So I get what the Baseline test is used for, but what is the relevance of the poem used during the test?

So I get what the Baseline test is used for, but what is the relevance of the poem used during the test?

Other urls found in this thread:

What was it used for?

it's literally the baseline you brainlet

apparently a robot cant say interlinked without exploding.

what a stupid fucking flick. and to think, people think its the best movie of all time. kek

The book is in K's apartment. That segment of the questionnaire is personally chosen by the replicant so if in the future their response is slower or different its a pretty clear danger sign something is troubling them and they need to get iced.


>apparently a robot cant say interlinked without exploding.
I'm sorry what? What exploding?
And K is not a robot.

>apparently a robot cant say interlinked without exploding.
>is too stupid to understand the film
>calls it stupid instead


They're "programmed" that the baseline confirmation is how they say the poem, and are probably examined for eye movement, sweat, breathing, etc
Not much too it

He's asking why is that specific poem used, not how it works

this whole movie was filled with stupid unexplained crap like this

It’s not poetry unless they rhyme

Some things literally need no explanation because of how irrelevant they are.

How is it unexplained? Unless you haven't seen the original it is perfectly clear what the purpose of the baseline test is - it's just an updated version of the VK test. You know who needs already established ideas explained to them film to film? Idiots and plebs. Which are you?

Goose chose it because he has autism

The poem was chosen by Gosling himself
Probably just a way for him to get into character better

>haven't seen prior movie
>director says you don't need to see the first one to understand his movie
>can't divine the contents of a film I haven't seen...must be an idiot or a pleb

>waaaahhh I need to be explained EVERY single concept used in the film by a character reciting lines about it straight into the camera waaaaah
Go watch your Inception flick

Yes actually, if you can't figure out what the baseline test is, you're an idiot. Really stupid.

Its a poem about various concepts that will trigger an emotional response in a replicant who is having undesirable thoughts e.g.
Do you feel trapped or restricted by your circumstances?
Do you feel guilty about something?
Do you desire companionship or have you secretly found it?

There's nothing special about the poem other than that it sounds cool.

>thinks 2049 is "deep philosophical keeno"
>tells someone else to watch Inception
Villanolan fans are truly less self-aware and more pathetic than Rick&Morty ones.

You should have posted this thread on /lit/, Sup Forums is too dumb to give you a proper answer.

Where did I even imply anything like that? I just explained how you were baffled by such a simple concept of emotional testing, the fact that it is simple and straightforward is what makes it even more unbelievable that you found that there had to be some explanation about it.

No one is claiming this is deep philosophical kino friend, you're just an idiot if you need every single concept explained to you in detail. If you're struggling with Blade Runner, you probably struggle with not breathing through your mouth. This is not complicated stuff.

>"I didn't understand it, so it must be stupid! What a bad flick!"
How much of a soyboy are you?

No you are literally too stupid for the movie. I saw blade runner 10 years ago couldn't remember it. I had no problem understanding this scene. You just are too fucking stupid. I'm sick of stupid fucks like you actually thinking your opinions are valid. If you are too fucking dumb to understand that scene why bother fucking discussing the movie at all.

>pretending that a bunch of meaningless bullshit has meaning
I think you're the soyboy you fucking faggot

>"I didn't see any meaning, so there is none! It's all bullshit!"
You just did it again.

Are you 12?

The verses are from third canto in Pale Fire that tells a story of a man who sees a surreal fountain in his dream and later discovers a precise description of that fountain in a paper. He takes it as some important cosmic sign and tries to get in touch with the author, but it turns out she's already dead and the poem was actually misprinted (fountain instead of mountain). Same "you're not special" theme.

Ok, anons, which is your baseline test poem?


gangsta's paradise by coolio

Reddit unironically has a the deeper explanation

fucking "patrician" brainlets on this board i swear

This user explained it concisely

Your first link is probably the stupidest thing I've read all week and I spent a lot of it on Sup Forums and grading freshman papers.

What exactly do you get out of browsing Sup Forums

Wait, what? Wasn't VK a test to see if you're a replicant or not whereas baseline is supposed to test if the Blade Runner is still on edge?