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What am I looking at here?

Low-Budget Pornography

I dont know if it deserved a thread of its own, but that IS some good poop OP.

A giant cute.

I wanna be carried by that Pearl.

Seems like it's a fusion of each Pearl.

Nothing surpassing "HEY LAPIS, ARE YOU GAAAAAYY?", but I lol'd

What was the Jasper bit from?


My favourite 'GAAAAAAAY' is where she makes Pearl jump and knock over the cups.

>Nigga, you're crazy, I can't afford an XBox!


Steven Jewniverse was the only funny SU ytp

>a poop made of many small disjointed poops
>there is no TV static transition
thank christ

all i wanna do, is put my dick into a giant woman.

So, normal Pearl is a rebeld warrior, blue Pearl is a shy cutie and Yellow Pearl is a smug bastard.

What is the personality of the final fusion?

You're forgetting Steven Jewniverse Twoniverse

A tsundere who is very affectionate after she gets to know you.

wow this is worse than the actual show, and i didnt think that was possible

Aren't pearls considered the weakest of Gems?
I doubt a fusion of three pearls would be that tall.
But still cute.
Despite having Pearl in the mix.

>Aren't pearls considered the weakest of Gems?
Pearls are on the low-end of the gem power scale, but it's never been explicitly stated that Pearls are the weakest of gems.

Pearl sure gets her ass handed.

>But still cute.
>Despite having Pearl in the mix.
Don't bully Pearl she has enough issues as it is.

Motivated!Pearl can beat Sugilite.


With cleverness and tactics, not intrinsic power.

These videos keep me watching Steven Universe.

I think Sapphires are weaker, but their power is pretty OP

>having powerlevel talk in SU
>where being a giant crybaby magicaly solves all your problems

It's about booking, not powerlevels.

I'm including all the jewniverse videos

Attack on Titan: Pearl addition

I miss youtube poops so much. Steven Jewniverse is the shit.