Hey Emma Watson has bangs! I can do that too, surely I'll look great

>hey Emma Watson has bangs! I can do that too, surely I'll look great

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Bitch looks fucking retarded. Close your mouth you subhuman trash




she's cute enough that she looks good even with a retarded haircut desu




this is all to draw attention away form the inevitable police report about her beating up her boyfriend again comes out give it 5 days tops

I don't have anything against the whole female reboot craze, but doing that to Dumb & Dumber is just too much

the dutch boy haircut doesn't look good on anybody

what the fuck has worst emma even been in? does anyone know her for anything?

like wtf

why is she going to events

get a job bitch

be in a movie people have actually seen maybe?


It got her in your spotlight. Just according to keikaku. See you around, kid ;)

She was in a movie with an actress that’s much better looking and the queen of Sup Forums last year

She just ZEF now



Ffs girls just get normal looking hair, this shit is totally unacceptable. Lock her in the stink pit until her hair grows out again.

I want her to bully me with that cleopatra hair and make me lick her goddess feet

>what the fuck has worst emma even been in?
probably most famously Harry Potter but she also played Belle in the remake of Beauty and the Beast

It's just a wig, who cares.

It's uncanny

so fucking sexy

Would you rather fuck a jar filled with glass and dirt or a girl with bangs?


That looks awful

First of all, Emma's wearing a wig. so all you folks better stop whining like 12-year-olds... As for you falseflagging watsoncucks quit it with the tiresome low quality bait. We already know who the real worst emma is out of the top 3.

Second of all, young ladies like Emma change their hairstyle every few weeks, sometimes EVERY week. So, if you can't handle seeing one brief retro phase for a single event - bangs happened to be fashionable at a time before some of you overreacting little plebs were born fyi - then you'll probably remain a virgin the rest of your life, forever questioning: "oh, why don't girls like me, I'm a mature guy"