Is Wakanda based on anything real

is their a african society which is the most advanced in the world?

Other urls found in this thread: with the best internet&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=cities with the best internet&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2656j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Actually a lot of African cities are more advance than other nations cities because they were built with new technologies in mind. For example, you can be miles in the Sahara and still get full cell phone signal.

You wouldn't know that because nobody learns about Africa.

no... there is no country in Africa as sophisticated as say Germany when it comes to technology

Yup. A lot of African cities have better internet than most of American cities. Then again, it really doesn't take much to achieve that.

ummm im pretty sure the fact that the U.S landed a man on the moon is more advanced than anything Africa has done

Most African nations that had a chance to be good or great either fucked themselves over or outside influence fucked them. Mostly it is themselves.

wrong with the best internet&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS733US733&oq=cities with the best internet&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l5.2656j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

4 US cities are in the top 10 in the world

That doesn't exactly disprove user's claim. He didn't say they were the top 10, just better than most.


but at no point in recorded human history was a african civilization the most advanced in the world

and by that i mean Sub-Saharian Black Africa

nah. the concept of Wakanda was that it was a completeley lost civilization, like Mu or Atlantis, only recently confirmed to actually exist (relative to its introduciton in Marvel)

We all know that. That's the whole shtick and why it's isolated from the rest of the continent. Their history and development iirc was separate from the bantu expansion

Jesus Christ bless Google Fiber.

It seems to have been loosely inspired by Ethiopia, one of the few countries in Africa that doggedly resisted any colonization attempts. The superscience stuff is just fantasy, though, as Ethiopia was no more advanced than other nations at the time.


It's probably inspired by the bizarre juxtaposition of Africa having large, modern cities that were built before the natives had a chance to fully adapt to modern mentality. Some parts of Africa are a bizarre mishap-mash of high tech and primitive.


Dubai is in the middle-east, not Africa. you can google it

He said city, not country. Wakanda is essentially just a City-State like Atlantis or Attilan.

>U.S landed a man on the moon
>Americans actually still believe this
haha oh wow

But you see man, it's confirmed due to lasers and shit.

I don't know about advanced, but Mali, Ethiopia, and the Swahili city-states were all pretty wealthy while Europe was going through the dark ages. Of course, they didn't have a shade on China in the same period, though.

This. Even the comic designs seem to be Ethiopia. It was the first African country to adopt christianity and was actually far ahead of Europe in that. The churches they built were/are insane! Carved right out of mountains. That shows you how mathematically advanced they were for the time.

I would say it also draws some ideas from more ancient african nations like Sheba biblical stories and probably Timbuktu, which during the middle ages was the most advanced university in the western world.

>this is the state of millennial education




What is the point of threads like that?

I don't know why white people are so smug,when they are pretty much niggas compared to us far Asians.

Actualy, is there any far asian utopian city on Marvel/DC?

Is the kid on the rights power the power to turn white? Also if are they supposed to be Egyptians, am I missing something here?

Mali I guess. That or a random assortment of whatever reference material the artist was using

I assume their power is the ability to control sand, which seems to give their skin a lighter coarse texture

you talking wakanda

but europe was still superior

27th Century Egypt.

Only ones filled with Monks. Kek

No because Niggers aren't smart

Neither are americans. Is that stopping them?

Given that they were basically a bunch of barbarian kingdoms fighting over a post-apocalyptic wasteland at this point, that's quite a stretch.

>Is Wakanda based on anything real
No, it isn't, it's a dumb superhero story.

Sup Forums is leaking HARD today

Ethiopia was really the only one that wasn't just a trade empire that got steamrolled. They stayed Christian when Muslims were going conquering in their prime. Africa is kinda shit because it doesn't get a lot of rain in most places, a growing desert, incursions by almost every other great civilization kicking the shit out of them and fucking the wounds, and the fact that they never hunted most of the other big predators to extinction like Europeans and Muslims did.

I'm feeling generous so here's a (you) to make up for your retardation

No. It's one of those retarded types of "all black people must be super-scientists" type of things you find in fiction. However there are some small African nations like Rwanda and Uganda which are well-run and developing quickly under tight military control, and in the 1980s the nation of Burkina Faso made tremendous strides under communism.

>people being racist on Sup Forums
>must be Sup Forums

You really really need to go back to whatever website you originally came from

>africa is shit but it's not the fault of the africans

When your empires collapse because a european empire outlaws the slave trade it's pretty much 100% your fault

That kid has vitiligo, a really rare heritable skin condition which results in your skin getting splotchy white patches. The excuse people give for Michael Jackson getting plastic surgery to look white is "he had da vitiligo so he wanted it 2 look uniform n sheeit".

tumblr and liberal artists in general love it very much.

>When your empires collapse because a european empire outlaws the slave trade it's pretty much 100% your fault

People give the South shit for this all the time, but I guess when it happens in Africa it's cause of racism somehow.

Timbuktu didn't have an university, it had four madrassas than more or less shared texts and guarded them. Than made them a point of pilgrimage for NA and other Mena people too and propelled islam in Africa. Also the madrasas were made be the berbers(or Andalusians, funily enough), for example Sankore means white nobles,aluding to the tribe if tge Sanhaja Berbers than made and paid it. Mansa Paid for another when the city was anexed, comisioned to an andalusian poet (how the fuck he did know about buildings is anyone guess), the last was made be Sidi Yahya Al-Tudeli, an andalusian exile (it has a quaint legend too).

>4 US cities are in the top 10 in the world
Do you have any idea how many American cities still have fucking dail-up? You poor poor retard.

Just because you live in bumfuck, alaska doesn't mean the rest of the USA is a Canada-lite shithole

Friend of mine went to some Central-African country for some charity organisation.

When she came back, she couldn't stop talking about homeless people that owned cellphones and/or laptops with internet access allowing them to get flex jobs from day to day.

Those homeless people would rather have access to the internet than own a home. Internet access gave them access to work. A house only costs money.

That's cyberpunk as fuck.

Actually that sounds kinda baller for story potential. Get Marvel on the phone and a new BP story around that.

your average modern vending machine is more technologically advanced than the moon landing.

You realize the vast majority of Africa has even worse internet than that, correct

Fucking black people. I'm starting to understand why they are treated like shit everywhere.

>You really really need to go back to whatever website you originally came from
Sup Forums's been infested with redditors and edgy teens ever since the election because of Sup Forums. I miss the old Sup Forums before it became "lol xD jews and niggers amirite? am i fitting in with yoor maymays?"

Something low-key though.

Murders happening in some motel for homeless workers. Some local kid finds a black catsuit in the trash, gets the idea to dress up as BP, and catches the killers (illegal organ traders). Final fight almost kills the kid, but some mysterious shadow saves the kid. Implied that it was BP helping the kid.

Now you have a BP comic about the whole shit situation outside Wakanda, and a setup for an African superhero actually trying to fix shit.

Hell, you could even give the kid some soft rivalry with BP.
>you just sit behind your walls being rich!
>you're just like the people in the west!

Ye, When African countries get their shit together to develop cities, they do pretty good.
A little bit like South Korea

I've seen a few people with it. It looks weird. You see someone with a white face with black facial features and then you look at his skin and realize he has a skin issue,

>Now you have a BP comic about the whole shit situation outside Wakanda, and a setup for an African superhero actually trying to fix shit.

been done. like 3 time already.

Jesus that sounds perfect
>introduce western readers to unique situation in African countries
>not just aesthetically African but the plot threads are particular
>great for heart warming moments like you wrote

And Marvel says they can't sell comics

>Do you have any idea how many American cities still have fucking dail-up?
Do you have any idea how many Africans don't even have that?


user, no civilization other than China could claim that starting at the dawn of civilization through the 1700's when it became England then the US.

>Its a "Sup Forums takes sledgehammers to the low-hanging fruit that is the third world continent of Africa" episode
Must be a slow news day

>Thread was actually dropping some interesting knowledge on Africa
>Gets quickly derailed by Sup Forumsacts going "NUH UH!"

I think Africa has a lot of untapped potential. We just need to get it under control. All the resources we used trying to turn the Middle East into democracies could have been used to colonize some African countries for the better.

No, they just don't have much to add to the comey testimony.
Same on the left, it wasn't a very satisfactory day for either side

>We just need to get it under control.
China's Got you covered.

Lame work made by an assimilated black person is probably the worst reason I've ever heard.
Can I get a source that most black people follow this? That particular kickstarter had less than 400 backers.

Both sides put fingers in ears and shitpost their view anymore.

Discourse is dead unless we discuss history.

Africa is going to become a whole new cultural landscape what with the Empire of Dust going up

I showed it to my friends from the DR (very capitalistic) and they were really blown away seeing Africans speaking mandarin so casually

I think most of those backers are just Pre-Ptolemic-Egyptaboos.

I like to cut of your jib.
Yeah, history is the only thing that we have a record that can be discussed...current events are too subject to "fake news" accusations

I find it funny because it's literally the boy who cried wolf...Fox, NBC, CNN all tried to manipulate the news with sensation so often that now if crazy things are happening, no one trusts their account and journalism

Discourse is dead, money in politics is the best way to go to influence the world

Not if you live in the UK.

Don't you guys have bombs to deal with?


The bigger issue is the hung parliament they reached.


Nope not a single country from Africa is on par with Wakanda.

Hey wait a minute

If there's so much super science and magic in Marvel then how is Africa still shitty?

Fuck internet. There are chunks of mainland US that don't even have 911 service. Meanwhile parts of Africa has to make do with a bicycle ambulance as their go to van.

Why is Islamic terrorism still a thing in Marvel? Why is cancer still around?

These are the mysteries.


As if marvel would do any research on Africa.

You'd be looking at America II African Boogaloo.

>Corbyn gains seats
>Still doesn't have to drink the poisoned Brexit chalice
>Conservatives have to deal with DUP with a straight face

Today is a good day.

Ignoring the fact that this thread has literally devolved into shitposting about whether Africa (a 3rd world country) or the US (1st world) has relatively worse infrastructure (with neither gaining the upper hand in this argument)...

It's based off a mixture of African countries that resisted colonisation (see Ethiopia and Abyssinia before Italy got outsmarted for too long, and just decided to go proto scorched earth) and mythical/exaggerated civilisations (such as Atlantis and fables related to Babylon) which supposedly had alien like tech.

Wakanda is extremely isolationist, even to it's neighbours.

Think of how many people in England actually gave a fuck when stuff like the potato famine happened to their neighbours, or how many right wing/Vichy apologists there were in WWII. Neighbouring countries don't give a fuck, and will keep you in the dirt for shits and giggles if they want.

Egypt and Carthage you idiot.

If you consider gambling and hookers utopia there's Madripoor.

No country but some parts of some cities are like that.

I'd say Egypt came the closest


That's just a fancy way of saying Hotep.

>Africa (a 3rd world country)

Seriously? This thread was kept, but my post criticizing it for being Sup Forums was warned?

Way to earn your no pay, new janitor. You sure are doing a great job encouraging Sup Forums-related discussion. Way to change the discussion, you're really revolutionizing the boundaries.


Feck, sorry.

Even still, Germany and Japan have an edge on technology than most countries. Being cucked after a war they focused on infrastructure. You telling me somewhere in africa there's a city with the level of creature comforts and logistics as tokyo?

Dude they got taken over by the spaghetti people in WW2.

Do you know how awful the Italian military is?


The only Marvel titles I'm pulling currently are Infamous Iron Man, and Cable.

Which Spiderman is that, and why does such a shit team exist?

Dude the chinks are strip mining Africa as we speak. Look up the documentary "Empire of Dust"


They have the right idea.

That is some next level of pragmatism.