I'm not a psychologist but I genuinely believe the root of all shootings/terrorist attacks are autistic no social skills losers who are "misunderstood". Every single on of these guys are the types of rejects normal functioning people would mock and bully, and the only reasoned they are "feared" is that any moron with a gun or a car can be a threat if they wanted to.
He didn't die, he was just going ghost
OP why don't you @ Hartman and ask him yourself?
someday someone will shoot a grocery store over steven universe
I don't have a twitter.
Except the alternative is the "truck becomes sentient and begins killing people for no Islam-related reason" narrative that the media tried to push following the Nice attacks last year, and which happened again last week after the London attacks.
Giving attention and turning shooters into idols may not be a good thing, but neither is it pretending that this sort of stuff are mindless eventualities like the weather.
Then make one if you care so much fag
Even if you stopped Butch from working in TV he probably would've done it nothing. People like him would fine something else to be insane about. The Slenderman kid would've killed for something else. The only thing we can do to stop shit like this is mentally help before signs so up or at least very small
Charles Manson DID tell his family to kill those people, Manson himself didn't kill anybody.
>Neither did Charles Manson.
You're a fucking retard dude.
Seems to be the case, most of these dudes would go down easily in a fist fight, the weapon is the only thing making them a threat. Take it away and all you have is a punching bag.
Though he did try and fail to shoot a random black guy to death.
We've all been there.
This behavior is why people like you deserve to get shot
Manson was a conman and confidence trickster who got way in over his head, and had his group basically go paranoid on him. He tried to ride it out and failed miserably.
Oh shit son we got another school shooter here! Let's hide before he reads a totally deep and dark poem about his suffering, then realize that shit is fucking dumb and just decide to get daddy's gun in hopes to be taken seriously!
Can anyone explain to me why these freaks with bad childhood and mental issues always shoot those who have nothing to do with their autism?
I mean, hypothetically speaking, if I were ever to snap, I'd go after particular people I dislike. Not total strangers. Why do random people have to be involved in this?
Imagine if this dude was a Muslim, Trump would be creaming himself over it
>people I dislike. Not total strangers
he killed people he worked with. I dislike most of the people i work with.
I'm not saying we SHOULD beat them up, I'm saying that the person themselves wouldn't win a fight in a public area.
Go fuck yourself you shit eating faggot
Hartman's been doing business for years, he's not gonna crack with something so minimally involved with his work.
A lot of the time it's not about getting even. It's about the theater of it all. It's about making some kind of statement or getting attention. It's just terrorism.
Not the case here though, he killed people that he worked with.
And that's why he doesn't know. Most people don't read crappy tabloid clickbait sites
You seem upset user.
What did he mean by this?
Mass shootings are just such a dime a dozen now though, I wonder why they keep doing it. Like, If I were one of the delusional pricks, I'd jump off the highest point in the largest populated city that I live by, I'd get attention and infamy and no one else has to die.
Take your pick.
>no one else has to die
And that's why they do it. Commit suicide, you'll be forgotten within a week. Take a few with you, and they'll be quoting you for years in the following anti-cartoon, anti-vidya game campaigns
Because people who never see it coming are easier targets, and these shooters are such fucking pussies that they can't handle shooting fish that aren't in a barrel. They're cowards on top of everything else and need to target people rendered defenseless by the fact that they see no reason for the shooter to target them.
Someone managing to jump from the Empire State Building would get more coverage than this my a country mile, that's for sure.
Because they take out their depression or anger out in society. They believe that it's not their fault, see all the bad in the world and somehow justify it to believe it's those "phonies" that ruin everything. So they take out there anger on the innocent they deem is to be what's wrong in society. This is practically how terrorist groups works, that's why most terrorist are young adults.
Sup Forums finally has a killer. What board gets one next? I'm going with /cgl/.
Andrew Blaze did it all for his waifu Amber McFlame, user. He is finally with his waifu. You may find what he did atrocious yet respect the dead regardless.
Steven Universe is prolly next someone is going to flood a barn or drown some people all for their waifu Lapiss Lazuli.
Because they want to be tuff edgy killers, but don't really have the guts to go full Aleksandr Spesivtsev or Richard Trenton Chase (not idolizing those freaks, just saying that it's easier to just shoot.).
This is Reddit-tier bullshit.
>special PSA on his Youtube
Hartman will eventually.
/cgl/ will get a rapist at worst
It's only one guy who only killed like 3 people. Pretty insignificant even compared to most similar events that get blown way out proportion.
No, Hartman is old and busted.
Rebecca Sugar is the new hotness, wait until some /sug/fag goes berserker first.
ITT: Comic book scenes lacking any context
Nah, /cgl/ is a different type of evil. They're the typical Mean Girls that mostly deal in backstabbinng and manipulation.
A user will drive someone to suicide is my bet.
Why would anyone want to rape anyone on /cgl/?
Spending a week on /cgl/ made me hate women.
Oh fuck wth. thought I was out of this threat, I was just reading it.
Why is golden age Superman so op?