Give it to me straight Sup Forums
Are the memes real?
Was it really this bad?
Give it to me straight Sup Forums
Are the memes real?
Was it really this bad?
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I still haven't seen the force awakens, let alone the new shit. I don't even watch movies or tv.
The memes aren't real. I'm pretty sure those who hated the movie have no knowledge of film dynamics, and it's embarrassing to see the manchildren flip out over nothing.
It's true. All of it. Mark Hamill didn't know Luke was going to be killed off. A women in a dress with purple fucking hair berates Poe like he's a child, calling him things like "macho" (real subtle, I know). They turn a spaceship into a relativistic missile with the power of hyperspace, retroactively destroying the idea of the Death Star ever being a threat. Or needing to exist. This is only the tip of the iceberg.
Luke was right. Ben Solo was fixed on his path towards the dark side and although he might be turned later, killing him right then could have saved so many lives. In terms of saving lives, he made the right choice every time. But he couldn't bring himself to kill Ben anyway.
The missile thing I took as being the initial entry to hyperspace, the ship needed to be close to do it. And to not be fired upon and destroyed. They made a point to show the enemy to believe her maneuver to be distraction and so did not fire on her. Their mistake allowed her to pull this off. Under normal circumstances she would have been blown to bits or never would have gotten close enough.
TLJ was necessary, though. You have to grow Star Wars if you're gonna keep pumping out movies, and that means branching out with new ideas and concepts. Which in turn means upsetting fans. Which is what we're seeing.
Personally, though I'll admit the movie has flaws, it was entertaining and did many things right. Like how it shows that not every random initiative by the heroes just ends up being a glorious success because plot armor, and that heroes can fail, that's important.
The movie is, like all critical theory propaganda machines, implicitly about dismantling white/western culture and classical concepts of productive masculinity and heroism. It reinforces the message currently floating around this social climate that western civilization is inherently evil and should be destroyed and forcibly forgotten (much like the destruction of history and culture that followed the communist takeovers of Russia and China) and replaced with the propping up of today's youth with self-aggrandizement and the insistence that society up to this point has never given them anything, only taken. It tells them that they have the power to take control of the future due to an inherent moral superiority on account of being the oppressed minority, and not because they inherited this power from past heroes who fought and sacrificed in the name of liberty to secure them the comforts and opportunities they now possess.
Which memes do you mean?
Chances are most of what you've heard about it being terrible is right, but there are a few bits of bullshit that have slipped by as well